Decisions Ch. 6 (by fluffysomething)

You are A-64, and you are trying to take care of your babies while FV-0446 takes sleepies. This is hard! You don’t like this, but you’ll do it for your babies!

“Babee am… nu bewy pwetty, buh stiww wuv!” You hug one of your babies, feeling its mass slip onto your face and cover it.

“EEEEEEEEE! Babee, git off! Nu can see!” You scream, pulling it off your face as you hear giggling. That’s not coming from your baby, it’s coming from-

“That bay-bee nee’ gu fowevew-night-nights awweady! Am gud-fo-nufing bay-bee.” FV-7410 laughs, pushing you down and landing on top of you.

“Huggies fo’ maek feew bettew?” You question, not realizing that they’re slowly forcing themselves down your mouth.

“Yeh, wepwication-huggies.” You’ve never heard of those huggies before, but something about it scares you.

“Wait, nuuu! Nu wan bad viw- Mmmm! Mmmm!” You try to scream, no one listening as you feel them sliding into your mouth.

You are FV-7410, and you just finished you amazing plan. You know you can’t get babies from giving A-64 ‘replication-huggies’, but you can get it sickies. You’re going to get it so sickies, that you’ll have your special-friend all to yourself again.

“Huu-huu… Wai gib Ay-Sikstee-Fouw bad viwus huggies…? Am su meanie…” A-64 sobs, lying down on the grass as its baby does… something to your neighbor’s fluffy. Oh, it’s eating it. That’s another reason to hate these not-pretty babies!

“Hey! Nu num fwuffy! It onwy oh-tay when Eff-vee-seven-fouw-wun-zewo du it!” You yell, kicking A-64 again and running over to save that fluffy. Too bad your mommy fixed the holes in the fence.

“Hewp! Pwease! Am onwy wittwe babbeh! Nee’ hew-” The fluffy screams, trying to kick around as it’s eaten by the not-pretty baby.

“Mom-mee! Hewp fwuffy! Am bein’ nummed by nu-pwetty bay-bee!” You yell, attracting your mommy over to the scene.

“Oh, God. I’ll be over there soon!” Your mommy yells back, running outside.

You are FV-0446, and you just woke up. What happened? Why is your special-friend crying? You’ll go talk to them and see what’s wrong.

“Speshew-fwiend? Wha’ happen?” You question, consoling your sobbing special-friend and hugging them while in your plastic bubble.

“Nufing… Wan be awone…” They sniffle, scooting away and giving you big saddies. Do they not like you anymore?

You’re going to find out what happened to your special-friend, whether they like it or not.


It has the required worldly experience & mature taste, after all.

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