Dawky Time #27 - END (by: FallenAngel)


Final chapter thank you once again for enjoying my story, From this, two story will branch out so will see you then :slight_smile:

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That was such a good comic, I love apple, she a good mother even if she had the bestest babbeh mentality, even then she still taught them right from wrong and didnā€™t abuse them

She really was a intelligent fluffy hhh, thank you for these comics aaa TuT <3


Another grand tale. Good fluffies, good abuse, and a good hugbox ending. Iā€™d love to see the adventures of Pinky and her foals in the FluffyMart (perhaps have the foals explore the backdoors of the place)? Iā€™d also like to see what powers the father has and how heā€™ll use it toā€¦ control the roudy herd. All in all, Iā€™m excited to see more of your work.


This was another awesome one! I hope ya keep it up, Iā€™ll definitely be around. :hugs:
I am glad that Apple and her two brown babies got to end up safe and with a good life. Sure, the mummah had the ā€œbestest babyā€ thing with the foal that got nommed, but at least she was a good mom to all of 'em. The foal sleeping on her head has similar coloring to ā€œbestest babyā€ actually. Maybe that helps her do a bit of grieving/fluffy momma therapy.

Iā€™m curious about whatever ya got planned next. Eeeeeeeee~ :grinning:


I KNEW IT! So the monster is the guyā€™s pet? So does he do it as a fluffy extermination service or he does it to help around the neighborhood, culling unwanted and destructive feral herds.


Ah no, Caesar is the ownerā€™s special pet.

What ever happen to Apple is an isolated case as a Draak was within the area

The new story will take place soon and its something to do with a crazy spike of wild feral herd invasion.

Note that the one that was caught in the mart is a regular feral herd, smarty asshole the works, thats Carlā€™s story coming soon.


Ah well no that foal just by coincedence went to sleep on Appleā€™s head :smiling_face:


I didnā€™t see any abuse. A bunch of fluffies got eaten with no discernible malicious intent. I read it more as a cautionary tale about ā€œmother knows bestā€ with a bit of horror and gore thrown in. The ā€˜draakā€™ works more like a force of nature that adds some spice to the story telling. It might as well have been a wolf, or a cliff you donā€™t see in the dark.

Iā€™m personally on the fence regarding moral, cautionary stories. They tend to be follow an ā€œif you follow the rules youā€™ll be OK, if you break the rules youā€™re screwedā€ framework. I like them, because theyā€™re like classic European fairytales. I dislike them because theyā€™re overbearing, authoritarian and donā€™t rhyme with my perception of the world.

There is no two ways about how much I love a good, entertaining comic though.


Good story had a good ending those fluffys minus the fool who ate the monster XD


Well, Iā€™m sure Apple is happy that a babbeh would specifically choose her head to take a sweepie time. :grin: :relaxed:

Once I visited a daycare place, and this one kid for some reason decided my lap was the place to sit, and I felt likeā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow::neutral_face::no_mouth:ā€¦:pleading_face:


That was a really sweet story! Thereā€™s really no happier ending for a feral than finally getting safely adopted. :blush:


Honestly, what a cool story!

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