Coaxed into a Fluffu Presents: Idea for a Bad World (DreamMLP)

@gibhuggies I think @KovacsAmbrozia means “slide into my DMs”, as the kids say

Yes, thanks. Translate fails often.:frowning:

They slid into mine so we good lol.

Google translate is not very good. DeepL is better, not just for Hungarian, but for many languages, like Russian, Spanish, German and more


Thank you, will try.

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I’m gonna switch to this too. Thank you.


As amusing as this all is, am I the only one annoyed by the umpteenth anti-abuse stan trying to make some kind of social commentary out of abuse in the most slapdash, heavyhanded, and silly method ever devised by a six year old?

If this person had a better grasp of English they would have written this with no sense of irony: