"Blueberry: Red Skies" by NobodyAtAll

Note: Note: this story takes place around the events of “Winner Takes All”. There are spoilers.

It’s been a week since the Alien Invasion.

The Fluffy Cartel didn’t really get involved, again. Except Tommy, who blipped to the city to help heal the wounded afterwards, as he did after the Forces of Nature attacked.

Tommy freaked out when the spaceships appeared at noon.

“Holy shit, what the fuck did I just smoke???”

He threw the atomica he was about to light down on the ground and swore never to touch one again.

This vow lasted a grand total of five minutes.

When Tommy saw just how many aliens were coming out of the spaceships, he quickly picked the atomica up, kissed it, promised he’d never hurt one of his babies again, and lit it so fast he almost set his beard on fire.

“If I’m gonna die, man, I ain’t gonna die sober!

Maria, who was trying, and failing, to calm Moonflower, was a bit offended that Tommy calls his atomicas his babies.

Woodstock and Wakko had fled into the Mothership. Tommy’s VW bus, not, y’know. They took a bite of brownie for their nerves, and then hid in a corner until the Invasion was over.

The Fluffy Cartel didn’t take it well either.


They really shouldn’t have let Scarface hang out with Blueberry.

When everything was over, Pierre returned to his cabin and found that the herd had shat itself in terror so much that his greenhouses would be good on fertilizer for a while.

It was just, um, gathering it all up that was a pain in the ass, because it was everywhere.

The entire herd got a bath, even though it wasn’t bath day.

Pierre and the Fondas have their friends pitch in too, so the weekly ablutions are finished a lot faster now.

One unfortunate stallion was in the middle of coitus with his special friend when the spaceships all uncloaked.

The poor bastard spent the whole time sobbing, covered from crotch to face in feces.

Pierre had to treat him for pink eye afterwards.

The dodos didn’t really care. They’re dodos. They’re probably the only creatures stupider than fluffies, except maybe flat Earthers.

Dot spent the entire time cuddling with her silly birdy friends, not paying one iota of attention to the spaceships, or what was coming out of them. Or rather, who.

When Dot was told afterwards what exactly had happened, her response was short and to the point:

“Huh. Neet.”

And then she went back to cuddling the dodos.

After that, things went back to normal in Blueberry’s Forest.

Except aliens turning out to be real, along with vampires.

But there aren’t any aliens or vampires in Blueberry’s Forest, or the surrounding area. It’s not exactly a tourist hotspot.

So, it doesn’t really have much impact on the Fluffy Cartel’s daily affairs.

By now, Blueberry and Judy, his owner in his last life, have both learned of their connection.

Judy has forgiven Blueberry for his antics in his first life, seeing as he’s made the most of his second life. She’s proud of him, as she said when they spoke at the barbecue.

While Blueberry is happy to have his hoomin mummah back, he’s chosen to stay with the Fluffy Cartel.

They still need him.

When they both learned the truth, the Death of Fluffies showed up, grinning, because he’d won another bet.


Of course, thanks to Pierre’s blippers, it’s easy for Judy and Blueberry to stay in touch. It’ll be even easier, once Judy masters Zum.

Blueberry is amazed by the things his mummah can do now, and she’s said that, once she’s got the hang of it, she’ll be happy to use her magic to help the Fluffy Cartel.

Blueberry said that he’d be grateful, as long as she didn’t catch him off guard with the floaty thing again.

Fluffies don’t usually like heights.

Tommy’s still driving the Mothership, despite everything that’s happened.

He gets a lot of people glaring at him when he calls it that, now. People think it’s insensitive.

But Tommy has been driving the Mothership for years before the actual mothership showed up, and he ain’t gonna stop calling it that now.

Tommy was born in the Mothership. He grew up in the Mothership. That garish van is as much a part of him as his arms and legs.

When anyone suggests a name change, Tommy says the same thing, every time.

“The Mothership is my soul, man. You’re talking about renaming my soul.

Most people let the matter drop after this.

And then there’s Leif. A young green stallion, who unbeknownst to him, is the 108th life of the fat, puke green smarty who vacated his position after choking to death on a chicken bone.

He finally accepted that he had been bad. That was the only way he could leave the cycle, and it took over a hundred deaths for it to finally sink in.

So he was given a chance to be good.

Just like Dave. And Slayer. And Robert. And Rex. And the vampires.

Just like the Intergalactic Federation has given everyone on Earth a chance.

Up until now, Leif has been behaving. Though, when he’s alive, he doesn’t remember his many past lives, besides vague recollections.

Every time Leif nums nummies, he has the inexplicable notion that he should be numming poopies instead, but his mummah reassures him that nobody needs to num poopies in the Fluffy Cartel. Besides, Pierre needs those poopies for the greenhouses.

Blueberry and Pierre are the only ones in the area who know about Leif’s true identity. The Death of Fluffies told Blueberry, and as for Pierre…

Well, he’s fucking Pierre.

Blueberry doesn’t have any hard feelings towards Leif. Because he can relate.

But Leif still runs for his life whenever he sees or smells a bucket of KFC. He runs into the Brownie Palace, and hides until it’s gone.

He can’t explain why.

As Annette and June blip in, Annette heads to the greenhouses, and June heads over to the veranda where Tommy is currently smoking an atomica by himself. Everyone else is busy.

Greebo is spending the day watching movies with Scarface at Victor’s cabin. Scarface is showing his bwuddah some of his favorite movies.

Victor recommended that Scarface show Greebo Independence Day.

Scarface wasn’t amused.

“Dat nu am funee, Victow.”

“Gweebo nu git it. Gweebo nu hab seen dat moo-vee. Wai am dat nu funee?”

They ended up watching Independence Day anyway, and then, once Greebo did get it, he called out Victor as well.

Tiff’s hanging out with Sorcière at the Sanctum.

“Wotcher, Tommy.”

June sits down, and Tommy passes her the atomica.

“Ta, love. Is this the same stuff that makes Andre see bears?”

Tommy nods.

“Man, I can’t believe how crappy the weed around here was before Pierre moved in.”

June looks over to Pierre’s cabin.

“Pierre never really partook that much before 'e retired, y’know.”

“Yeah, he’s taken to it real quick. You shoulda seen him and Cal a few months ago, the two of them were baked off their asses during bath day, they just couldn’t stop laughing at the bubbles.”

“Ooh, you’ll have to call me over next time it happens, I’d love to see that.”

As the hippie and the witch chat happily about the cyborg and the superhero, the Death of Fluffies watches the peaceful scene from the distance. He watches the Fluffy Cartel, carrying out their assigned tasks, as Blueberry oversees them. Not barking out orders, but making requests, and offering suggestions.

And the Death of Fluffies smiles.

One day, Blueberry will die. As all living things do, sooner or later.

It’s not for a long time yet.

But it will come, one day.

The Death of Fluffies knows all the possible ways that Blueberry could die. He knows every potential outcome.

Only time will tell how Blueberry will die.

But that won’t be the end for Blueberry.

Because, when the blue smarty who more than lives up to the title finally reaches the end of his second life…

The Death of Fluffies has a job for him.