Cup-A-Foal by Chikahiro

Chikahiro Multiversal presents: Cup-A-Foal!

Don’t get a Foal-In-A-Can! With CM’s Cup-A-Foal, you can go to any vending machine and walk away with a new friend! Take Cup-A-Foal home, add boiling water, let sit, and in 10 minutes you’ll have a happy new chirpie foal ready to be loved! The rehydration process is simple and based off the newest NASA technologies brought to the consumer market. Colors include Wakame (green), Chili (red), Daikon (white), Teriyaki (brown), and Boba (black).

For Store and Vending Machine owners:
Ever want to get into the fluffy selling business but don’t have the space or specialized equipment to do so? CM’s Cup-A-Foal might be the solution you’re looking for. No taking up massive amounts of floor space required for fluffies, no need for the staff to take care of all their biological needs before consumers buy. No tying up precious capital into fluffies that may or may not sell!

Utilizing space-age bioengineering, we’ve taken the NASA Watney breed and made readied it for the consumer market. This is a well tempered, smart fluffy made for space efficiency and socialbility with humans. Ideal first time fluffies, these re-engineered to be sterile and asexual so customers don’t need to worry about the normal mating urges found in traditional fluffies. You’ll be happy to not have to contend with shady “home breeders” buying once and undercutting your future sales. Customers will be happy with a low-maintenance pet with a more convenient set of needs.

Additionally, based on the micro genome-chasis, the Cup-A-Foal grows to the size of an average fluffy weanling but is fully physically mature at that point. This reduces the size of their required safe-room allowing for more customers to fit the Cup-A-Foal into their lifestyle and budget. Customers who couldn’t handle a full-size fluffy can fit a Cup-A-Foal into small apartments or even small pens in a single bedroom. Customers with more space can have up to three Cup-A-Foals in the amount of space required for just one normal fluffy.

Expand your sales today! Call your CM representative and ask about our Cup-A-Foal starter kits. Qualified businesses can receive generous marketing perks with your first order of $1,000 or more!


Love the concept :heart:
Reminds me of the freeze dried chihuahuas in The Adventures of Pluto Nash


In hindsight I should’ve made black “shoyu” (soy sauce)


Reminds me of the Void Bastards computer game. A prison starship is adrift in space. The prisoners have been freeze dried to save space; when the AI needs a pair of hands to retrieve the items to repair the ship, it rehydrates a prisoner. If the current prisoner dies, it just brews up another one.

So, yeah, imagine this, but with people.


Instant foal ! Base on your space story concept awesome :+1: so only 5 colors available so are types random? Like earthie, pegasi, etc?

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For some reason I still haven’t learned to read the tags so I thought it was a food ad. :man_facepalming:t2:
Thankfully it was something much more sweet and delicious. :heart:

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For those starting there collection and personal herd, Cuppa Foal and Canna Foal can produce a sizable personal herd.

(Yeah, I’m lazy and not using proper names, bite me)


It’s like sea monkeys!

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I can only keep thinking one thing…“But how do they taste?”


and boba


I see what you did there


Dangit…you beat me!!


You can pick the colors. The hiragana on the cup there says “wakame.”

This particular breed are all sort of earthies. NASA didn’t want stray feathers or horns.

Edit: naturally this head canon came up AFTER I wrote the story. Uhm… They’re random.



Now you and Brenda can have Boba balls in your mouth whenever you want!

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Me: Um…vaguely unnerved

“They’re smaller than I expected, and chewy.”

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i hope my idea for this subspecies help with the wing and horn issue: horns are just lil dull bumps and wings are tiny featherless bumps convered in fur that can flap when the fluffy is happy

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Brenda: kinda like my ex-husband’s bollocks…

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At least they’re sweet and refreshing when you’re hot and thirsty.

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T’was a joke, jefe…

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I was making a joke too :slight_smile:

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