Daycare Ch. 4 (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-0446, and your mommy went to a weird place called “court” since you hurt those meanie fluffies. You don’t understand, they were meanies! You had every right to hurt them!

“Wai mom-mee gu couwt? Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks nu du aneefing!” You ask, quite upset by being left alone again.

“FV-0446, mommy got sued. Not for as much if you would’ve hurt an actual animal and not a biotoy, but still.” Your mommy sighs, patting your not-head gently.

“Wha am soo-ed? Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks nu knyo wha that am.” You say, visibly confused.

“That means that since you did something bad, mommy lost lots of money. Since I got sued, we have to live with mommy’s mommy for a bit.” Your mommy explains, opening the door and putting you in your small car seat.

“Hello. And, what’s this? A toy or something?” Your mommy’s mommy asks, poking you and pulling her finger away.

“Nu am toysie, am a viwus. Namesie am Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks.” You introduce yourself, waving at her as she steps away.

“Harriet, does it cause the… you-know-what?” Your mommy’s mommy whispers, still trying to keep her distance from you.

“No, it’s a fluffy-infecting virus. Oh, you don’t have any fluffies here, do you?” Your mommy asks, looking around her house for a fluffy.

“Oh, I do. Her name’s Darling. Mind keeping her away from it?” Your mommy’s mommy asks, calling Darling over to play.

“Mummah, Dawwing wan’ skettie- WHA AM DAT!? Am munsta?” Darling screams, backing away from you as your mommy holds you higher.

“Nu am munsta, am a viwus. Be housie-fwiend?” You ask, trying to be let down.

“Housie-friend? What’s that?” Your mommy’s mommy questions, also trying to keep you away from Darling.

“That’s FV-0446’s cutesie talk for any fluffy it’s infected or wants to. No, FV-0446, no housie-friends.” Your mommy sighs, sitting you down on the couch.

“So, FV-0446 and Darling need separate rooms. You both want to share?” Your mommy’s mommy asks, leading you both to a room and opening the door.

You really want to see Darling’s safe room! No, you want her to be your housie-friend. Maybe the safe-room thing too, but definitely a housie-friend. So, you sneak out of the room.

“What are you doing!?” Your mommy’s mommy asks, stopping you in front of Darling’s safe room.

“Uhm, fwuffy-en-fek-ting viwus am jus wooking awound.” You lie, stepping back as your mommy’s mommy comes closer to you.

“Nice try, I know you’re lying. Darling doesn’t call herself by her name when she lies, either. What are you really doing?” Your mommy’s mommy asks, kneeling down to face you.

“Am wooking awound!” You keep lying, starting to shake as your mommy’s mommy picks you up, a angry look smeared on her face.

“You lying little shit! You’re trying to get my little Darling sick! Bad… things like you go to the Sorry Room.” Your mommy’s mommy shouts, leading you to a locked door.


Heck yeah, Grandma doesn’t take lip from nobody.