caution as winter approaches! (By NovaUmbra)

Star Trek: TOS and TNG did a lot in their fantastic settings. I think the thing is everyone has what they want to get at. @Oculusfluffy writes with semi-fantastical elements but elevates fluffies to be a bit more aspirational, idealistic.

Honestly, I could see him trying to write stories for kids like the ones I read in grade school… Not little children’s but not adult stuff either.


Yeah, that’s the great thing about headcanons: everyone gets their own way. Everybody wins!

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Theres a point where people have to stop taking things so seriously/personal in fiction and that thread is the perfect example of it

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But it doesn’t feel as sad if you do it to them.

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Now that’s an idea that could work in any headcanon. Hell, if you paid 'em, that would kill a lot of birds with one stone.

The hard part would be teaching fluffies about money. But it wouldn’t be much different from teaching kids about money…

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There was a comic I read about someone taking a foal and teaching it about “the real world” by giving it a job and paying it. It then had to learn to budget and such. It was pretty entertaining


An absolute classic. I know which one you’re talking about too even if I can’t recall the artist name. But he made the foal choose between shelter and sketties and it was beautiful.

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I need to find it. It should be in the archive somewhere

Adult life by RingofFire


Not enough material about this, I could see fluffy’s misery being constantly exploited in social media without anyone actually helping them


Fluffy rights slacktivism 1 like = 1 fluffy saved.


Of course I’ll drop this fluffy off at the nearest shelter, can’t seem to pinpoint why every shelter has a loud shredder out back though.


Bad strategy. If they get dislikes, they will have no choice but to kill fluffies.

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You’re right we’ll need viral video on every social media platform, a very sappy song with sad fluffies in the back ground, sung by an older pop singer like Pink! “Cover me in sunshine” should do it!


In dah weggies of an angew…


Yep, I remember it. Dumbass spent his pay on skettis, got kicked out of his home for not paying rent, then when he starved himself to pay the rent, he got mugged and sodomised in an alleyway by some stuffed plushies.

Good story, wish it continued.

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Yep. The mare will die. :slight_smile:

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Sorry fluffy, but just like the poor children in Africa, the majority of people who claim to be compassionate and concerned with your plight are merely virtue signaling for brownie points. They couldn’t give a shit less about you, because they’re narcissistic hypocrites.


So now we’re frowning upon doing the right (fun) thing!? I thought this was America :triumph:

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Entertaining as prolonging their suffering is, feral fluffies have been causing widespread blockages in sewers and drains and the city is trying desperately to completely eradicate them.