Can fluffie be racists against humans? (By: BiologicalDisaster)

The whole notion of fluffies is an act of crass indifference and senseless tastelessness and your long diatribe reeks of Twitter. Your post stinks and you should feel bad.


Watch me trotting happily to ask some black people whether my hamsterhorse abuse offends them or not, because some fictional hamsterhorse said “niggew”, just so I can post it on a site for autistic retards deemed too autistic for 4chan. Just so I can post my piece containing physical and mental abuse, murder, rape, torture while still feeling morally superior to people who didn’t ask. Yeah, nah, kek.


This is a website hosting content relating to rape, violence, abuse, murder, torture, and pretty much any other horrible act possibly committed against a sentient creature.

But when someone says a mean word, suddenly it’s too far?

I’ll never understand the logic behind that argument.


What if I ask three people of color, and two of them say it’s not offensive, but the last person says it is? Do you think all black people are going to feel the same way about it?


What if you ask three people of color of different origin - a latinx and a chinx, and one afroam person, and the first two will say it’s fine and the last one will say it isn’t, then is it okay or not?


Then I think it’d be best to go with the majority of answers. And it depends on which race is involved with the stuff written. It’s possible for one race to not realize something is offensive to another (Take portrayals of black people in old anime, for example) I don’t think they’d all feel the same way about it. I guess it depends on the individual.

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Yes they can I once saw a story where a Smarty called a black dude a nigger and that was the funniest shit I ever saw.

I think it’d depend on what race is involved in whatever’s written. It’s possible for one minority group to not realize something is offensive to another.


I also have to imagine most people (of any race) would be more confused than anything if I asked them what slurs a fictional pig-horse can or cannot say in a story.


I just cannot understand how people can unironically believe this on a forum like this one.

Sure, torture a fluffy foal. Pull its eyes out with your fingernails. Slowly saw its hooves down the middle as it screams and begs for its mother. Skin it as it begs for even a modicum of mercy. For hugs, for love, for all of these things that will never come. Slam it to the ground, shattering its bones so it can’t run away. Let it writhe in pain, twitching on the ground, crying. A poor unloved child who never got a chance at life. Who never knew the love of its mother. Whose cries for help fell on deaf ears. Whose only experiences in life were cruel, unimaginable torture far beyond anything any living creature should experience, much less a child. Who will die, only to be thrown in the trash like the toy and commodity the world believes it to be.

But make sure not to hurt anyone’s feelings.


Based reply. Also, “not to hurt anyone’s feelings regarding badspeak”. There will be people willing to defend abuse but wishing death upon someone daring to call you a fag.


I think the idea is ‘they’re not real’ which, fair enough, but also…

Imagine if we took every goddamn thing on here and ran it through that same ‘What if X group is offended?’ This is from their gallery. Whether they’re a victim of sexual assault or not doesn’t really figure into the equation if we’re going from ‘Well could someone else be offended?’. I can’t imagine all victims of SA would exactly feel comfortable having themselves expressed in the retard shitting pighorse medium, and that’s OK. Because that’s how Star decided to express himself and other people’s feelings shouldn’t encroach on how he conducts himself. He just doesn’t have the amount of critical self-analysis to realize that.

It’s just stupid Twitter posturing. A way to give oneself a gold medal and a pat on the back because you’re standing up for the poor POCs. It’s the laziest form of social activism and a sign you’re dealing with a water-on-the-brain dumbass.


'ight, my nigga, you seem really serious about this and really lost about the context of this post and whole situayshun. So lemme lay it straight to you.

This might require some nuance, bear with me.

Firstly, let’s start with the genre in which most fluffy stories (written and drawn) seem to fall.

Xenofiction is a genre that takes point of view of non-humans. Normal animals but intelligent, space aliens, anthropomorphic animals, so on. They’re different from humans, they think differently or have a different society and its norms. Examples could be The Jungle Book, White Fang, Shelter, Bambi, so on.

Fluffy stories kinda fall into that category, but not fully. I suppose you could call it “post-xenofiction”, because the fluffies aren’t just those “non-humans”, they’re also a broken mirror reflection of humankind. When you see fluffies, you can see humans through an outside, mocking perspective.

Why is it important?

OP asks “can fluffies be racist against humans”, right? We already know they can be prejudiced against each other - they have alicorns for example, or SBS babies. Or poopie babies. Not sure about alicorns, but poopies you can interpret as people of color as seen through the eyes of a white, racist society. They’re not fluffies, they’re sub-fluffy animals good only for lickie cleanies and getting crapped on, a fluffy version of slavery. Sensitvie baby syndrome you could interpret as neurodivergence, where simple fluffy mind is unable to comprehend a fluffy that thinks differently.

Can these creatures be taught to hate humans based on human features such as skin color - can you, in any way, explain this in your headcanon? They’re funny little creatures created to love and be loved, but being a botched experiment, they also hate and are hated. They often know nothing but hatred towards them, pain, loss and death. Can they hate some types of humans?

Could a fluffy be so prejudiced, it would decline warm shelter with food and love, simply because it comes from a “fiwthy niggew” or “bean smewwin’ spik” or “subhoomin powwack”?

And notice how off-topic your reply is.

You say “we need to do research whether or not this would be offensive to someone”, you suggest asking some people from that group how they find your hamsterhorse abuse story, as if this wouldn’t immediately label you as retarded and an animal abuser or a zoophile in their brains, unless they’re from within this community.

You’ll also notice that many people here don’t seem to care about using offensive language, and flagging “those horrible racisms” yields little to no results. Majority of people you’ll see here aren’t racist and all those niggers, fags, and retards being thrown around and each other are just part of the digital culture and memetics of this community.

This is 4chan culture partially. This is the internet of the 90s and 00s. In some places, people haven’t moved on, adapting the highly censored and socially accepted language of spaces such as Facebook or Twitter.

You might feel a knee jerk reaction seeing those evil words like “nigger” thrown around. You might instinctively think that banning them and banning people who use them would immediately reduce the racism here to minimum levels.

But in reality, speech policing means that these hateful remarks would evolve and become less overt and more about hate signalling. Language regulation is a slippery slope full of power dynamics and all about control. Today saying “nigger” is banned, tomorrow you might see use of pronouns disallowed, and after that you might see some other lunacy, such as people hating anyone who dares to suggest there’s such thing as biological sex. Instead of allowing these concept to defend themselves, people in power attempt to police the thoughts of communities by dictating what you can or cannot say.

And, ironically, the more they push, the more underground communities like this one will push back. And if you disagree with me, just have the balls to call me retarded. See how satisfying this feels, don’t be like all those faggots who think it but refuse to say it out loud.


I’m a multiple rape survivor, including a handful that occurred when I was 17, and you guys have seen the insane rapey shit I write. There’s always going to be someone who’s offended by things. We can’t cater to everyone. All we can do is make content for our community and ourselves.

(The piece Star made is quite comforting, IMO. A lot of marginalised or otherwise affected people develop SUPER dark senses of humour as coping mechanisms. If someone doesn’t get it, I assume they have or need other methods of support.)


I’m just commenting so I’ll be updated on new comments

Drama is entertaining

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Fun fact, at the bottom you can click this button to update that without commenting. I’d never used it before today.

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I’ll try to keep that in mind

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Like I said, I’d never had occasion to use it before today either lol

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I really, really hate this kind of thinking. No, you do not need to ask minorities if it’s okay to write things about them. Being a member of a minority group does not give one the right to tell other people how to think and speak about that minority group. And I know you didn’t say that, but if we go deep enough into the “but what if x group is offended by y” mindset, what we inevitably find is that it’s really just an extension of “only x can speak about y”.

If someone is writing explicit threats towards others, that’s something to take note of. But if we try to control things based on what’s “offensive” to our moral sensibilities, we’re going to be here all week, because everybody is offended by something. Even people who say nothing offends them. Some offenses are more commonly held, true; but that doesn’t make them any more quantifiable than me taking offense at your comment about asking minorities for permission to be crude.