Christmas Fluffies: Felicity [by Maple]

You are Felicity, the prettiest and smartest fluffy ever! You have the finest sparkly purple fluff and the longest and curliest pink mane! Your family is sooooo stupid, they told you over and over again that babies were bad, but you knew sooooo much better than them! You’d seen them on the TV shows you watched while Little Mummah was at school, they were the most perfect and bestest thing ever!! Their little hooves and tiny ears and baby noises! You knew you needed to have them, more than any of your toys. You had a lot of toys, but no babies! Little Mummah tried to tell you that babies were a lot of work, but what did she know? Babies were so much fun, you couldn’t possibly see them being any work. What was work, anyway?

So you snuck out the door one morning while she was going to school. You wandered the neighborhood until you found a stallion to give you special huggies, and then you booked it home before he could start calling you stupid things like “special friend”. You didn’t want a special friend, you wanted babies! And why would you want to be special friends with a stupid ugly brown fluffy anyway? If you were going to have a special friend you’d find one as pretty as you!

Little Mummah was so mad when she came home and you told her what you’d done. She shoved you into a sorry box, even though you were a soon mummah! Big Mummah and Daddeh were even madder, they were mad at Little Mummah too! Big Mummah hit you so many times with the sorry stick, no matter how many times you told her it was bad for tummy babies!

Why were they all so stupid? Why couldn’t they just listen to you?

Tonight though, after much pain and effort, your babies are here! It hurt way more than you were ready for, and you had half a mind to give your babies sorry hoofsies for daring to hurt the bestest mummah, but the second you were able to turn around and see them you changed your mind. They were covered in icky stuff, but they were perfect! Little colorful beans of fluff, you cleaned each one carefully and looked them over.

The first one was a very nice pale pink, you declared her the bestest baby. Then you cleaned the second one, which was even prettier than the first! She was a deep purple with a yellow mane, and you changed her to the bestest and set her down on your milky place next to your now second best baby. You hummed a mummah song to them as you started cleaning the rest of the foals.

There was a dark blue baby, a good color but kinda boring, so you decided he was next bestest. You almost changed your mind again when you saw the hot pink foal under him but he was a boy baby and pink was a silly color for a boy. You shook your head as you set him with his brother. What was he thinking, being pink?

You had three more after that, a yellow colt, a grey filly, and a sky blue filly. Alright looking, but not as good as the others. You waited for your bestest and second bestest to be done drinking before moving them to make room for the next best babies. The other foals made loud peeping noises, so you yelled at them to be quiet before they upset their better siblings.

“…Felicity? Why are you yelling?” Little Mummah came into your saferoom, rubbing her eyes.

“Hewwo Wittow Mummah! Am bestest ting! Hab babbehs!” You gestured with your hoof at the foals in front of you.

“Oh wow, that’s so many!” She stepped over the gate and knelt down to admire them. You smiled smugly, knowing you’d won. She could see how perfect and wonderful they all were, and she’d say she was wrong to tell you you were dumb for wanting them! “Oh, you missed one!”

You spun around, the foals on your teats falling off with a chirp. “Whewe babbeh?!”

Little Mummah picked up one of your accidental bad poopies, and you frowned. “Here, girl, don’t miss this little guy.”

“Uhm, Wittow Mummah nu touch poopies… am diwty…”

“No, look, its a baby!” She held it out to you, and you could see the little ears and hooves among the muck.

“Oh nu! Poow babbeh am icky!” You snatched the baby away from her, beginning to lick it clean. Poor little baby, it didn’t deserve to be so covered in bad poopies!

You licked and licked and licked, but in the light of your nightlight it never got any cleaner. The baby stayed a dark, chocolate brown. You rubbed at it with your hoof, ruffling its dark fluff.

“Oh, am poopy babbeh.” You tossed it aside, returning your attention to the better foals.

“Felicity!” Little Mummah dove to catch the ugly foal before it could hit the padded floor of your saferoom. “You have to be gentle with them!”

“Mummah wiww, wif guud babbehs.” You said, not looking up from your feeding foals. “Nu cawe ‘bout ugwy babbeh.”

“Felicity!! How could you say that? He’s just a baby!”

“If babbeh wub mummah, den be bettah cowwow.” It was hard having to explain everything to the humans, but they were lucky you were such a patient fluffy. Sometimes it took a few tries to get them to understand things, like that you didn’t always have time to go back to the litter box to make good poopies. If you explained and demonstrated enough times, they would understand and let you do what you wanted.

“Thats… horrible!” Little Mummah hugged the ugly baby to her chest. “You need to love them all, no matter what! That’s what mummahs are supposed to do!”

You sighed heavily. “Nu, nee’ bestest babbeh,’ you pointed at the purple foal sleeping against your leg, “an’ next bestest,” you pointed at the pink babbeh, “an’ den oddah babbehs,” you gestured to the dark blue and pink foals as they finished drinking, “an’ den bad babbehs.” You scooted the last three over, leaving them to figure out how to feed. “Sum babbehs nu guud, su bestest mummah nu wan.”

Little Mummah stared at you, wide eyed. You gave her a knowing nod, happy that she clearly understood. You barely had enough milk for your bad babies, why would you waste any on such an ugly foal?

“Tricia, what’s going on?” Daddeh came into your safe room.

“Felicity had her babies, but she tried to hurt this one!” Little Mummah held out the ugly foal.

“Mummah nu huwt ugwy babbeh! Jus’ nu wan’!” You protested as Daddeh took the foal from Little Mummah.

“Yeah, thought this might happen. I got some formula, but you’ll have to feed him every two hours for the next few days.”

“But Dad, it’s Christmas eve-”

“Don’t.” Daddeh’s voice was very sharp. “I told you I didn’t want to keep her after that… incident. You promised you’d take care of them. Either you feed this foal or we get rid of all of them.”

Little Mummah looked to you, then to the ugly foal. “Fine. Will you at least help me tonight?”

“Yeah. Stuff’s in the kitchen.” Little Mummah and Daddeh left your saferoom, taking the ugly baby with them. Good, this way it wouldn’t get its ugly on your babies.

You waited for the last foals to finish eating before curling around them and falling asleep. You were the bestest mummah, and you had the bestest babbehs!

“Nu wan!” You turned up your nose at the icky kibble.

“You’re not getting anything else.” Big Mummah said, her hands on her hips. “I paid an arm and a leg for this specialty kibble, either eat it or starve.

“Wan’ waffwes!” You protested, smelling the warm syrup wafting from the kitchen.

“No, that’s people food. This is specifically designed for fluffy mothers, it’s got everything you need.”

“NU. WAN.” You shouted, startling your foals.

“I don’t care. Eat it or don’t.” Big Mummah put the icky kibble bag away and left the safe room.

You growled, stomping your hoof down into the kibble in your bowl. Why were they all so dumb?? You couldn’t make the bestest milkies for your bestest babies with icky kibble! You needed waffles! And popcorn! And sketti!!

You were a very smart fluffy, and you knew that if you kicked the gate across the doorway hard enough it would open. You only ever did it when Little Mummah forgot to turn on the TV for you when she left for school, and you always told her that she left it open on accident. With a few solid kicks it popped open, and you snuck down the hallway towards the kitchen.

“How’s the runt doing?” You heard Daddeh ask, and darted behind one of the potted plants to hide.

“He’s really hungry, I think that’s a good sign.” Little Mummah replied.

Daddeh made a noise of agreement as you darted behind the kitchen door. You watched carefully as Little Mummah’s baby sister ate her waffles in her highchair. She always made a big mess as she ate, and you drooled as you saw a big chunk of waffle hit the floor, sticky with syrup. That would make the bestest milkies, you were sure!

She started making noises, and Daddeh took her out of the highchair. “Done? Let’s get you cleaned up before we do presents, sticky baby!”

“You hear that little guy? Presents!” Little Mummah cooed at the ugly baby in the tissue box on the table next to her. You seethed. Why was she being so affectionate towards such a bad baby? She should be giving that affection to your bestest!

You steadied yourself. You were a mare on a mission. You could get back at that horrible baby later, right now you needed to get the good nummies and get back to your babies before they missed you too much.

When Little Mummah got up from the table with her plate, you made your move. Waddling as fast as your legs would take you, you ran under the table and started scarfing down the chunks of waffle. You licked up puddles of syrup from the floor, following the sticky trails to the next crumb without looking and bumped into the leg of the highchair. “Eep!”

Suddenly a hand was on your scruff, yanking you into the air. You struggled as Big Mummah held you up. “How did you get out, hm?”

“Big Mummah weab gate open!”

“No, I didn’t touch it.”

You blinked, your lies seen through for the first time. “…Wiaw.”

“… Yeah, not arguing with a horse. Let’s get you cleaned.” Big Mummah carried you to the kitchen sink while you screamed and protested. Stupid humans didn’t know how bad water was for fluffies!

After a very rough cleaning with a kitchen towel, you sniffled as she carried you back to your safe room. “Now you’re going to stay in here and take care of your foals while we-” She cut off suddenly. You looked up to see the horror on her face, and followed her gaze into the safe room.

The baby had one of your foals in each of her baby fists, giggling. You stared in horror, seeing the red juice dripping down the arm that held your perfect purple baby.

“BABBEHS NUUUUUUU!!!” You screamed as Big Mummah dropped you to the padded floor. She rushed over and pulled the foals away from your baby, and you scampered after them. “Babbeh, babbeh am otay? Be otay, babbeh!”

But your purple baby was not okay. You tried to pick him up and he just flopped limply in your hooves, staining your fluff with his blood. You sobbed into his tiny corpse, hearing the rest of the family talking behind you.

“I thought the gate was closed!” Daddeh yelled.

“It should have been, bitch figured out how to open it.” Big Mummah said.

“Language, honey!”

“Ugh, sorry. I’m just… sick of her.”

They continued arguing, you felt a hand on your back. Looking up, Little Mummah had sat down next to you. “I’m so sorry, Felicity.”

“Bestest… nu wan Bestest gu foebah sweepies…” You sobbed.

“It’s horrible, but there’s nothing we can do now. You have to be here for your other babies, they need their mummah.” She kept talking, but you weren’t listening. In his little tissue box lined with a soft towel was the ugly baby. Little Mummah had kept him safe while your bestest was killed. That ugly, horrible baby got to live, while your perfect purple baby lay broken in your hooves. You felt rage build up in you, a turbulent hot feeling rising from your gut. With shaking hooves you set down what remained of your bestest foal.

“-we’ll dig him a nice grave, and you can go visit him whenever you want. Does that sound good?” Little Mummah finished.

You didn’t reply. You slowly turned to the little brown foal. The ugly foal. It should have been it.

With a scream you lunged for the box, hooves landing with a crunch on its tiny body.

“FELICITY!” Little Mummah screamed as you slammed your hooves down again and again, hot tears streaming down your cheeks. She grabbed you by the shoulder but you clamped your teeth down on her hand hard and she released you. You made sure to stomp every inch of that stupid poopy baby, making sure it was far more broken than your bestest. It was only fair.

Eventually Daddeh grabbed you by the scruff and threw you in the sorry box. You screeched in there, demanding to be let out until you felt yourself land hard on the ground and a door slam. You struggled and wailed, but the sorry box was impenetrable for a fluffy. After a forever, the door opened again and the box was picked up again.


“SHUT UP!” Daddeh banged hard on the side of the sorry box. “You RUINED Christmas!”


“Oh, you’ll get your fucking babies back.” You heard them peeping near you, and the vroom monster start.

You continued your demands as he drove, but Daddeh ignored you. Eventually the monster stopped its growling, and you were picked up again.

Daddeh cracked the lid of the sorry box, and you stuck your head out as far as you could, snapping your teeth in every direction. You were outside, somewhere, your sorry box resting on the pebble shore of a river. “I told Tricia I was taking you all to the shelter, but I think this is a much better option.” He shook a paper bag, and from inside you heard your foals chirp in distress.

“GIB BABBEHS!!” You cried, struggling to wriggle out of the sorry box.

“No. Go get them.” He swung the bag around a few times before throwing it up into the air. You watched, horrified, as the bag with your foals in it landed with a splash in the rushing water of the river.

“BABBEHS!!” Daddeh kicked over the sorry box, sending you spilling out onto the ground. You scrambled to your hooves and bound over towards the water without a thought for your own safety and jumped in.

The cold water very quickly sucked you under, the shock of it causing you to gasp and inhale large amounts of it. You were tumbled around on the bottom, struggling and drowning, desperately looking through the murky water for your foals.

There was a sharp blow against the back of your head, a splitting pain, and then nothing.


This is really well-written, but let down a bit by how conventional it is - bestest, poopie, foal-murder… I was hoping for a bigger surprise in there somewhere, but it’s the familiar tropes in the familiar order.


Even the misplaced retribution on the innocent foals for the crimes of their parents is here too.


It’s really well done, don’t want to complain about that. Maple is a friggin’ Christmas star.


Would’ve been nice if these morons had thought better of bringing the brown foal into the disaster zone, or at least had the sense to realize what mummah was trying to do.


The truth is, the owners tried to be patient with her, from the moment she had come back and told me that she had disobeyed me, I would have eliminated her.