caution as winter approaches! (By NovaUmbra)

High school dropouts generally get jobs in America. Not lucrative ones, sure. But jobs.

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Given the genre it is a good question whether or not her pregnancy was planned or consensual.

Now I’m wondering if there are abusers who offer free food around cold time then whole the mare is eating have horny stallions waiting to rape her. Once it’s done the abuser tells her, “pity your babies will be born during the coldest of cold times. No food, no warmth…”

… Dammit, channeling @I_might_be_weasel


Well, there’s a new idea for me… :no_mouth: y’all like tempting me with work I can’t refuse XD


It’s a trap!

It’s only a few steps removed from the comic @infraredturbine did (forget who it was for, maybe @anon68543914) where a spoiled house fluffy went to the park, killed a feral mare’s foals, raped the mare, and then went home to his comfy house. It then flash forwards to her in the white of winter desperately giving birth at the worst possible time.

Oh, the rage in the comments…


I think I remember that comic OwO

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It was memorable. And again, the rage calling for that fluffy stallion to die horribly. Even if they didn’t care about the mare they wanted him deaaaaad.

Here it is!


I’ve been wondering if there’s a solution to the feral fluffy problem that isn’t “kill the lot”.

It would be extremely feasible in my headcanon, what with all the fantastic technology to play with.

But of course, most headcanons are closer to the mundane side, at least as close as one can get to mundane when fluffies are involved, so the ideas I’ve got in mind probably wouldn’t be as feasible in other headcanons.


I mean, a good solution to the feral population is labor. Fluffies have many jobs they can perform and their upkeep is relatively cheap.


Yeah. I think solutions shift where the problem/conflicts lie. And then, what problems can be explored (if you’re into that sort of thing).

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Trust me, I’ve got some fucking crazy ideas in mind. Ideas that I’m pretty sure haven’t been done yet.

I get that some people don’t like fantastic elements, and prefer their stories as mundane as possible, and that’s fine by me, but on the other hand, injecting fantastic elements into one’s headcanon opens up so many possibilities. So many new directions to take fluffies.

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Star Trek: TOS and TNG did a lot in their fantastic settings. I think the thing is everyone has what they want to get at. @Oculusfluffy writes with semi-fantastical elements but elevates fluffies to be a bit more aspirational, idealistic.

Honestly, I could see him trying to write stories for kids like the ones I read in grade school… Not little children’s but not adult stuff either.


Yeah, that’s the great thing about headcanons: everyone gets their own way. Everybody wins!

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Theres a point where people have to stop taking things so seriously/personal in fiction and that thread is the perfect example of it

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But it doesn’t feel as sad if you do it to them.

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Now that’s an idea that could work in any headcanon. Hell, if you paid 'em, that would kill a lot of birds with one stone.

The hard part would be teaching fluffies about money. But it wouldn’t be much different from teaching kids about money…

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There was a comic I read about someone taking a foal and teaching it about “the real world” by giving it a job and paying it. It then had to learn to budget and such. It was pretty entertaining


An absolute classic. I know which one you’re talking about too even if I can’t recall the artist name. But he made the foal choose between shelter and sketties and it was beautiful.

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I need to find it. It should be in the archive somewhere

Adult life by RingofFire


Not enough material about this, I could see fluffy’s misery being constantly exploited in social media without anyone actually helping them