Daddy Doesn't Know About Secret Babbehs [By BFM101]

“Heh, heh, dummeh daddeh he nu knyo, Ah-Nah is mummah soon. Secwet babbeh in tummeh, daddeh neba knyo dey dewe.”

Kieran listened to his Fluffy Anna and her insulting song from behind the door, it had been a little over a week since she got herself knocked up by some random feral after Kieran explicitly and repeatedly told her, ‘No babbehs’, only for the selfish little cunt to sneak away one afternoon when Kieran got distracted and get rightfully and royally fucked before coming back home like nothing had even happened.

It wasn’t that Kieran was opposed to letting Anna have foals, on the contrary, her blue, green and white gradient pattern Fluff and pure white mane and Pegasus wings meant she would be very popular as a breeding mare and Kieran had been in the process of finding a potential buyer for her online since he wouldn’t be able to house the foals properly himself, but then not only did she pull this shit, but she had the fucking audacity to insult his intelligence about it.

The singing wasn’t even his first clue, literally the same day Anna got knocked up, Kieran found a lone stallion pawing around his front garden asking ‘wai speciaw-fwiend be meanie?’. The stallion was at least good looking with a nice silver coat and black mane, so Kieran made sure to aim for the bushes when he threw the idiot away instead of the hard tarmac of the road. After that, between Anna’s inexplicable weight gain and her stupid fucking songs detailing every goddamn thought in her fat cunting head, and Kieran knew for certain, she was pregnant.

And once he knew, any idea of a friendly Fluffy owner, a loving special-friend and babbehs she could raise herself were out of the window. Kieran had a spot booked in for Anna at the dingiest breeding pit in the county, but he’d explained the situation and had agreed with the Pit owner that Kieran would keep Anna until her current pregnancy had ended.

If she wanted to trick him into thinking she wasn’t knocked up then fine, he would treat her like she wasn’t.

Kieran waited until Anna’s song devolved into tuneless humming before stepping into the room with her food bowl.

“Hey Anna, I’ve got lunch for you.”

“Yay, bestesh daddeh bwing bestesh nummies fow bestesh Ah-nah.”

Kieran forced a fake smiling at the fat bitch, any love he had for the joyful, inquisitive little filly was waning by the time she started her constant whining to have foals and had vanished completely once he first heard her offensive song.

“Well I’m glad you’re happy, here you go, enjoy.”

Kieran placed the bowl down in front of Anna and almost instantly her face dropped, while Kieran had managed to curb her desire for spaghetti meals with the weekly reward, Anna had grown accustomed to soft, spongy and flavourful kibble that gave her all the nutrients she needed for the day. The stuff in front of her, was not that, it was a dull brownish/grey colour, with the smell of cardboard and the texture of crouton, Anna pawed at the unfamiliar kibble brand in front of her and grimiced at the hard clatter of the pieces knocking together.

“Daddeh, wha am dis?”

“Why, it’s your lunch Anna. I know it’s probably not as tasty as what you’re used to but I’ve noticed you’ve been getting a little heavier, my fault for spoiling you I guess, so I got you some low-fat diet kibble to help you lose weight. Go on, try some, it’s good for you.”

Anna reluctantly lowered her head into the bowl and picked up a single piece into her mouth. Kieran had to bite his lips to keep from laughing as he watched Anna torturously chow down on the kibble, the satisfying crunch filling his ears with joy.

“Owwies, meanie kibbew gib Ah-nah mouthie-huwties, nu wike dis daddeh, wan bestesh nummies fow bestesh bab…”

“For what Anna?”

Anna froze, catching herself just in time before spilling the beans. “Fow bestesh Fwuffy Ah-nah, nu wan hab tummeh-huwties wiv dummeh kibbew, can Ah-nah hab gud kibbew, ow skettis, Ah-nah wub skettis.”

“I know you do Anna, but those sketti days are why you’ve gotten so tubby, just try it for a few days if we see an improvement I’ll bring back the regular stuff, ok?”

Anna wanted to whine, but coming so close to revealing her secret had made her cautious. “Ok daddeh.”

“There’s a good girl.”

Kieran tussled Anna’s mane and left her to her lunch, he stood outside the door and listened as she slowly and painfully crunched her way through the bland, flavourless meal. She cried all the way though it, but Kieran noted that she didn’t bother singing her stupid song again for the rest of the day.

Anna was now in her second week of pregnancy, and somehow she still believed Kieran had no knowledge that she was a soon-mummah. Never mind that she was even less careful about hiding it now, often singing her songs with Kieran in clear earshot, once of twice slipping up and calling herself ‘soon-mummah’ without realising, the fact that Kieran hadn’t explicable told her that he knew, meant she believed she was smarter than him.

This also meant that she never drew the connection between Kieran’s treatment of her and her new horrible diet. Since there was literally nothing Anna could do to stop herself from ballooning up, Kieran took the opportunity to fuck around with her a little more.

“I just don’t understand Anna, you’ve been on the low-fat kibble for over a week now and if anything you’ve GAINED weight, it’s the strangest thing.”

“Dummeh kibbew nu gud, wet Ah-nah hab bestesh skettis fow make bestesh miwkies.”

Kieran pretended not to hear that and shook his head. “Nope, the kibble’s not the problem, the only other explanation would be if you were pregnant and that’s just silly right.”

Kieran could literally see the bead of cold sweat run down Anna’s brow as she faked laughed. “Yeh, siwwy. Fwuffy nu can be soon-mummah, nu hab speciaw-huggies.”

“Exactly, well whatever the reason I’m sure it’ll work out on its own. Until then, I’ll give you half-portions and see where that gets us.”

Anna was horrified, not only was she still being forced to eat this icky, no good, bad food, but now she wouldn’t even get enough to fill herself. She wondered if she could run away and find the dummeh stallion who gave her tummeh-babbehs, but she knew being at home would be much safer, even if did mean going hungry to keep them safe.

Kieran had been careful with how much of the low-fat kibble he was feeding to Anna, he didn’t want her dying of starvation, nor did he want her foals to miscarry from lack of nutrients. The amount of kibble he was now giving her would be enough to keep Anna and her foals alive, but she would never be full, she would always have that lingering hunger and she wouldn’t be able to sate it.

Which is where the 2nd part of Kieran’s plan came in.

After waiting some time after dinner to let both their stomach’s settle, Kieran surprised Anna by bringing out the leash.

“Wai daddeh hab wawkie wope?”

“Because I thought it would be good to go for a jog, get some exercise in to go along with the new diet.”

“Ah-nah nu wan, wawkies am bad fow tummeh ba… bad fow tummeh.”

“Anna, you know that’s not true. I’m just looking after your health now come on.”


Anna was helpless as Kieran attached the leash to her collar and carried her outside, she tried to stay still but the tug of the leash as Kieran started jogging was too painful and she was forced to start moving with him.

Kieran was not going fast at all, barely more than brisk pace for a human, but Anna was a Fluffy, a pregnant Fluffy, a pregnant Fluffy who had not been giving enough energy with her dinner. That equation led to one result, a sore and tired mare who couldn’t keep up with her owner.

“Pwease daddeh, Ah-nah nu wike dis.”

“Come on, we’re just going round the block, it’s not far.”

“Huu, fast wawkies huwt weggies, huwt tummeh-babbes, Ah-nah wan bedsies.”

“We’re only half-way there, just a little further.”

“Nu wike hawd paff, nu wike ousside, soon-mummah wan gud nummies an wawm bedsies, huu, huu.”

Kieran smirked at the pathetic sight below him, Anna weeping as her exhausted body was being almost dragged alone to tough surface of the pathway. Every time she tried to stop to catch her breath, she would suddenly be lurched forward and have to keep up with Kieran’s pace.

Kieran stayed true to his word and only went round the block the once, but that was enough, Anna crawled back into the house, taking a deep drink from her water bowl before collapsing into her bed, utterly shattered and broken by the short exercise.

“Wawkies… bad… fow babbeh.” She panted out.

Kieran smiled at her. “That was great Anna, I just know we’ll do even better tomorrow.”

He left just as Anna burst into tears.

Anna was now reaching the end of her pregnancy, she had hit critical mass and her beach-ball status had rendered her immobile, saving her from the exercises.

And boy had she HATED them, every evening after dinner, Kieran would take Anna for a walk around the neighbourhood, constantly reminding her that this would help her lose weight and be healthy again. And since everyday Anna would get a little larger, the walks would go on for longer and longer, bringing Anna to painful tears everytime and fears that her daddeh had gone too far and hurt her tummeh-babbehs.

By now, even Anna was starting to wonder if Kieran knew something, but she stayed quiet, not wanted to give away the secret yet.

The immobility saved her from the exercise, but the food situation had only gotten more dire, Kieran had blamed the diet-kibble for lying to him and had gotten a brand that was even worse, the bland taste was better than the sour, chalky flavour of whatever off-brand bullshit he had purchased now. The pieces looked and tasted like paper-mache was a key ingredient.

Worse still, he had cancelled sketti day, replacing it with ‘Cucumber Night’, to be fair, Anna did enjoy cucumber and after days and nights of eating what might as well have been mouldy paper balls she was happy to eat some proper food. But when she found out that this was replacing her beloved sketti night, she cried even harder than when she came home from her exercises.

Anna sat alone in her bed, softly weeping as she felt her children move inside her, they would be real babbehs soon and they wouldn’t know the taste of delicious sketti milk, the BEST milk ever. She felt like a bad mummah, but she knew it wouldn’t last long, her daddeh would see how beautiful her babbehs were and immediately apologise for being a dummeh and give her all the sketti in the world.

“Ah-nah betta den dummeh daddeh.” She sang to her unborn foals. “Say sowwy fow be such dummeh, gib Ah-nah an babbehs bestesh sketti nummies.”

Anna felt a lurch in her stomach. “Ooh, du babbeh wike dat, mummah hab mowe singies fow yu aww if…”

Another lurch, harder this time. “Cawefuw babbehs, mummah nu wan make bad poopies in bedsies, dat owny make bad smeww an… OOOOOHHHHHH, BIGGESH POOPIES!”

Laying in bed, wide awake and smirking at the sound of a Fluffy mare in childbirth, Kieran waited.

“DADDEH, HEWP!” Anna cried as she felt her special place burst open, a tear ripping right through her entire body as something unfathomable pushed its way out of her. Anna screeched as she felt an object, hard and yet soft at the same time, pull itself out of her special-place and land onto the soaked but soft bedding below her.

Then she heard the chirping. ‘Peep peep, chirp’

Anna gasped. “Babbehs? Mummah hewe babbeh, mummah come an… ooooohhhhhh!!!”

She was stuck there for ages, painfully pushing out foal after foal, listening to the increasingly loud cried of her newborns whilst being unable to help them due to their brothers and sisters still pushing their way out of her.

Eventually, drained of all the energy she had, panting and sweating like it was the middle of summer, Anna felt her afterbirth drain out and she was finally able to see her foals. And they were beautiful, five of them in total, most had her gradient pattern, all with combinations of blues and whites and silvers, with some greens and blacks in the mix. A couple of them were wingie-pointy babbehs but Anna decided to love them all the same, even if they weren’t her favourite babbehs.

“Come tu mummah, mummah hab miwkies.”

Slowly she led the closest two foals to her teats and let them suckle, she didn’t have a lot of milk, but she could get some more later, right now she wanted to make sure they all had something in their tummies before she finally lay her head down and fell into unconsciousness.

Anna woke the next morning feeling refreshed and reinvigorated, no more mean kibble, no more hurty walks, it would be just her and her babbehs and…

Her babbehs? They were gone, she looking around the bed and everywhere around but there wasn’t any sign of them, there wasn’t even any sign that she had them, her bed was clean and dry of her afterbirth and it was completely empty of foals.

Anna started hyperventilating. “Babbehs, pwease nu gib mummah heawt-huwties, nu wan wose babbehs, come bak to mummah. Babbehs? BABBEHS!?”

She rushed through to the kitchen, finding Kieran eating breakfast at the countertop.

“Good morning Anna, I see the diet’s finally kicking in, see I told you that…”

“Hab daddeh seen babbehs?”

“I’m sorry, seen what?”

“BABBEHS! Dewe babbehs in Ah-nah’s bedies wen gu sweepies wast dawk-time nyo babbehs am gun.”

“Oh those things? Yeah I must’ve left the door open last night because I found a whole litter of foals in your bed this morning, some stray mare must’ve gotten in and left them there but I couldn’t find any sign of her. I didn’t realise you’d seen them, I gave them all to a shelter while you were still sleeping.”


“Anna calm down, they weren’t your foals, you couldn’t have looked after them.”


“ANNA! That’s not very nice, just for that, I’m putting you in the sorry box until you say you’re sorry.”


Anna was cut off when she was dropped into the box, she kept wailing for her lost foals as Kieran shut the lid and darkness claimed her.

Anna didn’t know how long she’d been in the sorry box for, hours, days, YEARS? Anything was possible. She thought of her babbehs, her pretty, wonderful babbehs, even the wingie-pointies, how hungry all of them would be without her milk, how dummeh her daddeh had been not to see they were her foals, not some dummeh outside mare.

She wanted to hate him, but the fear for her foals overtook everything.

Suddenly there was movement, the sorry box was moving, Anna let out scardie pee-pees at the rough shaking and cried out for it to stop, but it never did. After a few moments the movement stopped, only for a strange, metallic rumbling to overtake it and for the box to start vibrating slightly.

Anna recognised the feeling amidst the noise, they were in daddy’s metal-munstah, she’d felt this before when they went to the vets, were her babbehs at the vets, were they being looked after? She could only hope so.

The drive went on for a little longer than Anna expected, but soon enough the metal-munstah stopped and the rough movements started again. Anna didn’t piss herself this time, too excited to see her babbehs again, she kept waiting for the lid to open and for her daddy to look down at her and apologise, only to remain in darkness as she heard two muffled male voices outside, one was her daddeh, the other she didn’t recognised.

“Mr Harkness? I’m Kieran, we spoke on the phone.”

“Ah yes, nice to finally meet you, and please call me Vincent. I trust you met my associate Gus this morning?”

“I did, he said he’d take care of ‘the package’ himself.”

“Indeed he did and indeed he has, tenacious little buggers they were but they’ll find a place here. I take it this is the main course inside?”

“Yes, she’s still a little shaken up but she’s alive and unharmed.”

“I’m happy to hear that Kieran, and I promise that she’ll… learn a thing or two during her stay here. Now then, let me take her off your hands, and Gus will take care of payment.”

Another tumbling movement as Anna was left confused by the discussion. Where were her babbehs? Where was her daddeh? What was she going to learn? She was utterly frightened until the movement finally stopped and the lid lifted, Anna was momentarily blinded by the light until her eyes adjusted and she looked up, seeing not her daddy or her warm home, but a strange man in a dingy, dimly-lit basement.

The stranger smiled at her. “Hey there, you must be Anna, I’m Vincent, I’ll be looking after you for a while.”

“Whewe… whewe am daddeh?”

“I’m afraid your daddy isn’t here right now, he wants us to help you. I understand that you’ve been missing some foals recently.”

“Yeh, Ah-nah hab babbehs, den wen wakies babbehs nu hewe, dummeh daddeh say he gib dem tu shewta, say dey nu Ah-nah’s babbehs, bu Ah-nah knyo betta.”

Vincent nodded along as he picked Anna out of the box. “I see, well I can’t help you find those babbehs, but while you’re here, perhaps I can give you some more.”

“Mowe babbehs?”

“Yep, let’s put you in with Winchester here and see if the two of you get along.”

Vincent placed Anna into a pen with another Fluffy, a unicorn stallion with a deep blue Fluff and bright orange mane laying on his front. Anna giggled and went up to hug the resting stallion.

“Hewwo nyu fwiend, am Ah-nah, nyu daddeh say yu an Ah-nah be speciaw-fwiends an…”


The stallion suddenly and violently smacked Anna in the face, sending her tumbling away and landing roughing against the fence. As she cried over the pain in her mouth, Anna looked up at the stallion, now seeing both the bevy of cuts and bruises on his scared face, and the immense size of him as well.

She felt like a babbeh looking up at him.

“Winchesta nu wan speciaw-fwiend, Winchesta onwy wan dummeh mawe fow wun fing.”

“Wha… wha dat?”

“Winchesta onwy wan enfie-mawe.”

A heavy hoof to the back of her neck and Anna’s screams of protest became background noise to the basement of pain and misery.

Back upstairs and Kieran received his payment from Gus, one of Anna’s foals, an Alicorn coat with his mother’s gradient pattern Fluff, only his building from blue to silver to white. He would be extremely popular as a stud when he grew up.

If it wasn’t for the bandage around his crotch from where Gus had neutered him.

“Here you go, and here’s some hormone boosters to help him bulk up a little bit, everything you need to know is in the pamphlet.”

“Thanks, I’ll give you a call if I need anything.”

“Sure thing. Bit of a shame though, colt like that could’ve netted you a LOT of money, but hey, I just cut off what I need to cut off. You take it easy, alright, catch you round.”

Kieran and Gus said their goodbyes and Kieran left, taking the still chirping colt with him. Gently he stroked the shivering little guy, seeing the scared critter slowly calm down at his gentle touch, even suckling Kieran’s finger for comfort.

Sure, Kieran could’ve let the foal keep his balls and studded him out when he was older, probably would’ve made a fair bit of money out of it as well. But Kiernan had had just about enough of knocked-up Fluffies for one lifetime, right now all he wanted was to go back to the good old days of joy, questions and love.

Besides, pretending to give a shit for that long was exhausting.


Oh Anna, you dumb bitch. Look what your baby fever got you.


Anna the dumbest bitch mare ever to think she can outsmart her owner while she herself giving away ever damn time bout her pregnancy :man_facepalming::triumph:

Well guess what, she would be earning alot of babies all she wanted all year round :rofl:

Sad bout the colt indeed he can like rent him for breedin when he grows up, but I guess the constant “wan speciaw fewnd and speciaw huggies” the owner dont want to hear after what anna did.

Will we ever see an aftermath of bitch anna and her suffering some day?


Responsible pet ownership?
In a fluffy story?


what’s the fun in that?! ha!!


Probably not, but considering where she is she’s likely to appear in the background of another story


Welp, Atleast Anna can finally be a mumma and have her first babbeh and special friend, Anna really likes to joke around alot about her bad nummies, torturous excercise routine would hurt her tummeh babbehs and lying about the stray foals was her babbeh before taking it to the shelter…
Anna is just obviously fat. Hehehe…


anna sucks. bitch mare!! I am sure you were aiming for a one partner here which is great but deep down I really wanna know what happens to Anna. Then again I can imagine and that’s just as good :slight_smile:


Some nice psychological abuse and physical abuse, payback’s a bitch, I mean the bitch not only lied but made a song to insult her owner. That had to hurt if your once-loving pet did that to you. Kieran wasn’t greedy he just wanted the good old days back, smart choice picking the Alicorn, if we go by the most accepted fluffy cannon, Aliconrs a way smarted than the common shitrat.


Alternative punishment methods Kieran could have used for Anna:

  1. Replacing Anna’s gestating foals with grenades set to go off when she gives birth.
  2. Replacing Anna’s gestating foals with super-absorbent sponges so she’ll swell up and eventually burst.
  3. Replacing Anna’s recently-born foals with starving rats painted to look like her foals.
  4. Shoving a block of C4 up her you know what and detonating it after telling her the jig is up.
  5. Poking a nonlethal hole in her so she slowly deflates like a water balloon. And then slowly lower her into a meat grinder.
  6. Forcing her to watch the “They sold you to protect you” scene from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker over and over on loop.
  7. Slowly lower her into a pool filled with candiru.
  8. Invest all her money in NFTs.
  9. Add her to the fluffy pens at BusinessCorporationCorp.

Good fucking riddance. Suck it Anna you dumbfuck bitch.

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this inspired me to make some fluffies for the harkness timeline for ya

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another question, did you come up with the fluffy with glimmering coat thing?

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Probably not, it’s likely one of those things that’s popped up here and there in other canons or perhaps something similar like glossy coats or curly manes and I’ve just tweaked it a littler bit.

I’d like to believe I’m the first to call it Glitter-Fluff, but I doubt it.

it make sme wonder what would happen in a fluffy Produced a Brown/ poopie fluffy that is a glitter-fluffy

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Imagine the mum freaking out.

“Is poopie babbeh. Bu is spawkwy babbeh. Bu is poopie babbeh. Bu is spawkwy babbeh. Huuu, mummah nu knyo if babbeh am bestesh ow wowstesh.”

i would love to see the outcome of that

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