Bloom of Anabelle CONTEST FINALE

I’m extremely sorry for the delay!
Unfortunately, despite extending the time for participants to create their wonderful works, no more submissions were added…


On a positive note, we have exactly 3 participants for 3 places! Aren’t we lucky?

Now, after reviewing their amazing works, I already know how I would judge… However, like I promised in the original post, it’s also for you to decide!

Make sure to read the original post for context!

So, here are our contestants and links to their work:
@Turboencabulator Contest submission Bloom of Anabelle
@FluffyStalker Broken, hopeless and reborn
@chip_eater It was God!

Whose work you found the best?

  • Turboencabulator
  • FluffyStalker
  • chip_eater

0 voters

You can vote only once for your favourite contestant :wink: Show them some love!
Thank you all for participating and I wub you all! :heart:
Nixy UwU


Thanks a lot for organising this contest.


im guessing i missed the annocement 4 the contest


I might do more in the future :smiley:


Yeah, it was at the start of March ^^’ But hey, whooo knows… I might organise another one ;3

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Voting got sus

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