The rest of the day was the same. Yellow bullied pink, pink was miserable, mama ignored it all, smiling away to herself. The only time she got up was when pink screamed that he couldn’t find the water bowl, or that he needed to use the litter-box again. Fortunately, mama learned from last time, and this time personally led pink to the litter-box before he could have another accident.
Eventually they all went to bed. Well, mama and yellow did, pink ambled around in circles for a while before just flopping down where he was, quietly sobbing about his bed ‘hiding’ from him, despite it being in the same place as before.
The abuser waited until it was dark and they were all properly asleep before making his move.
This time, he picked out yellow, and once again carried the fluffy (bed and all) to the bathroom just to make sure nothing went wrong.
Once inside, he applied a small dosage of the numbing solution to yellow’s legs, enough to completely numb them, but it would have at least partially worn off by dawn… which was exactly what he wanted. Not only that, but he was given another dose under his chin, numbing his lips and tongue.
WIth yellow properly dosed up, he was carried back into the spare room, and the abuser departed for the night.
The next morning couldn’t come fast enough.
“Hey mama! Hey babies!” The abuser said again as he walked into the room the next morning.
He got no response.
He looked around the room. Pink was slumped in the middle of the room, wheezily snoring with what sounded like quiet sobs on every exhale.
Yellow was lying perfectly still in his bed, still asleep from the night before.
And mama was out of her bed, but she didn’t seem very energetic. She was slumped on her rear in a corner of the room, absent-mindedly jabbing at a ball with her hoof, less pushing it and more just poking it.
“I said, hey mama, hey babies!” The abuser shouted into the room, startling all the fluffies at once.
“EEP! NOISEY!” Mama squeaked, jumping up and spinning around so fast she tripped over her own hooves and landed on her side.
“Huh? Wha?” Pink mumbled, waking up slowly with his partially deaf ears absorbing most of the sound.
Yellow, however, was most interesting of all.
Yellow had reacted very similarly to his mother… or he had at least attempted to. He had sprang up at the sound, his entire body jerking into the air as if having been electrocuted, but then he’d began to stumble and actually fell out of his bed, sprawling on his side much like mama had done… except yellow hadn’t even turned around.
Not only that, but his voice was coming out as more of a strangulated yowling than an actual ‘voice’. He had attempted to say ‘eep, munstah’, but instead it came out as ‘URP! AHR-UHR!’
The abuser watched yellow, and smiled.
“What’s going on here?” He asked, walking into the room and looking directly at pink. “Why isn’t pink in bed?”
“Huhuhu… pink nu can find bed…” Pink muttered, miserably. “Twy and twy and twy buh bed meany, pink hab sweep hewe instead.”
“Well, that’s terrible, isn’t it?” The abuser said, swivelling his gaze to look at mama instead. “Mama, why didn’t you help pink to his bed last night?”
“Whuh?” Mama asked, as if remembering for the first time that pink was still alive. “Oh, dummeh pink nu say nuffin, an’ mama awweady sweepy…”
“So you left pink, who is blind, to find his way to his own bed, just because you were tired?” The abuser asked. Mama beamed proudly and nodded, evidently thinking she had done something very intelligent.
The abuser was snapped out of thoughts of impaling mama on a barbed-wire fence-post by the sounds yellow was attempting to make.
“UHR AH-EN?!” (What happened?) “UR AN EEK!” (No can speak!)
“Oh dear.” The abuser said, walking over to yellow, who was still lying on his side as his legs twitched and wobbled uselessly. “Mama, what’s happened to yellow?!”
“Huh? Wha?” Mama asked, her voice a cross between fear and exhaustion. “Wha nao?! Wha happen nao?!”
“I don’t know.” The abuser said as mama trotted over to where he was kneeling by yellow. “But look at yellow! He can’t stand up anymore, he can’t walk or run around anymore! And look, he can’t even speak anymore!”
“UH-AH!” (Mama!) Yellow growled, his mouth hanging open slackly as drool poured from his jaws like a river, soaking into the floor as he stared at her with pleading, fearful eyes. He had woken up and found not only that his legs wouldn’t work anymore, but also that he couldn’t speak properly anymore. It was enough to drive anyone into a fit of absolute terror.
“Wha?! Babbeh, stawp bein dummeh!” Mama pleaded, with all the heart and sensitivity of Mother Theresa. But yellow just replied with another gurgling shriek.
“UH-AH! EP!” (Mama! Help!)
Mama looked at yellow, and seemed genuinely afraid. Now all three of her babies had been having problems, and she had no idea what was causing it!
“Mummah? Bwuddah? Wha happenin’?!” Pink babbled in fear from the middle of the room. The abuser got up and walked over to him, gently stroking his head.
“It’s okay buddy.” The abuser said loudly, so that pink, mama and yellow could all hear. “There’s just something wrong with yellow.”
“WWONG?!” Pink squeaked in fear.
“Yeah, I don’t know what happened.” The abuser lied. “But yellow can’t walk anymore, and he can’t talk anymore either.”
“OO! AN AWK!” (Nu! Can talk!) Yellow grunted.
“Wha?” Mama asked, dumbfounded. “Wha babbeh sayin? Wha mean?”
“I have no idea mama, but you know what this means?” The abuser asked. Mama looked at him, exhausted and scared. “You’re going to have to take special care of yellow too. He can’t walk to get any food, he can’t walk to the litter-box either. You’re going to have to help him with that.”
“And don’t forget pink!” The abuser continued. “Pink can’t see anything, remember? And he can’t hear so good either.”
Mama sighed, wearily.
“O-otay daddeh… mummah hewp babbehs…”
She waddled closer to yellow, unsure of what to do.
“BABBEH!” She shouted directly in his face. “YOO NEE’ WITTAH-BAWKS?!”
Yellow replied with a grunt that could have been either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and neither the abuser or mama knew what it meant.
“Daddeh, wha babbeh say?” Mama asked nervously. The abuser just shrugged.
“Hey, you’re his mama, you need to figure that out.” He replied, before turning and walking over to pink, leaving mama and yellow behind to figure things out.
“Hey pink.” The abuser said softly, picking up the pink fluffy and gently stroking his head.
“Snff. Daddeh?”
“Yeah, I’m here buddy. How are you feeling?”
“Hu-hu-hu… pink am saddies… wan seesy again, n’ heawsy again, buh nu can! N’ yewwow bwuddah is big meany, make laughies at pink! And-and-and…”
“Yeah, that sounds really rough.” The abuser said, cutting off his tearful rambling. “But you know what?”
“Snff. Wha?”
“Yellow has problems now too. He can’t speak, and he can’t walk.”
Pink nodded, staring blindly into space, evidently not getting the hint.
“Which means,” The abuser continued. “If someone were to start being mean to him, he couldn’t run away, and he couldn’t tell anybody about it either.”
Several seconds passed before pink finally got it, his face lighting up.
“Otay daddeh! Can pink gu… uhm… ‘pway’?” He asked. The abuser smiled at him.
“Sure thing, champ.” He said, placing him down so he was directly facing yellow.
The abuser got up again and left, returning to watching the keyhole instead.
Mama put up with yellow for a brief while before simply giving up, she couldn’t understand anything her baby was saying, therefore she wasn’t going to waste her time trying to understand. So she waddled away to amuse herself elsewhere… leaving yellow nice and vulnerable.
Having attuned himself more and more to using his ears, pink heard mama trudge away, muttering to herself about ‘wowfwess dummeh babbehs’ and such, and knew yellow would be alone.
He trotted over, plodding along with his hooves until he bumped into yellow’s bed.
“Hey bwuddah.” Pink said quietly.
He heard a strangulated groan in response.
“Yewwow bwuddah say pink dummeh 'cos nu seesy owe heawsy… pink say yewwow bwuddah dummeh nao 'cos nu tawkies owe wawkies! Awe yoo dummeh, bwuddah?”
Yellow could only respond with a gargling sound.
“Yus yoo awe!” Pink continued, smirking away. “Yus yus yus! Yewwow bwuddah dummeh! Big dummeh babbeh who nu wawk owe tawk! Stupy dummeh bwuddah fowget how? Dummeh bwuddah.”
And with that, he reeled back and stomped a hoof onto yellow’s body, it landing on his face. Yellow let out a chirpy shriek, but pink ignored him, and continued hitting him again and again. His body, his face, everything.
“Who dummeh bwuddah nao?!” Pink asked. “Who poopy-peepee bwuddah nao?! Dat YOO! YOO!”
All while yellow could only croak and writhe uselessly in his bed, as his blind, deaf brother pummelled him in revenge.
The abuser watched it all, and smirked to himself.
It was time for their food.