Can a crucifix set a fluffy on fire and kill them?

“I’ve been having this very thought ever since i’ve logged in since fluffies are a living mortal sin in this fandom, and thinking that if the power of christ would instantly punish a fluffy for existing.” rfrotiree 420:69 13-37


No, but killing Fluffies doesn’t count as a sin of wrath so it balances out at least.


If you care enough to make it happen!

No, but if fluffies get any idea of what a crucifix actually was used for - a detailed version should help - they ought to find it profoundly disturbing.



unlike dogs or cats, fluffies truly have no soul.



They are an unholy abomination. An affront to God’s Light.

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the existence of fluffies is one of the signs that god has abandoned us and he is not coming back

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In a manner of speaking…


If they didn’t have souls, the Death of Fluffies wouldn’t have a lot to do, would he?

maybe its like eldar creating slaanesh. instead of a creator god, the fluffies’ only one true god is one of death.

Being a grim reaper is more like being a public servant than being a god. It’s basically being a glorified garbageman. A thankless job, but someone’s gotta do it.


Like a mop?
Or a broom?

Maybe? It’s not a desirable position, is the point. Think about it: most of Tall, Dark and Bony’s “clients” aren’t very happy to see him. And if a client is happy to see him, you understand the implications, yes?

It’s a pretty depressing work environment. Not everyone gets to die peacefully, surrounded by loved ones.

But it’s gotta be done, otherwise we’d all be up to our eyeballs in ghosts.

I was making a Repo: The Genetic Opera reference.
And the only grim reaper I care about is Death from Sandman.

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It’s all a matter of perspective, really.

I dunno where that’s from, but it’s really cool.

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nay, a true god, rather than a consequence of nature. there is no god of life or creator god, because they are manufactured creatures, as there normally wouldn’t be for their deaths. except for the sheer violence so many that so many fluffies die.

No, I don’t think so. I think that obly happens with demons, and maybe vampires. But while fluffies are soulless abominations, they are still material beings. Their only real sin was being born.