Cry Wolf Ch. 6 Part 2 [By BFM101]

Alex shook and pulled in her table-top prison, trying to gain any leverage she could to escape, but there was nothing, she was trapped and she hated it, both the indignity and the humiliation that a HUMAN could have outsmarted a Smarty.

She felt a churn in her stomach, and she seethed at the feeling, her second litter and they’re father was a fucking poopie again, Alex thought of her mother and imagined that pure white bitch laughing at her, whether she’d ended up. How was Alex suppose to prove she was the bestesh mummah ever if all her children were ugly wastes of Fluff?

No matter, once they were born she could stomp them all into paste and be done with them, serves poopie Daniels right for infecting her.

Suddenly there was a noise at the top of the stairs, Alex looked up and saw Jacob heading down the stairs, a human woman she didn’t recognise behind him and something in his hands that looked very sharp and very hot.

Instantly, Alex put on the crocodile tears. “Daddeh, daddeh, Awex hab wowstesh weggies huwties, nu am gud fow tummeh-babbehs. Pwease wet Awex gu, be gud mummah.”

Jacob stopped in front of her, the low light of the basement gave enough of a shadow across his face to hide the nervous look in his eyes. “Will you be a good mother, or will you be what YOU think is a good mother?”

“Uuuuuhhhhh… wha daddeh mean?”

“What will you do to your babies when they are born?”

“Um, Fwuffy wub aww babbehs?”

Jacob silently turned to Kathy, she looked at him and shook her head before Jacob turned back to Alex. Still without saying a word, Jacob took one of her front legs and brought the pillowing tool to the limb.

The sounds of searing flesh and torn muscles were just barely heard over Alex’s screaming, the super-heated metal of the large scissors made short work of her amputation. Jacob hated the sounds, even against someone he hated, but Kathy was right, he needed to be proactive to protect Daniels foals.

Jacob tossed the severed limb onto the floor and stepped back, Alex stared at the stump where her leg used to be, tears welling in her eyes.

“Wai… wai daddeh take weggie, am gud Fwuffy.”

“I’ll ask you again. What will you do to the foal when they are born?”

“Fwuffy pwomise gib aww babbehs wub an huggies, Fwuffy knyo dat nyo.”

Jacob hid his annoyance that she was still trying to trick him and grabbed her other front leg, knowing what was happening now, Alex screamed and tried to fight him.

“NU! Nu take Smawty weggie, am bestesh Smawty, need weggie tu gib sowwy hoofies tu… NNNNNAAAAARRRGGGGGHHH!”

Jacob coldly sliced off Alex’s second leg, trying not to let her screaming get to him. He knew she deserved this and worse, but even still.

Alex lay flat on her stomach, both her front legs missing now. She wept, thinking of all the huggies her good babbehs would never receive now.

“Wan weggies bak, wan run an pway wiv babbehs.”

“One. More. Time. What will happen to the foals when they are born?”

“DADDEH CAN HAB BABBEHS! Smawty gun gib dem foweba sweepies cos dey am poopie babbehs, bu nu cawe bout babbehs, daddeh can hab babbehs, nu wan gib dem huwties nu mowe.”

“You promise?”

Alex nodded. “Fwuffy pwomise.”

Jacob smiled but a hand on his shoulder from Kathy stopped him, he looked over and wordlessly she shook her head, saying everything she needed to right there.

Jacob sighed, knowing she was right. Trying to hide his emotions as best he could, Jacob stepped behind Alex and grabbed one of her back legs.


Alex was helpless as Jacob removed both her back legs, tossing them callously away when he was done. Finally it was over, Alex was weeping, she’d been freed from the ropes, but what good was freedom when she couldn’t even move?

Jacob’s confliction burned in his heart, he knew this was righteous abuse, but nothing about it felt right.

“I’m sorry it had to come to this Alex, but hopefully now you’ll learn that…”

“Smawty weawn nuffin.”

Alex looked up at Jacob, a fury unlike anything that should be possible in a Fluffy stared back at him.

“Smawty nu need weggies tu gib poopie babbehs foweba sweepies, Smawty stiww can cwush dem wiv pwetty Fwuffy, ow num dem wen dey git tuu cwose tu mouthie-pwace. Dummeh daddeh fink he stop bestesh Smawty? Smawty nu stop tiww aww fukin poopie babbehs am foweba sweepies.”

A beat of silence passed through the room, both Jacob and Kathy in shock at the venom spewed from the Fluffy in front of them. Kathy recovered first and stepped forward, she reached out and grabbed a chunk of Alex’s grey Fluff.

“Tell me, how will you choke your babies with your Fluff, when you don’t have any?”


Alex screeched as a large handful of Fluff was torn from her back, somehow it hurt just as much, if not more so, than the pillowing. Kathy grabbed another handful then another, and another, over and over she ripped Alex’s coat off of her body, painfully, randomly, leaving her Fluff patchy and bloodied from the torn follicles.

“HUUUUHUUUU, PWEASE STOP! Smawty nu wan wose pwetty Fwuff.”

“PRETTY?!” Kathy screamed at her. “You think THIS is pretty? You’re dull as dishwater, you look like a concrete slab, utterly pedestrian and fucking boring. Daniels did you a favour adding some fucking colour to your life, all I’ve done is made you as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside.”

“Meanie wady wie, bestesh Smawty hab pwettiesh Fwuff, hab pwettiesh babbehs, dummeh wady nu knyo.”

Kathy gritted her teeth but said nothing as she turned and headed back upstairs, Jacob made sure Alex was secured by a couple ropes over her back and followed Kathy out of the basement.

Once out of the basement, both of them let out a long sigh, Kathy looked over and Jacob and chuckled.

“Think she got the message?”

“Jesus Kathy, what she said to us that was… I mean these are fucking children’s toys.”

“BROKEN toys, remember that Jacob, for every well-trained one like Daniels there’s two or three broken pieces of shit like her. Although granted she’s a little more fucked up than I’m used to seeing, must’ve had shitty parents.”

“There’s not going back now is there? Now that we’ve… that I’VE pillowed her.”

Kathy shook her head. “No, she lied each and every time you took a leg, normally I’d call that Fluffy stubbornness but with what she said… she doesn’t even care, she still thinks she can win this… whatever THIS is. At this point all you can do is keep her healthy and wait for the birth.”

“I understand, but can you do me one favour before you go?”

“Sure, anything.”

Jacob handed the pillowing scissors back to Kathy. “Take these fucking things as far away from me as possible.”

It was a few days later when Kathy opened her front door to find Jacob on the other side, he had a tired but happy smile on his face to see her.

“Hey, found the place alright I see?”

Jacob stepped inside and gave Kathy a quick hug. “Yeah, thought I got lost for a moment down by Lothmar Hall, but turns out it’s just a strange corner. Once I figured out the direction I was ok.”

“Glad to hear it, mum and dad should be back in a couple hours, they’re just visiting my Uncle Lewis. But I imagine you’re more interested in our other guest.”

Jacob nodded. “Please, after too long with that thing in my basement, I need something good back in my life.”

Kathy motioned for Jacob to follow her into the living room. “Oh, while we’re on the subject of She Who Shall Not Be Named, I haven’t told you about our newest recruit at the Fluffmart. Stryker.”

“Stryker? The big brute? What kind of job could you have given him, security guard?”

Kathy grinned and shook her head. “Nope, child minder.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, big burly bastard like him doesn’t exactly scream kid-friendly.”

“On the contrary Jacob, despite his violent background, Stryker is still a Fluffy and Fluffies love foals, he was honestly heartbroken to learn that Alex had lied to him and he couldn’t have his own family, but he’s taken to the store’s nursery surprisingly quickly. Kind and gentle but not afraid to discipline any unruly foals should they step out of line, the foals all call him ‘Toughie Daddy’.”

“Huh, well… good on him I guess. He deserved better than being stuck with Alex.”

Kathy silently agreed as she opened the door to the living room. Inside there were five Fluffies, an older black Alicorn mare with iridescent silver was laying on a cushion by the fireplace, nestled against a blue stallion. Nearby to them, a younger, dark blue Pegasus mare with an orange mane sat nursing her young foals while two stallions played chasies on the floor, one was a rich brown Alicorn like the black mare, and the other…


Daniels immediately stopped playing and raced over towards Jacob, despite it being only a short time since Jacob last saw Daniel the young stallion looked noticeably bigger. Jacob felt a little pang of guilt from missing Daniels growth for so long.

But he hid that down and knelt on the floor to give the little guy a cuddle.

“Daddeh, Daniews miss yu su muchies, neba fink see yu gain.”

“It’s ok Daniels, I missed you too.”

“Can Daniews come homesie soon, miss daddeh an own bedsies.”

Jacob sighed. “Sorry bud, not yet. Still a few more bright-times, but I promise, after this is all over you never have to leave again.”

Daniels nodded but couldn’t hide the disappointment on his face. He didn’t say anything but he could still smell remnants of Alex on Jacob’s clothing, knowing she was still back home scared him, but Jacob had said it would only be for a short time.

How long short was, Daniels had no idea, but it felt a lot longer than it should.

“So?” Jacob interrupted the little guy’s train of through. “You having fun at Kathy’s?”

Daniels face instantly lit up. “YEH, hab bestesh times wiv Kath-ee, an wook, Daniews hab nyu fwiends. Dat am Spawkews wiv speciaw-fwiend Awchee, den dat am Spawkews babbeh Jay-Dee, he bwown wike Daniews bu am wingie-pointy wike his mummah, and dat am Jay-Dee speciaw-fwiend Bwoo-bewwy an dem babbehs.”

Kathy’s four Fluffies waved at Jacob, Kathy strolled over and scratched Sparkles on the head.

“Sparkles and Archie are our two main Fluffies, J.D. and his siblings visit from time to time to let Sparkles meet her grandchildren. I figured Daniels could do with seeing another brown Fluffy so he didn’t feel out of place so we took J.D., Blueberry and their kids in for a long weekend.”

“Dem gud babbehs, Spawkews hab biggesh heawt-happies tu see Spawkew babbehs hab own famiwies.”

Kathy leant over and kissed Sparkles on the top of her head. “It’s been a rough journey for this little one, but I say it was worth it to get to this point.”

Jacob looked over at the happy family, three generations of Fluffy under one roof, all loving and caring each other. He smiled, hoping that at the end of it all, he could share in something similar with Daniels.

Down in the basement, Alex felt her stomach twisting.

She was depressed, she was uncomfortable, she was humiliated and she was fucking furious.

How long had it been since that meanie mister took her legs? One bright time, two, MANY? She couldn’t say, the lack of windows meant she couldn’t even tell what was day and what was night anymore.

She had tried to scare her old meanie daddy, threatening him with sorry-hoofies and poopies if he didn’t let her go. Each threat was ignored, only making her even more furious at the indignation. She had promised herself to give Jacob the worst sorry-poopies next time she saw him.

Only now her body was betraying her, she felt her bowels churn as the poopies she was so desperate to hold in were being pushed out of her.

“Nu dummeh poopie-pwace. Nu wan gu poopies nyo, need wait fow dummeh daddeh.”

She couldn’t tell why, but something about these poopies felt different, and yet vaguely familiar, she hadn’t had poopies like this since…

Since she gave birth to her first litter.

Alex’s blood went cold as she felt the words form in her throat and spew out before she had the chance to stop them.


Chapter 6 Part 3 [END]


So is Alex ending up in the same situation as last time this story ended or do you have something crueler in mind?


Basically the same, this is just an extended cut of the original story since it’s no longer on here


Wow with these addition, I can say alex was at worst sob of a mare. Egoistic smarty to boot, its funny she can’t believe she was outsmarted. Well duhhhh!

Losing all legs and still want to kill her poopie foals, talk bout determination or stupidity. Would have slap her left and right till her mouth bleeds.

Glad Stryker became a “daddy” in a nursery.

Now that her foals are coming out hope Daniel is there.


I am starting to wondering, did Kathy killed Joseph for finding out that he is the one who hid Sparkle for many years instead of bringing her back to her family and causing Kathy stab him to death in the spot?

Any way… Alex is giving birth and she’s going to LOVE it.

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Alex is indeed not smart enough to lie about her plans.

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Different person

Kathy Parker is the supporting character of this story

Katherine Townsend is Josef’s ex-girlfriend

You’re not the first person to make this mistake, the names are fairly similar


So glad that Sweetheart/Sparkles is finally back home. It’s lovely!