Breeding Centre Blues: Pain Box (by Newb_ronswek)

Foals, foals, foals. The breeding centre’s foal room A-1 was loaded with them. Foals playing with balls, foals using litter boxes, foals stacking blocks, and finally foals being taught things by a monochrome slate gray earthie stallion.

“Naow babbehs, wat ‘ou du wen hoomins cum tu wook at babbeh woom?” The stallion teacher asked the group of foals, hoping that one of them would have the right answer this time. A emerald green unicorn filly raised her hoof, “Ask fo’ be nyu mummah ow daddeh?” “Nu, dat am wude.” a colbalt blue pegasus colt raised his hoof, “Be dancie babbeh?” “Dat am gud, bu’ wat ‘ou nee’ du fiwst?” A midnight blue alicorn colt rolled his eyes and said, “Teww da hoomins hewwo.” The teacher breathed a sigh of relief.

“Dat am wite! Awways be powite tu hoomins, say hewwo wen dey cum tu see ‘ou, an’ neba’ eba’ be wude. Wude fwuffies nu git gud homies cus’ hoomins nu wike dem.” the stallion’s explanation seemed to have sunk in for most of the foals, but there was one at the back of the group who just sat there pouting.

The little pouter was a dragon fire orange unicorn colt with a cream coloured mane and tail and crimson eyes. He was wearing a foal diaper because he was to stubborn to learn to use the litter box. In his seat on the far end of the room, Ethan could tell the little shit was about to throw a huge tantrum.

“Babbeh nu wike powite! Wude am mowe fun! Tawkie wots am wude, babbeh wub tawkie, su babbeh wiww be wude!” as the foal continued ranting obnoxiously, Ethan got up and walked over to the group of foals.

“… an’ if nyu mummah ow daddeh nu wike, babbeh wiww-EEEEEE!” Ethan had snatched the orange cretin up by the scruff of his neck and was holding him at eye level. “Let me tell you something, little buddy,” Despite the predatory grin on his face, the cheery voice Ethan used when talking to foals hadn’t faded, “with that stubborn attitude, I don’t think you’ll be getting a new mommy or daddy at all!” The earthie stallion started tremble and tear up. He knew what would happen next.

“Time to make an example out of you!” with that, Ethan briskly walked over to a wooden box with a plexiglass front in the corner of the room. He opened the box revealing a foal sized pair of manacles hanging off the back wall. He used these to restrain the foal’s front legs and left the little shit hanging there. Ethan yanked off the foal’s diaper, closed the box, and turned to the other foals, “Look little buddies! This is what happens to fluffies who don’t act right.” the young man reached behind the box. There was an electronic sounding click…


A sorry stick had swung up from the bottom of the box and whapped the foal in the testicles. “He’ll be hanging in the pain box for the rest of his life. His front legs will be sore soon, and every so often he’ll get a sorry stick in the no-nos.” Ethan grinned creepily, cocking his head to the side.

“Any questions?”

The only responses he got were a few scattered “huuhuus” and another scream of pain as the sorry stick met it’s mark again.




“Ooh, so that’s what these boxes are meant for! I thought my fluffy just really hated traveling!” :laughing:


So many applicable quotes!

“You have chosen the way of pain!”

“Take him to the House of Pain!”

And of course:

“What’s in the box?” “Pain.”


Hey uhh, could I buy say… 26 of those boxes?

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