“Heh heh. Stoopi’ dummeh mawe! Meanie fwuffy am gib yew wowstest huwties ‘n saddies!” Said a dull orange and red unicorn as he advance on a pure purple mare who was screaming. They were both in what appeared to be a daycare, nothing out of sorts here. Shaking her head, the mare flopped a hoof out and quivered.
“Pwease nu, meanie! Izzybeww am gud fwuffy! Eeeeee! Halp!” There was seemingly nobody around there. Daycare or not it seemed super empty. Having closed the distance between the two and cornering her, the orange unicorn raised a hoof and gave a sinister laugh.
Just then though! From out of nowhere and with a whip of his red cape, a masked super fluffy would break onto the scene. A blue and orange pegasus who gave valiant buzzing flits of his little wings, running over to push the meanie away from his intended victim.
“Supeh Bwuno am hewesies! Nu gibbin’ meanies ‘o saddies, bad Fwuffy!” Bruno glared from behind his little mask, the stallion beginning to shake from fear.
“Nuuuu! It am stwongest Supeh Bwuno!” Meanie Fluffy backed off as Super Bruno helped Izzybell the mare up, the fluffy giving a giddy giggle and licking his cheek as thanks for intervening. Bruno looked straight ahead, cape waving out behind him.
“Wemembah! Gud fwuffies nu am buwwy! Gud fwuffies stahp buwwyin’, an tell big mummah ‘n daddehs!” A random woman would walk into scene, scooping Meanie Fluffy up. She gave his bottom a small swat.
“You’re going into timeout, you bad boy!” She told the orange fluffy who shrieked and began crying.
End scene! The acting talent (AKA the three fluffies) would all skitter around set excitedly. This was the newest episode of Super Bruno, one of the hottest new shows on FluffTV! It was a program which had been brainstormed to help stop the apparent epidemic of bullying happening all across the land. Fluffies were on playgrounds calling one another dummehs, they were at daycares stealing fluffy friends, they were sometimes biting eachother’s manes or pooping on each other. According to owners in a recent poll, it was one of the biggest concerns they faced when letting their fluffies play together.
“You did a great job, Bruno!” Said his handler/mummah as she helped him out of his mask and cape. The stallion gave a big goofy smile. Whenever she praised him, it gave his heart the biggest warmies!
“Dank yew, mummah. Teehee. Wub bein’ Supeh Bwuno.” He did, too. This was such a good thing. Helping fluffies learn to be nicer to one another was something he very much wanted to do. Life before ending up as a FluffTV star had been hard. There’d been a failed promotion at Fluffmart, a very messy thing. He didn’t much like to think about that all too much.
As the set was being broken down to make way for some other production, Bruno followed his mummah around. She talked with the other big daddehs or mummahs, ate yummy looking food. Every so often she’d offer him the last bite of a finger sandwich or a stray chip and he’d gobble it down appreciatively but really, all he wanted was to be around her. Even if she wasn’t talking to him or playing, it was good to just be at her side. He knew it wouldn’t last and he’d be back in the safe room.
After everything had been cleared away and all the food on set had been reduced to crumbs, every piece of gossip shared, his mummah bent down to stroke a hand down his head.
“OK, Super Bruno. Let’s ‘fly’ back to your cute little safe room!” His mummah picked him up. He looked into her kind blue eyes, at her frizzy red hair. More than anything he wanted mummah to stay with him instead of leaving him in the safe room. Yet he extended his front legs out, hooves twitching at the air. His little wings buzzed excitedly. “Supeh Bwuno am fwyin!” He squealed, mummah zooming him through the air as he was brought on over to the safe room all three fluffies were kept in. The idea being that being so close together would make all of them good friends. Once they were in there, Bruno was placed on the ground with a click of his hooves. Mummah bent down to press a kiss to the top of his head.
“Be a good boy, OK? I’ll see you tomorrow.” His other two roommates were already in here. Bruno looked up to her somewhat dejectedly but managed a weak smile in response to her huge one. Waving goodbye, mummah closed the door behind her. The stallion gave a sigh and turned to face the other two.
Meanie Fluffy. His name was actually Cheeto. Well, his cheeks were currently puffed out with his tail whipping out behind him angrily. Izzybell didn’t look that much nicer. The two advanced on him, making Bruno shrink back. He might be a hero out there but in here? In here he was just a regular old fluffy.
“Wittew babbeh am hab mummah? Cheedoh wan mummah tu! Dummeh nu deserb mummah!” Cheeto and Izzybell didn’t have a daddeh or mummah. They were kind of just here. Taken care of but never really shown any kind of love or affection. Nobody wanted to play with them, they hardly wanted to look at them once filming was done. Bruno had tried to get mummah to pay attention to them too but she was so busy. He gave a small whimper.
“Pwease nu gib saddies ‘o huwties tu Bwuno. Bwuno am gud fluffy. Sowwy yew nu hab big mummah.” He was backed all the way up onto the wall just as Izzybell had been during filming. Cheeto lashed out and grabbed him by the ear, yanking him around so that he didn’t have the comfort of the wall to be pressed up against. Bruno was knocked to the floor, tearing up and trying not to look at either of them.
Izzybell stepped on his tail with one uncaring press of her hoof. Bruno gave a squeal of pain as she dragged it out and causing the fur to pull against his backside. Cheeto gruffly stood over him.
“Cheedoh wan be Supeh Cheedoh! Dummeh Bwuno am stinkeh dummeh babbeh!” He told Bruno, Izzybell giggling and nodding.
“Yis! Stinkeh babbeh Bwuno!” They both giggled at him, Bruno wishing he could just sink right through the floor. Why couldn’t he have super powers for real and fly around like mummah had him do? Or be super strong and knock over big boxes? He didn’t want to be weak like this. Scared. All he could do was watch in tearful silence as Cheeto left him to Izzybell, the mare continuing to step on his tail and keep him pinned down. The orange stallion dragged out one of Bruno’s stuffy friend from his bed area, stood over it. Mummah had gotten him that after he’d visited the doctor! He’d been such a good brave boy that he was allowed to pick a stuffy friend out. Cheeto glared at him as a big pile of poopies slid out and fell in a steaming pile on top of his precious stuffed bear.
“Poopies ‘fo poopie babbeh toysie!” Cheeto mocked him. Izzybell screeched with laughter and finally released him. Bruno skittered off and went to hide back in his corner. If he went to his bed, he knew Cheeto would get angry and begin giving him huwties.
“Sowwy stuffy-fwen. Sowwy mummah. Bwuno nu am Supeh Bwuno…” He lamented sadly.
Lemon and Lime were brother and sister. Lemon, a bright yellow colt, was really coming into his identity. Watching FluffTV all day in the safe room, his most favoritest show was Super Bruno. Watching the big stallion pop in at just the right time with a flutter of his cape made him feel like a big deal too. His sister, Lime, liked to watch Babbehs. The bright green filly always babbled about how she’d have babbehs one day too and when she watched that show, he’d just have to spend his time playing with his Super Bruno stuffy-friend. It looked just like him! Lemon had chewed on the cape and left if all frayed and holey, but it was still super cool.
Lemon and Lime were at the park one day, espowin’ and very far away from mummah. It was OK though. The fluffy park was safe: Even the ground was a soft thing that was springy to their hooves and didn’t hurt if you fell down. There were lots of big toys to climb on top of and interesting things to see. The two were chasing one another around, Lime outpacing her brother and running past an artificial shrub that stank like peepees.
“Neba catch sissy, bwuddah! Teehee!” She was a green blue that Lemon desperately attempted to keep up with, but she was stopped by the hoof of a big fluffy. He was blue and red, a big horn on his head. There was a pure brown one next to him too. Lime had been knocked to the ground, looking somewhat dazed and scared.
“Dis am smawty’s weafy-fing! Nu am yews! WITTEW babbeh!” He sneered down to the Lime, the filly trembling. Lemon had finally caught up and saw the scene in front of him. This was just like on FluffTV! This was a real life meanie bully fluffy trying to give his sissy saddies! The colt puffed his cheeks out and advanced on the ground, tail held up high.
“Yew meanies weab Wemon’s sissy awone! Dat am Wemon’s sissy!” Sure she might annoy him sometimes with her constant talk of babbehs or with her whining, but that was still his sissy. They were best friends and always slept in the same bed, chased a ball around, gave huggies ‘n wubs. The two older fluffies looked to Lemon. Originally they weren’t going to do anything to Lime beyond call her mean names but the colt was acting as if he owned the place. Lime got up and skittered on over to her brother. The colt ruffled up his fur.
“Yew wun away, sissy! Super Wemon am stahp buwwies!” Lime looked to her brother, to the scary fluffies who had knocked her over. She gave him a hug and then ran away without another word. Scaredies had taken precedence in her mind.
The unicorn got up to Lemon who was still standing his ground. He wasn’t just a little colt anymore. He was….a superhero! If only he had a cape.
“Stinkeh babbeh. Dun yew ‘nee MIWKIES from mummah!?” He asked with a laugh, his poopie companion chortling as well as they encircled the foal. Lemon shook his head.
“Wemon am bigges’ boy! Num kibbews an’ skettis, nu am nee’ miwkies!” Looking between the two bullies, he stood as tall as he could. Puffed out his chest. “An…an Supeh Wemon am teww big mummahs ‘n big daddehs! Buwwies am be in WOWSTEST twoubles! Sowwy box!”
Again, these two had originally just been looking to call other fluffies mean names and engage in meanspirited albeit mostly harmless bullying. Lemon had introduced something into the situation: Punishment. The unicorn sure didn’t want to go into the sorry box. His father was a bit of an abuser and had kept him locked in one for two days before simply for being too annoying once.
“Yew am naht! NU TATTWIN’!” The unicorn sure wasn’t going to be spending another two days in the sorry box. Or longer. A hoof flashed out and knocked Lemon to the ground. The colt gave a squeal of pain and tried to stand back up but was knocked down just as quick again. The unicorn stared down at him. Looked over to his poopie partner in crime.
“Gib babbeh wowstest huwties! Nu wet teww big mummahs ‘n daddehs!” His companion nodded. Lemon looked up in horror, his bravery quickly ebbing away. Piss puddled out down against him as his bladder let loose. Hooves crashed down on him. His ribs were broken, feeling like shards the sank into his lungs. His weggies were all stomped on, one with such force that he watched in tortured horror as it came off of his body and was flung into the scruffy astroturf beside them. That was his weggie and now…now it was off his body. The thought edged right through the pain. Then the hoofsies came to his head. One eye was completely smashed in, his jaw breaking and newly formed teeth spilling out onto the ground. Blood began to collect in his ears, Sound felt like a warbling tide. The whole world felt like a buzz. He couldn’t scream for help. Or peep. It hurt to even breathe. One good eye staring up to the pretty blue sky, all he could hope for was Super Bruno to swoop in just at the last moment to save him. Just like on FluffTV. Vision fading, he resigned himself to one last thought: He wasn’t coming.