Can fluffie be racists against humans? (By: BiologicalDisaster)

Sorry i went in blank and just improvised without thinking :sweat_smile:


That kinda was the whole thing…i was vague in case someone wanted to use it, expand upon it or ask questions etc cuz i typed this before falling asleep. I do apologize for it being that big of a message btw :sweat_smile:


All good! I’m getting ready to try to sleep now, actually. I’ll see you later.


See ya later :wave: :slight_smile:

God people really do want the Hellgremlin days that nearly killed the fandom back. Shit’s fucking bleak for the fandom.

No they can’t be racist against humans because it would be one of the first things Hasbio designers and bio-engineers thought of to make sure they accept all humans and Hasbio executives would have demanded the whole batch culled if they even showed one hint of prejudice against a human for their skin color because Fluffies were designed to be sold for thousands of dollars and they needed the fluffies to appeal to everyone without exception. That the bio toy designed for love and hugs was a massive racist would never get past product testing (And that goes for “Poopie Babbeh” and bad colored Fluffy hate as well).

Golden rule I read on the old days of the booru. Fluffies are not smart, the design behind fluffies is smart.


It’s interesting because I’ve seen ‘poopie baby’ refer to: brown, green, pale, tan, and so on. I remember noting that hilariously it could also be called ‘people’ colors for a lot of them (other than green).


It’s not that dramatic, basically they just growl and bark at people who are a different race than what their owner is.


There was a story on the booru one time featuring a runway turned feral smarty and his herd wandering into a black homeowner’s back yard.

The smarty called the guy a bunch of racial slurs and said his old owner taught him that he didn’t have to listen to black people.


Christ that’s a good one, I’m stealing it


That’s not so much racism as a matter of training. Mind, kids are trained to be racist, too.

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I could see a smarty doing this.


Yeah, like, have you looked at some of the stuff kids are being taught in schools these days? I think the vast majority of racists learn to be that way from adults and authority figures… Same as a flufferino would, I guess; except human beings are worth something and you can’t just solve the problem with mass drownings.


Solid argument, personally I like to think than only bratty smarties do/say that since they believe they can give orders to any regular human, classify them like they do with fluffies it’s possible. Another one could be super spoiled fluffies who might be teached that their discriminatory system also applies to humans (basically having a previous racist owner) and the fluffy learns that.

However for most cases I believe fluffies just realize humans are humans and a potential daddeh/mummah regardless of color and they need to give them love in exchange for a home.

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In my headcanon they are hardcoded to view their prospective owner as the single best, most amazing human irrespective or any other consideration.

A side thought, but I always have felt something warm for homeless people with an evidently well cared dog for company. Something similar with fluffies has some hugbox potential.


I always thought “poopie” prejudice was a none-too-subtle satire on racism to begin with. (That or the chan’s idea of subtle.)

Anyhow, in-universe it’s a design choice meant to cull non-marketable colours by concentrating on feeding and caring for the more popular colours - with the inherent assumption that these things are for kids in an age range where bright colours are everything. (Adults might be expected to like more natural-looking colours, but fluffies weren’t intended for us. That’s part of why it’s funny when adults punish fluffies for not having adult morality.)

For that reason, fur colour prejudice is just categorically not applicable to humans, whom fluffies are programmed to adore even above other fluffies. Even if it did apply, they’d probably view clothing as the equivalent of fur and be drawn to people in colourful clothes (again, children) while considering dull officewear boring.

Racism toward humans is a learned behaviour, as always. Even in something as hard-wired to love and trust as fluffies are, we’re too damn good at teaching the innocent to be awful. So yes, fluffies could learn to be racist little shits.


It wasn’t satire at all. It was an excuse for fluffies to get more scatological and make more “Shocking content” like designing a way to making fluffies eat poop and also “Justify” abuse to the fluffies making the put upon brown fluffy eat poop. There’s a reason why oldfriends from around then don’t like it because it drove away a lot of creators because the booru was starting to look like a scat fetish site. And it’s why people refer to it as the period that nearly killed the fandom.

A big reason why people who were involved in the fandom from the start hated it was it completely and irrevocably fucked the hive lore people had designed and worked on for so long. The hive lore was that Hasbio didn’t build in any color bias at all because if they did and played eugenics with fluffies. It would be a colossal PR disaster if it was leaked out that the ultra cuddly, love and hugs obssessed bio toys would ruthlessly bully and belittle “Bad” colors to the point of killing foals not making their standards. When a big project like that is under immense pressure, they couldn’t do anything wrong. They’d have made sure that outside of intended rejection behavior like runts and “Glitches” like Alicorns. Fluffies wouldn’t reject offspring. And once Hasbio revealed fluffies for the first time, it paid off because everyone wanted one no matter the color and were prepared to part with thousands of dollars for even the worst browns and greens.

Another golden rule: Think about what a corporation would actually do. Cute fuzzy biotoys having built in eugenics features is a nope for a very public, very high pressure project because that would be an executive career killing scandal. People write and art “Hasbio Retarded” because it’s very easy to do “Evil and incompetent corporation” when the old lore on Hasbio were that they were quite competent but greedy with the fluffies mostly being designed to be the way they are outside of a few glitches Hasbio were going to “Fix” like Alicorn rejection and Smarty Syndrome.

That’s another reason why Fluffies can’t be racist to humans. You have to think like a corporation and they would absolutely not want a PR scandal because a fluffy called a black or brown person “Poopie”. It would be one of the first things they would make sure would never ever happen


they can definitely learn to. but naturally? if you’re going to try to make toys for kids, you don’t really want them to be openly racist.


I would say not by default. I remember a story about a fluffy in a Fluffy Store calling another fluffy “poopieh” and an employee of color asking that fluffy if it thought she was poopieh as well. The fluffy said no, and that she was a pretty color of coffee (or something).

I agree with that canon. And in my canon the reason fluffies are prejudice against certain colors is for two reasons:

A programmed bias against bad poopies that was inefficient or unfinished
A self-sorting mechanism for colors HasBio believed would be desired by customers; in my canon the group Peta released was a herd in an experimental living environment testing out self-sorting instead of manual or mechanical sorting.

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It wasn’t This story by any chance was it?

And even if it wasn’t, that story gives my answer, Fluffies aren’t racist to humans


Well, yes and no. This might require some nuance, bear with me.

If racism is written in the first place, you’ve got to be careful about it and do your homework. Depending on how it’s written, it can be either accurate representation of what minorities go through or just plain needless racism. Think about why you want to include it; Is it an integral part of the story, or is it just an excuse to hate the fluffy?

Yes, these are fictional technicolor pighorses. Still, it’s best to take real-life minorities into account and be as respectful as possible when representing the issues minorities face. Think about it this way; If a real person of color would read/see it and find it racist, then it shouldn’t be posted.

For example, a smarty being racist towards specific human races. Would a real POC find the fact that racism was deliberately written in the first place offensive? Would they find any abuse of the racist fluffy cathartic?

Best do your own research beforehand, just to be sure. Ask people of color (who are willing to answer questions like this) if it’s offensive. If it is offensive and you aren’t sure why, simply ask why and they’ll let you know. People who are willing to teach you things are usually willing to answer additional questions, even if you’re nervous to ask them.

All humans have different lives, especially if the way we experience it is inherently different from the beginning. It’s quite impossible for people to fully understand each other. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be respectful and lend a listening ear to one another.

Wuv and huggies and all that.