Breeding Centre Blues: Metal Dirty Room (by Newb_ronswek)

Martha had heard the mares tearfully tell each other that ugly foals get thrown in the trash many times. To be fair, until about a month ago, that was what the breeding centre staff did with unmarketable product. Now however, there was a newly installed, more sanitary method of disposing of unsellable eyesores, such as the brown chirpy Martha had taken from M-51.

Soon enough, Martha had arrived at her destination; a small metal door in the middle of the wall at the end of the hall. “Cheep.” cried the foal as Martha checked something off on her clipboard. After tucking the clipboard under her arm, Martha pulled the door down and open and dropped the foal in.

“Huuhuu, Emmthiwteewun nu wike metaw diwty woom” the sky blue mare lay sadly in a pile of… well she didn’t know what she was laying in, but she knew it was making her fluff all dirty and black.

“CHIRP!” M-31 looked up just in time to see the little brown foal fall from the hole in the ceiling she’d fallen from minutes before and land in her backfluff. “EEEEEE! CHEEP CHEEP!” the foal cried from the pain of the impact. “B-babbeh?!” The pegasus mare stammered, “Babbeh faww? Emmthiwteewun gib huggies an’ wub an’ miwkies an’-an’…” she sighed sadly as she set the foal at her teats to feed.

“…an’ be mummah wun wastest tiem…”

As the foal nursed, M-31 thought about how angry the humans had been when they saw that she’d had her third litter of stillbirths in a row. How they’d yelled at her for being “used up” as they’d said. How the no-more-nice mister Ethan had screamed in her face that she’d be dead soon before dropping her through the small metal door, and into this awful metal dirty room.

“Almost quittin’ time!” Ethan said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation of the final task of the day. Today, Ethan had been tasked with turning on the new incinerator. Normally he wouldn’t be so enthused, but today he knew for a fact that there was a mare in there.

Ethan HATED fluffy mares. They reminded him of his girlfriend’s spoiled designer mare, whose continued presence at his beloved’s house was a major factor in why he hadn’t popped the question yet. The young man relished every opportunity to hear a mare’s agonized death screams and imagine they where those of the mare he loathed the most.

With a twisted grin, Ethan pressed the incinerate button on the control panel.

M-31’s screams rang though the ducts.




:sweat: kinda sad breeding mares which have been breeding stillbirth just thrown like a broken item, but thats life of a fluffy sadly


happens to livestock animals like cows and horses too with time


It’s best not to get attached to fluffys, they die faster then a fly in a meat grinder

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