How immensely cute
This is a really good depiction of fluffies, they aren’t just expensive and high maintenance decoration, that will eventually become unbearable entitled brats no matter what the owners do.
Here Fluffies learn and grow.
Good on the family finding an owner(?) and helping out. The brothers do farm work, while mama teaches foals to be good.
I like the two babbehs in the background just loafin’ happily together.
What a moral tale.
Ah the ignorance of bliss as chaos and evil lurks in the corner
I like this more grown-up version of fluffies. They don’t take shit and have good common sense. It certainly kills off the murder boner.
When fluffies are more productive members of society than you .
Its part farm, part fluffymart. Owner usually accept feral depends on their behavior the mare now called Apple becomes a nurse mare with Pinky another mare (to appear later) to some orphan foals.
Apple’s foals now are: Coffee ( with bandana ) and Cream ( yellow haired )
Not gonna lie: side stories from that nursery would thrill me. Very wholesome and relaxing.