[CLOSED] Christmas Requests for Y'all

Unicorn, female, white coat, shiny aqua blue mane, pink horn with purple spiral.
She starts off happy and loved but the family divorces and she is sold to a breeding farm to pop out an endless line of pretty babies.


I’d like a red chirpie going to a family. In a rush, the courier puts too much weight on the !!FRAGILE!! STACK ON TOP!! box and it’s crushed in transit, leading to a horrifying discovery on Christmas morning.



(post deleted by author)

Unfortunately this does not fit the prompt above!

Shit, my bad

Here you go!

A red and gold alicorn colt going to an owner who can’t wait for their clever fluffy friend…unfortunately a disgruntled driver and the stress of transit leads to them arriving derped.


This is fun, thanj you for doing some requests!

Could I request a baby-pink unicorn filly? Due to a delivery mix-up, the kid expecting a cool blue pegasus colt to play with is initially really upset when he gets a little pink filly and abuses it or neglects it initially- but it wins him over somehow by being brutal and or cool in its own way? Not a new concept, I know, but it’s a favorite of mine.


What if I already have a fluffy I’ve adopted, could you write about it?

As long as it fits the “fluffy delivered on Christmas Eve” prompt, yeah!

I can work with that I think :smiley:

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I haven’t come up with a ‘final’ name for my new fluff- for some reason the name Bob comes to mind, and as a female XD

Anyways, my idea is that Bob got their eye damaged when they were born, and due to their rare patterned fluff they were put up for sale, but at a discount. The other non-damaged fluffies make fun of them, and they’re worried they won’t get a new mummah/daddeh because of it. But when their package is opened on Christmas, the kid they were for is also disabled in some way, and is happy to have a fluffy ‘just like them’.

Does that work?

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Yes it does!


Now to read the other requests you’ve written :slight_smile:

I’ve had this idea kicking around in my head for a fucking dog’s age, lol, and if I ever get around to it will still use it buuuuut: Spoiled little shit rich kid in need of an ass whooping gets a fluffy for Christmas from his stepmom/dad’s new arm candy wife—he wanted a dog. He’s the type to call stepmom by her first name all rude like and cuss her out. She basically has to take it and the dad just brushes it off as lol kids/boys will be boys. Since he didn’t want a dumb fluffy, abuse is imminent. Lol

Does that work? Sorry I am literally typing on my phone without my glasses on and one eye closed (yay astigmatism! Lol) and just sort of farting around because ADD.

Whatever happens, thank you for being such a lovely part of this community! <3

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Rather detailed response, but I would like to see your take on this! It’s one of those stories that starts with abuse but ends in hugbox.

An adult albino (white coat + mane and red eyes) female earthie who was one of the mares sold for the Mummah Surprise line, she was sold at a high price because she had some rare traits and a lineage that was promising for any babies she would have. A rich family ordered her for their kids but unfortunately, the family was comprised of assholes and the son and daughter were spoiled reckless kids who killed her babies due to negligence and carelessness. The parents complained because she was “whiny” and her babies were “smelly and messy” so she was recalled but eventually brought up for sale again for the BioGrift scheme and sold but at a discount because of the holidays. She’s scared as she’s being transported but as it turns out, she was ordered by a sweet woman named Sheila who’s trying to help her boyfriend Stephen deal with his own trauma from abuse. Stephen sees the fluffy his girlfriend gifted him, and he loves her immediately and the albino earthie gets to have a loving home with a loving mummah and daddeh.

(if you want, I can also describe how Stephen and Sheila would look)

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Alright. I’d like a brown on brown pregnant female (one just picked up off the street), with an optimistic personality that turns out to be the unluckily one that gets sent to an abuser for an impending doom/false hope kind of end after he finds out and opts to wait for foals to abuse too.

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Here you go!

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Here you go!

Oh! Uh, two of you asked for basically the same thing lmao, I just blurred them together in my head!

So uh… Here you go as well!