Sequel to Colored Chonky (by Booperino)
On the other side of her rotating office she got a pillow and plushie for naps!
Adorable. A well-adjusted pillowfluff is a rarity.
There’s a fluffies-making-art tag now, by the way.
ah thanks, added the tag!
This thing is weirdly adorable. Just how it seems happy, but in a very calm way. It doesn’t seem to get excited, good or bad.
It’s just sort of content with not being abused.
Her past of abuse before the adoption made her appreciate the small things i suppose.
When you been through hell and lived, anywhere can be heaven
Awww chunky is able to pursue their passions no matter what, I support you little dude
Right. But if I were asked to imagine a character like that, I’d think she would be all “yays!” and singing all the time.
Chonky, here, seems like she has learned, for some (probably grim) reason, not to make noise.
this is good for chonky, the soothibg music is much better watching fluyytv and simple drawing hobby, make sure the owner praised it
I give up. Now following the Booperino. Cuteness addiction growing.
(sneakily steals this idea to use for Nugget)
A fuzzy lil jellybean arteest!