Christmas Fluffies: Yin and Yang [by Maple]

You are a little white pegasus filly, and you are SO EXCITED! You heard from the humans that put you in this little box that you’re going to your new home! It’s so exciting that you made some bad peepees in the box, you hope your new mummah or daddeh forgives you. You just couldn’t help it!

The lid of your box comes off and you look on your new mummah and squeal with joy in time with her. You’re fast friends, she hugs you tightly to her chest while she talks about how perfect and beautiful you are, and you know this is the best home you could possibly hope for! You’re going to have so much fun!!

“I’m going to call you Yin! Just wait until you meet Yang, you’re going to love her!!” Your Mummah carries you up the stairs, stroking your pretty golden mane. You’re so excited to have a sister you nearly pee again!

“Yang! You have a new friend!!” Mummah calls into her bedroom. Everything was in shades of black or white, even the carpet was large alternating squares of pure white and pitch black.

Your eyes widened as a black fluffy stepped out of a plush black bed, shaking her deep red mane out as she did. You didn’t like the look of her. She was scary, with her blood red eyes fixed on you. You clung to your mummah’s arm as she lowered you down behind the ornate black gate blocking the doorway.

“Play nice! I need to get the rest of Yin’s stuff unwrapped!” You pressed your hooves into the gate as Mummah walked away, leaving you with this monster fluffy.

“Hewwo.” It spoke, and you turned slowly to face it. She was much larger than you, clearly a grown fluffy. She seemed to have wings like you, but they didn’t have any feathers on them, just fuzzy skin stretched between thin bones.

“Nu… nu huwt…” You mumbled.

“Nu wan’ huwt nyu fwend.” Her voice had no emotion in it, a cold monotone pitch. “Wan’ be fwends.”

“Nu wan be fwends wif munstah!” You spat, backing away as far as you could from the horrible creature.

“Nu am munstah. Am fwuffy.”

“Wiaw! Nu twick Yin! Yin ‘scape munstah!!” You darted past her, dodging a swipe from her that never came. You were smarter than this monster! You would escape, and tell mummah that this monster tricked her, and save her!

You ran across the room as fast as your little legs could carry you, looking for a way out. You saw a dark spot behind the bed that looked too small for the monster fluffy to fit into, and dove in. It was a tight squeeze, and the dark was very scary but you had to save Mummah and yourself from this horrible fluffy!

Very quickly you realized you’d made a mistake. The space between the bed and the wall was filled with blankets that wrapped around you, only tightening as you wriggled and squirmed. There didn’t seem to be enough air, and with cloth around your muzzle you were gasping for breath. Your chest ached as you tried to back out, your hooves finding no purchase on the soft fabric around you.

Just as things started to go grey, you felt a sharp tug at your tail, and light returned to you. You gasped, breathing fresh air again, flopped on the carpet. The monster fluffy spat out your tail, looking down on you impassionatel. “Nyu fwend hab huwties?”

“Munstah… munstah sabe Yin?” You asked, getting your breath back.

The monster nodded. “Yus. Nu wan’ huwties fo’ nyu fwend. Nu am munstah, tho.”

“Den… den wha’ am?” You’d never seen anything like her outside of your nightmares.

“Am batfwuffy. An’ am fwend.”

You pondered this for a moment. “Hmm… Otay! Wub nyu fwend!” You tackled her in a hug she didn’t return. You loved your new friend!


Deadpan batfluff is too cute! Thank you for all these lovely stories, Maple. Merry Christmas. :black_heart:


how cute. but you miss the small detail on how the bate fluffy was meant to be male.
(edited) the mare was a bit younger then the bat fluffy. at where the mistake must of happen