Cry Wolf Ch. 6 Part 1 [By BFM101]

This is a rewrite of the original Chapter 6 which was lost in the January Blackout, and since I was dumb enough to not have my worked saved at that point, it’s taken me until now to get everything sorted again.

It’ll mostly follow the same path, minus a couple small additions or removals since it won’t be a perfect copy.

Alex stared dumbfounded at Jacob, why did her daddy look so mean? Did he trap her in this place? She struggled to free herself again, only hurting her already raw and bleeding legs as they was chafed against the rope holding her in place on the table.

“Daddeh hewp, Awex am stuckies, nu gud fow tummeh-babbehs.”

Jacob shook his head and chuckled. “No, I don’t think I will help. I’ve figured out your plan Alex, you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are.”

Alex gasped, how could her perfect Smarty plan have been worked out? “Fwuffy nu knyo wha daddeh tawkin bout, pwease wet gud soon-mummah gu.”

Jacob’s smile vanished as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Wordlessly he found the file and pressed play, almost instantly Alex recognised the conversation between her and Daniels mere days ago.

“…if Awex hab Daniews babbehs, daddeh HAB tu wet Awex stay, nu can take babbehs way fwom deiw daddeh.”

“Bu daddeh say nu hab munies fow mowe Fwuffies.”

“Aww mummahs an daddeh say dat, bu dey awways du, dey jus say dat su gud Fwuffies nu bwing in bad Fwuffies fwom ousside. Bu we bov gud Fwuffies, wai nu be speciaw-fwiends?”

Jacob stopped the recording and looked at Alex’s horrified face, his own stone cold, with just the slight tint of rage threatening to crack out.

“After you accused Daniels of threatening to rape you so you could use the litterbox I knew something was up. You came in at the perfect time since Daniels was acting up but aside from being a little hornball he was still a good Fluffy, I got myself wound up and didn’t know where to put the blame. So I figured I’d keep an eye on you, make sure you were above board and all, I have to admit, you’re very good, you hide yourself very well, if I hadn’t hid my phone to record the two of you while I was out of the room I might have never caught you.”

Alex couldn’t help herself and she started to smile at Jacob’s kind words. That smug grin tore right through Jacob and he leapt forward, smashing his fist onto the table, the sudden loud THUMP shocked Alex into shitting herself.


“Huu daddeh scawe Awex, Awex am soon-mummah, nu gud fow tummeh babbehs.”

Jacob stepped back, his smirk returning to him. “Ah yes, the babies. We can’t forget about them, don’t want to hurt the precious little things. Only…”

Jacob leaned in closer, the harsh light above Alex’s head silhouetted him as a massive looming shadow over her.

“…A Smarty bitch like yourself would never allow a ‘poopie’ Fluffy to give you ‘ugly’ foals, not unless you had a plan.”

The cruel glint in Jacob’s eye frightened Alex as he left her on the table and climbed the stairs out of his basement. Once the door was shut Alex was immediately back to work, pulling and tugging at her legs to try and free them from her prison.

“NNGGGHHH! Come on weggies, Smawty need yu tu wowk, need wun way fwom dummeh daddeh, hab bestesh babbehs wiv betta daddeh.”

As much effort as she wasted on her feeble escape attempts, it was all for naught, while the ropes weren’t too tight, the awkward angle combined with Alex’s Fluffy strength being non-existent meant that she had no give, nothing to leverage herself and as such, she only ended up shredding the skin on her legs until they were blistered and bleeding.

At that moment the door opened, and Alex heard Jacob coming back down the stairs. She looked up, trying to put on her best pathetic face, only to end up with a confused one when she saw what Jacob had in his arms.

More specifically, who he had.

With his black Fluff still dirty, his silver mane still dulled and his missing half-ear still an eye-sore, Stryker sat comfortably Jacob’s arms as he was cradled like an infant. When he looked over and saw Alex, he burst into a beaming smile.

“Speciaw-fwiend wook, Stwyka am inside Fwuffy nyo.”

Alex felt something in her brain snap, how much had this idiot said?

Jacob tickled Stryker’s belly, eliciting a soft little giggle from the former fighting Fluffy. “Yes, me and Stryker here have had a long and interesting talk, why don’t you tell Alex what you told me Stryker.”

“Weww, speciaw-fwiend say dat dummeh hoomin onwy wet hew stay if she hab poopie-Fwuffy tummeh-babbehs, bu she nu wan hab poopie-babbehs su she hab Stwyka babbehs den enf poopie-Fwuffy an make fink dey am his babbehs. Den wen poopie-Fwuffy am gun, speciaw-fwiend wet Stwyka in homesie and be famiwy together.”

Alex was FUMING! Her eyes wide, her breathing deep, it was taking everything she had not to go fucking apeshit at Stryker for giving away her whole plan. She tried to work out damage control and how she could still trick everyone when Jacob stepped forward.

“I found Stryker outside after I dropped Daniels off as Kathy’s house, he’s fine by the way, I never got rid of him at all. Seems when he saw me return without the ‘Poopie Fluffy’ he got a little too excited and tried to make his way inside, I thought him telling me your whole master-plan would be enough but then I noticed something, something that I think you’ll find very interesting.”

Jacob manoeuvred Stryker so that his open legs were facing Alex, at first she tried to look away, not wanting to look at Stryker’s nu-nu stuck and lumps, she’d been all too well acquainted with them when she was his ‘prize’ and had no desire to…

She stopped and looked, this had to be a trick, some human magic. Because from where she was looking, Stryker didn’t have any lumps, just a faded scar below his stick.

“Wai Stwyka hab nu wumps?”

“WHA?!” Stryker immediately sat up, looking down between his legs. “Stwyka hab wumps, hab tu hab wumps, am stwong stawwion.”

“I’m afraid not buddy, see I did some research and from what I could find, your old daddies took away your lumps when you were a foal so they could… change your boo-boo juice to make you stronger without the risk of hurting you. Did your old daddies give you a lot of pointy hurties before a fight?”

Stryker nodded, remembering Mistah Gus giving him many, MANY pointy hurties, he thought they were good, they always made him feel stronger. Now he finds out it was at the cost of his lumps.

As Stryker started wailing into Jacob’s arms about being a broken stallion, Alex was coming to a slow, horrifying realisation. If Stryker didn’t have any lumps, then he couldn’t be a daddeh, if he couldn’t be a daddeh, he couldn’t give her tummeh-babbehs, if she wasn’t carrying his tummeh-babbehs, then the only other Fluffy it could be was…


Stryker pissed a little at Alex’s sudden screech, Jacob didn’t mind though, it was worth it to see the look of absolute horror on her face.



Alex’s tirade was cut off by Jacob flicking her hard on the nose, Alex was caught off-guard and started to cry from the sudden pain but Jacob covered her mouth with his free hand and forced her to look at him.

“That’s right Alex, you are carrying Daniels foals. And the good news is, I’m not going to do anything to hurt them, which means I’m not going to do anything to hurt you. You are going to stay here until you give birth, until you’re a mummah to the best poopie babbehs in the world. After that, we’ll see how I feel.”

Jacob took the still sobbing Stryker and turned away to climb back upstairs, leaving Alex to stew in both her failure as a Smarty, and her own pregnant mistake.

Jacob threw himself into his armchair, utterly exhausted. He found his breath again and looked over at Kathy on the other sofa.

“This bad guy routine is hard work.”

Kathy chuckled. “You’re not used to it is all, you gotta play mean to get Smarties like Alex to even listen to you. Chances are she’ll never take your threats seriously, but if she think you’re mean enough, she’ll always think ‘maybe’.”

“You speaking from experience?”

“Tragically yes, the Fluff-Mart gets quite a few Smarties, some born from idiotic mothers, some ‘rescued’ off the streets. Always ends up with blood, tears and at least one case of sexual abuse. Female Smarties are rarer, but they do exist.”

“Yeah, and Mr Gullible here was the one who fell for her shit, I can’t believe I got outwitted by a fucking Fluffy.”

Kathy placed a comforting hand on Jacob’s arm. “You’re not used to them is all Jacob, you said it yourself, if Daniel hadn’t been acting out like a dick with legs then you wouldn’t have fallen for Alex’s trick. This is a learning experience, you can read all you like about Fluffy ownership but until you’re in the, often literal, shit of it, you don’t know a goddamn thing.”

Jacob smiled, thinking of his poor little guy. “How is he by the way?”

“Daniels? He’s good, you’ve raised him well. He misses you, keeps asking to see you.”

“I know, I miss him too. But I don’t want him here with Alex in the basement, it’ll confuse him too much.”

“I get that Jacob, and I agree, but take a moment to come by my place, spend an hour or so with Daniels, just remind him that you’re there and that you still care for him. It might even help you with Alex once you see the juxtaposition of what a good Fluffy is, and what a piece of shit is.”

Jacob laughed. “You really hate her don’t you?”

“On the contrary Jacob, I barely register her. Part of my job means I’ve seen Fluffies at their best and their absolute worst, I saw a father rape three of his newbown children to death because they ‘weren’t pretty like his special-friend’, all while the mother cheered him on. At the same time, I watched a mare who suffered yet another still-birth take the surviving foals and lovingly raise the as her children until they left to start families of their own. What Alex has over them though is that she hurt my friend, and for that, yes I hate her fucking guts.”

“Ok, what would you recommend I do?”

“Personally I would milkbag her and wait for the foals to be born, but I know you’re not that senselessly cruel. Even still, I think you’re first option is to pillow her.”

“Pillow? As in take away her legs? Isn’t that a bit overboard.”

“It’s not punishment Jacob, although I do recommend you frame it that way, it’s good sense. Alex is going to do whatever she can to hurt those foals, she doesn’t even consider them her children, they’re parasites that she has to rid herself off, either through a forced miscarriage, or by stomping on them once they’re born. You take away her legs, you take away 90% of her options.”

Jacob sighed, he didn’t like it but he knew Kathy was right, in order to be the hero to Daniels unborn children, he had to be the villain to their bitch mother.

The only question was, did he want to feed that part of him again?

Chapter 6 Part 2


Abuse so nice I read it twice!

Also now I’m hungry for tender fluffy meat over rice.


Love the repost and edit, and how the bitch alex went bonkers knowing she is carryin Daniel’s foals than Stryker. Love seeing a smarty bitch suppose perfect plan crumblin one after another. :grin:

Cant wait for the next part.


i remember reading this before CH.6 came out and got so pissed!
so glad your comeing back to work on this!


Now this brings a smile to my face, the realization and the fact that she’ll have to be forced to care for them I can’t wait to see the mental anguish of having something she despises more than anything call her mummah


Anyone who remembers when this story was originally posted can tell you it won’t be as simple as that. Alex is still a Fluffy, and Fluffies like pretty things, regardless of where they came from


Hell, judging the variety of dating site ads I’ve seen I’d say humans are like that too :wink:


I see in my mind I was expecting them to come out with brown or muted colors and being poopie the very thing she hate and is disgusted by

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You’re not wrong, but Alex’s genes are in there too.

It’ll all make sense in the next part.


Good good I can’t wait Godspeed then

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I’m glad daniels is ok

Oh yeah that part would have some changes too? I kinda like how that turned out and Jacob notice it too.

But if meant for some update would have the legs off or have it slip in some box frame with a hole on both side to lock her legs and have a pillow under her belly.

And have Jacob in there to make sure everything went smoothly and have her turned a milkbag with Kathy’s expertise.

Waiting for the next part comes out :blush:

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