Chirpy walker by Z05

This illustration is excellent and the concept allows for a lot of nuances in fluffy *boxes :smiling_imp:

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He’s clearly leaving forward in his little safety seat because he’s so excited and happy to see his mummah or daddeh. If he doesn’t get some huggies and kissies right this very second then I’ll set fire to my neighbor’s car out of pure impotent frustration.


Well, Forever Chirpies are a bit further back on the soap spectrum.

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Due to Fluffy’s being primarily quadrupeds, a walker like this wouldn’t work. Instead of modeling it on a baby walker, start with a circular wheel frame like you currently have, but then have several different holes into which you can secure poles that allow the owner to install a hammock-like set up or even a support vest with adjustable height to account for different sized Fluffies. This allows the FC to be mobile enough to exercise while avoiding the potential spinal damage that your current model has.

Including enough poles to fill every slot simultaneously, a piece of durable, washing machine friendly fabric with a ring of caps or other such addition to allow it to rest on top of the poles around the outside, and a base to put the walker in to prevent it from moving around & you have a walker that can double as a portable bed for your FC.

Additionally, I see FCs as being more of an adult oriented product as (amongst other things) they wouldn’t really be active enough to keep the attention of most children and they can’t really be played with like a normal Fluffy.

Good idea though.

Nah, the beauty of the walker is that’s it’ll gradually damage the fluffy and make it impossible for the little shit to leave his walker without pain.

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I was describing a walker that could actually serve its stated purpose without inflicting additional long-term damage on the Fluffy that would likely end up costing the owner more money if they were a pure Hugboxer. The currently depicted model would suffice for anyone who isn’t a pure Hugboxer or on a tight budget.

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Ah, gotcha! Yeah, that would be radically different, and wouldn’t lead to a lifetime of severe and painful kyphosis.

… This is where I started kicking it down the stairs

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Can I get your permission to make an abuse comic based on this concept of the SBS walker? Not “abuse” necessarily but a comic in which an SBS Fluffy has a tragic accident with one of those.


sure :+1: