Cry Wolf Ch. 3 [By BFM101]

Why do I have a feeling Daniels isn’t “gone” too far away, and that Jacob knows everything.

I kind of hope she wakes up in the middle of the woods and eventually has a litter of bad color babbehs.


Roll-coaster of emotion. I hope Daniels is safely tucked away with Kathy or something. Jacob seems to be more aware than he is letting on…I really hope that is the case.

You really made a great character to hate with Alex, bravo. A bit sad though, so smart for a fluffy, wasted potential.


Well, no telling. @BFM101 could well be messing with us ( hopefully even! ).


Will be interesting to see BFM’s take a brutal, yet justified abuse story, if it heads that way. At the moment this can literally go any which way.


Also, poor Dainels is going to be head-fucked after this. Any time he gets a boner it is going to trigger his PTSD, he may never enf again.

Wild prediction: The story will end with Alex being gone and Jacob bringing back Daniels and taking in Stryker. They will become special friends and raise the foals.


Wow…this is super fucked up. I mean we’ve all seen fluffies as users, but damn. I’m not 100 percent sure she’s able to be labeled a sociopath but she’s real close


Soooooo I just hope Stryker is dead at this point, starved waiting for Alex :rofl:.
That bitch will suffer im shure of it and Daniel’s is a good Fluffy but I think he was still punished because in the end he did not listen to his Human.


Excellent story. The fact that I can hate a little retarded, technicolor horse as much as I hate Alex is impressive writing.

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It definitely sounded like the spaghetti was drugged. I suspect (or maybe just hope) that he’s already figured her out. Daniel is staying comfortably with the Fluffmart lady, and Jacob is playing along with her lie because he wants to see if the babies are Daniel’s before he brings the wrath of God down upon her.

In that case, he’s drugging her for some type of paternity test.

Though it would be super karmic if he still believed her, and knocked her out for an abortion because he can’t stand the idea of seeing Daniel’s rape babies.


Next chapter is going to be a backstory about Alex and what’s led her here, Stryker will factor into the ending but I’ve only JUST hinted at his part to play in this chapter.

Hopefully it’ll all make sense in the ending.


Twist ending, she becomes a half-pillowed, enfie toy.


I’m not really a fan of random abuse. I don’t dislike it, it’s just kind of meh to me.

However, this story thus far has me thinking about what could be the most horrible thing that could be done to Alex for what she has done. I have not yet had an idea that seems like it’s bad enough.


I’m just happy to see several of my theories about her were right on the money.


What parts were those?

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From Chapter 2


Gotta say, not liking Jacob right now with how fast he turned on Daniels. He never once got his side, just Alex’s. She says something and he immediately punished Daniels. Then he asks for Daniels’ side. Like you punished him first then ask, you a moron dude. You should know your fluffy by now. Jacob doesn’t feel like he is a nice human, just a moron. He was warned about Alex too.


To be fair, he’s catching his fluffy at the worst possible time: when hormones are frying the little guy’s head.

His fluffy is at the point of learning a lot about himself, too.

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Jacob did try to ask Daniels, but Daniels was still confused about the whole situation - remember Alex went from nice to shitting on the floor to screaming for help within seconds.

This is all still taking place in the one day, Jacob wasn’t about to start pushing Daniels for answers when he was still upset by everything. Plus Alex lied and said she might have misunderstood him.

Is Jacob too nice for his own good? Probably but that is by design


Well, and as readers we’ve got a more objective viewpoint. How many of us yell at the TV or movie screen when the characters are doing something obviously stupid from our perspective but seems reasonable from theirs?



Man, I’ve never felt such white hot rage directed at a fluffy before. I hope Alex gets some horrific pain in the near future and Daniels gets to live happily afterwards. Fucking great work.