Bizzaro World Challenge


Inspired by @Carniviousduck “7 day hug box challenge,” I was thinking of 3-piece “Bizzaro World Challenge” where up is down, black is white, and participants have to make 3 pieces that are recognizably outside their comfort zone. Whether that’s genre, art process, etc., doesn’t matter so much as you’re doing the opposite of what you’re generally used to/known for. Just as a thanks to CD so to speak.

Rather than do something like judging, completing the challenge will enter the creator into a drawing for a prize. This way everyone who can finish has the same odds of winning as anyone else. But after being in various creative jobs and hobbies for years, I think that completing a project that pushes you is pretty damn hard anyhow :stuck_out_tongue:

The prize is a $25 gift certificate towards art by the (in)famous @infraredturbine!

Contest starts today (ie, RIGHT NOW), and ends June 23rd at 11:59 HST (-10GMT).

I will be participating, but am not eligible to win.

CLARIFICATION: Some folks mentioned they’d participate but don’t feel comfortable doing abuse. Which is fair. The point of stretching yourself isn’t to tear, after all. Sadbox would make for an acceptable substitute/in-between for those who strictly adhere to Hugbox and Abusebox.

That said, it’s not limited to just genre. To reiterate above:

Maybe you’re digital and need to do traditional media. Maybe you’re comfortable drawing, then go to writing. Maybe you need to ditch a pen and paper (drawing and writing) and make something crafty or a video or voiceover. However. I’m wanting to encourage a healthy stretch, so to speak.


i knew that something like this would happen when i pulled out the russian hugbox week stuff. have you talked with infrared about it?


I talked to Infrared before announcing the contest. An agreement was made, payment sent, 5/5 would do again.


how could I ever say no to this dude :>


Unfortunate for me, I would love to participate but it’s not just that I feel uncomfortable doing abuse art, I feel like I would never really forgive myself for doing it. Hope everyone has fun with this, I just don’t think I can bring myself to do it.


I have mixed feeling about it to, but I might still give it a try. I have some ideas I think I can live with.


@Beast @Aurix

Which is fair. The point of stretching yourself isn’t to tear, after all. I think sadbox would make for an acceptable substitute/in-between. I’ll reword/clarify later on when I get home.

That said, it’s not limited to just genre:

Maybe you’re digital and need to do traditional media. Maybe you’re comfortable drawing, then go to writing. However.

Does that help?


Well, had I not asked permission you’d be perfectly justified in saying, “no”! Nobody wants to be volunteered for something, you know? Thank you for being willing to go along with this :slight_smile:


It’s gonna look terrible but I’ll attempt to draw something maybe :laughing:


Everyone starts somewhere!

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What am I know for

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Man, I think of you and I think weirdbox. So… hrm. Something grounded?

Alternatively, those DAMN CRISP LINES you draw. OMG. They’re so crisp and sharp I could SHAVE WITH THEM.

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Do you want Fluffy erotica?
Because this is how you get erotica.

Or poetry I guess.


Well, that’d be in Controversial :stuck_out_tongue:

Poetry works well, too. Similar to Vogon poetry, I assume?



So these things are a thing.

So, to participate i need to just post something i don’t usually do?

And there is a reward: REAL MONEY?

This sounds fun! I dont need the money, now i just want to do something in reverse!

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More like a commission certificate


Like in the themeweeks?


What? In the theme weeks you get an honor badge. Here you will get a -25$ of a commission to infrared


Fluffy poetry
There’s a thought