Christmas Fluffies: Bob [by Maple]

“Nu wan pway wif stoopi’ broken fwuffy!” The green colt announced, stomping his hoof.

“Jus’ pway window bit.” His mummah said, pushing a ball to the two of you. “Nee’ be nicey to ugwy fwuffy.”

You were a red and white filly living among your siblings and a few other litters of foals and their mothers. You were always the outcast with your missing eye. The nice mister that owned all of you said it got hurt when you were born and there was nothing to be done to save it.

The green colt rolled his eyes. “Fiiine.”

“Das guud babbeh.” His mother said, turning back to her other foals.

“Tank’oo fo’ pway baww, fwuffy nebah get-” you were cut off by the ball slamming into your face. You crumpled to the padded floor of the pen as the green colt laughed.

“Dummeh nu can pway baww! Nu hab see pwace!”

You curled around yourself, hearing the other foals laugh and jeer. You didn’t mean to be broken! You just wanted to play, to have fun and be a normal fluffy! You wished you hadn’t been born broken, or even born at all!

“Mistah Jay am hewe!” One of the fillies called out, and you heard hooves thunder all around you as the fluffies ran to greet him at the side of the pen. You sniffled into your hooves, listening to them all chatter about getting new homes. You knew no one wanted you. Your own mummah barely paid attention to you, why would the humans?

You yelped as you were picked up suddenly. “Easy there! It’s just me!” Mister Jay said. He set you down in a little bin with a few other foals.

“Wai ugwy fwuffy hewe?” A blue filly asked.

“Nu knu! Guud fwuffies gu’in tu nyu homsies.” The green colt said, shooting you a wicked smile. “Maybe Mistah Jay gib bad babbeh foebah sweepies!”

“Nu! Fwuffy… fwuffy gu’in to nyu homsie too!” You protested, but the colt just laughed.

“Nu wan’ bad, ugwy, bwoken babbeh!” He sneered. “Babbeh nu guud!”

“That’s enough of that!” Mister Jay snapped, slapping the side of the bin.

The foals inside cowered, you huddled yourself against the plastic wall, hooves over your head. You didn’t want to sleep forever! You wanted to play with other fluffies, to have friends, to have a mummah or daddeh that loved you very much! You were broken, though. A small sob wriggled it’s way out of you as you waited for your fate. You could only hope it wouldn’t hurt.

You were picked up once again, and set into a small box. “Be a good fluffy and eat your treat for me, okay?” Mister Jay asked.

There was a small red pellet on the soft mat in front of you, you gave it a sniff. It smelled nice! You pulled it into your mouth, and it tasted really good too! At least at first, there was a weird aftertaste as you finished it. Kinda… bitter.

As the top of the box closed over you you suddenly felt very sleepy. You were going to sleep forever!! You tried to protest, to beg Mister Jay for mercy but your head was so heavy, you just couldn’t get your legs under you.

A single tear leaked out of you as your remaining eye slid shut.

“Merry Christmas, Holly!”

You didn’t know where you were. Your tongue was heavy and dry and your hooves were sore and tucked under you. How long did you sleep? Was that forever?

As you cracked your eye open, a bright light shone in on you. Was this the fabled Skettiland? You squinted, just able to make out a figure in the bright light.

“Hello!! Oh, you’re so pretty!!” A soft hand scooped you up, and you blinked a few times to get your vision clearer.

A human was holding you, surrounded by beautiful twinkling lights. She wore bright red and white not-fluff, much like your own coat. As your vision returned you stared into her eyes.

Well, eye.

Just like you, this human had a scar on one side of her face where an eye should be.

“… Am jus’ wike fwuffy…?” you whispered.

“Yes! We match! Isn’t that fun?” she held you up into the air, smiling widely. You found yourself smiling back. “I’m going to call you Bob!”

“Bob??” One of the larger humans behind her asked.

“Yes. It’s perfect.” The human, your new mummah, said. “Just like her!”


If you want a request of your own or to see the others I’ve finished, the post is here!


Aww… Good luck, Bob. :smiley:


:smiley: thank you for writing this! I love it!

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