Dairy Mares (Bad_Roomie & I_might_be_weasel)

Fluffy social darwinist


im not good at english to said what i mean, fluffys say that sketti milk is good so i thougt that eating bitter grass and gross stuff is going to make the milk taste bad


Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I could easily see what they eat affecting the flavor. But, it’ll likely still taste better than the things they’re being fed. Same with the meat, supposedly. I’ve got friends who swear that some of the pigs here taste better because they’re fed guava and other fruits.


yea yea thanks

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Rule number one of fluffies: always kill the smarty. Don’t beat him, just kill him.

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I like the idea, sad about the poor babies though.

I do question the ability of a heard being able to survive off a fluffy mare’s milk. It would lack the nutrition and adult would need and the, whatever it is that keeps your weight healthy.

But this is fluffies, I really shouldn’t consider real world logic to them

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Realistically, feeding and caring for an animal through pregnancy is harder and takes a lot more food and energy than you’d get out if it. Then again, if realism were the point, we’d all be on a very different website.


Iberico ham is fed acorns its whole life and is said to produce the finest quality ham in the world.

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Hahahahaha nice to see, how she must eat her foals that she managed to “save”.

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This is a stremely good idea butt it is so cruel i love it

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Me too.

Way too bad things.

Like WAY too bad things

how would a smarty punish a disobedient Dairy Mare?


raping them of course, dont you know fluffys are sociopaths cloned from gengis khan into tiny horse bodies :V


im accepting that as my headcannon.


Seems uncharacteristically brutal and cruel for fluffies. Don’t really think I’m a fan of it personally but at the end of the day fluffies are suffering and that’s always good thing.

I really like wild fluffys and mostly in the stories the pack leaders aren’t that smart per se, they just have a stronger personality, but this fluffy must be one of the smartest I’ve seen

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The fluffys themselves have the ability to bite others, I suppose they would have bitten the leg of those mares enough to take them out, but what I love the most is the intelligence and sense of belonging to a herd, I usually read that herds die in winter and only the occasional survive, but here we see an intelligent fluffy using the best resources, it is true that the fluffys would cost more to maintain those milk-giving mares than to eat grass and leaves, but let’s remember how fluffys are, they like it a good meal and the process of making milk gives it better nutrients than eating only dried grass (I read in some canons that milk is what fluffys absorb best and because of them the foals don’t shit so much until they’ve just eaten solids) it’s fascinating and beautiful. but that way they are closer to being animals than biotoys

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Only a smarty would have such a stupid idea as to have dairy mares.
They are losing a good amount of energy between metabolic processes. They’d get more energy by eating the bark and grass themselves instead of feeding a dairy mare and waiting for her body to turn the food into milk. But alas, I love how they torture each other and lower their own survival chances by doing shit like this.

Yeah, I was thinking they’d do waaaaaay better calorie-wise to just eat the mares.

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