Christmas Fluffies: Burdock [by Maple]

You are Burdock, a rather unfortunately colored brown on tan feral fluffy. You didn’t mind your colors, even if they earned you abuse from others. Browns blend in better, letting you hide in more places than brightly colored fluffies. Brown fluffies didn’t get singled out by mean humans, and the nice ones often gave you extra snacks just because! Your family was stupid to throw you out, you’re the best nummie finder ever.

You are also pregnant! You can feel the first tiny kicks of your little foals in your belly and it fills you with joy every time. These foals are the result of some very much non-consensual special huggies, but you can’t fault them for it. They’re just little babies! Even if their origin isn’t a memory you like to recall, you know that they will be the bestest things ever!

Right now you’re wandering the streets looking for snacks, as its getting colder you know you’re going to want to be spending as much time as possible in your warm little nest so you need to stock up now! Preferably before the sun sets too, something about the sun going down makes humans so much meaner! You weren’t sure what exactly it was, but the meanest ones only came out at night.

Turning a corner you catch a scent you’re very familiar with, sketties! You start to trot down to it, mouth watering, before you remember yourself. Sketties can be meanie!! You are a smart little fluffy, and you’d seen lots of nasty tricks played by sketties. They could be secretly not good nummies that made fluffies sick, they could be fake sketties meant to trap fluffies in meanie boxes, or they could trick mummahs into giving up their babies for them! You grit your teeth as you tracked the smell. You would puzzle out what kind of sketties these were, no problem! You were the bestest nummie finder ever!

The sketti smell emanated from a large metal box, with a mesh roof lifted up over the opening. You shook your head. The oldest trick. The meanie sketti wanted you to walk into the box and then BAM the door would slam shut, trapping you inside! You turned your nose up at it, you were far too smart for it!

A little ways down from the sketties you found some better, non-tricky nummies! They were fries, one of the best nummies you could find! Your mouth watered as you stepped into the metal box, thinking of the crunchy salty delight you would have. Your hoof landed on a metal plate and BAM! A mesh door slammed shut behind you! What a trick! You’d never seen anything like it! How could you have known!

You panicked for a moment, running around and slamming into the sides of the box trying to get out. There was nothing to get your hooves in, no little holes to squeeze through. You sat down in despair, trapped in a little cage before remembering the fries. At least you got good nummies out of it!

You had been in your little box for a very long time before you finally heard a human voice. “Enjoy your fluffy, sir! Merry Christmas!”

“Yeah, sure. Thanks.” A gruff voice replied.

You were very excited. It turns out that the meanie box wasn’t meanie after all! Some very nice people took you out of it and explained that you were getting a new daddeh! They said lots of words you didn’t understand, like “Discount” and “Last Minute” but you didn’t care! A happy home for you and your babies! You tried to tell them about your babies but they didn’t seem to listen as they wiped you down with some very nice smelling cloths and put you into your box. It was a little scary to be in the box alone, but then you remembered that you had tummy babies! You were never alone with tummy babies! You hummed to them softly as you waited for your daddeh to let you out.

As the lid opened, you squinted into the sliver of light, holding your hooves up for a hug. “Hewwo, nyu daddeh!”

Your daddeh looked down on you, lip curled in disgust. “Ugh, they weren’t kidding about the shit colors.”

“Daddeh… nu wike cowow?” You asked, lowering your hooves slowly.

“Eh, it’s fine for what we’re going to do.”

You were roughly dumped out of the box onto a cold concrete floor. You tumbled, but managed to gather your hooves underneath you. “Pwease be cawefuw wif Buwdock!”

“Burdock? That’s your name?”

“Yus, am Buwdock!” You looked around the room. It wasn’t the prettiest, with its rough wood and metal equipment, but it looked very secure! The floor was cold, but not nearly as cold as the space behind the dumpster you had set up. You even saw some rags and clothes that would make a very good nest! What a nice place your daddeh got for you!

“Well, Burdock, this is where we’re going to play!” Daddeh looked over the wall of metal things behind him. “I wonder what toy I should pick first…”

You scampered over to him, putting a hoof to your lip as you looked over them as well. There were some fun orange ones, some pretty shiny ones, even some colorful strings! Your daddeh had so many toys!!

“Lets start small, hm?” Daddeh grabbed a long thing with a round black head on one end.

“Otay! How pway?”

“Oh, you’ll see pretty quick.” Daddeh lowered the toy down to you, then swung it back. You smiled up at him, looking forward to many fun games!


The toy slammed into your chest, sending you flying across the room. You skidded along the concrete, feeling your fluff scrape off on the rough floor. “Eeep! Owwies!!”

Daddeh laughed, holding the toy on his shoulder. “Wasn’t that fun?”

“Uhm… yus, Daddeh, am bewwy fun…” You slowly got back up to your hooves. “But hab owwies… maybe pway oddah gamsie?”

“Oh, but I like this game!” Daddeh swung the toy around and around as he approached.

“Uhm, but Buwdock am soon mummah… nu tink am guud gamsie for soon mummah…” You mumbled, rubbing your hooves together. You didn’t want to disappoint him but… this was too rough of a game for tummy babies!

“Oh, shit, you’re pregnant?” Daddeh put the toy down. “Fucking score! I thought I had to pay extra for that!”

“Su… nu huwty gamesies?”

“Oh, no! Of course not!” Daddeh smiled wide, turning back to the toy wall. “I don’t want anything to get in the way of me playing with your little foals!”

You breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that he understood how important your tummy babies were. “Tankoo Daddeh! Babbehs am bestest ting.”

“They certainly are, girlie. We can hold off on our games until they’re born.” Daddeh gave you that same wide smile, and you smiled back. You were so lucky to have such an understanding daddeh!


If you want a request of your own or to see the others I’ve finished, the post is here!

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If this never gets a sequel I can always just assume those other toys were balls and stuffed bears and he had a sudden change of mind.


Whatever helps you sleep at night lmao.


impending-doom send appropriate!

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You are right, added!

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Thank you, I very much enjoyed that

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