Decisions Ch. 7 (by fluffysomething)

You are A-64, and you feel sickies. You don’t know why, but you still feel bad! Your special-friend wants to know what’s wrong, but you don’t want to tell them that their other special-friend gave you bad huggies!

“Speshew-fwiend, wha’ happen? Nu be maddies if teww.” Your special-friend questions, looking at you sadly as they hold your hand, pulling their hand back shortly after.

“Nu wan teww. Kaff! Kaff!” You cry, sniffling slightly and you scoot away from them.

“Oh-tay… If ‘ou nee teww, jus’ say su.” They sigh, walking away from you and sitting on the grass.

You are FV-0446, and you don’t quite know why your special-friend is so sad, which makes you sad. Maybe they don’t like you anymore?

“Kaff! Kaff!” You hear your special-friend cough, sniffling and sobbing while they lay down on the grass.

“Speshew-fwiend hab sickies? Buh, Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks nu mak’ them sickies, an’ there nu odda Bestesh Sickie Fwiends hewe, eck-cept…” You gasp, realizing and storming off to find your other special-friend.

“Speshew-fwiend! 'Ou finawwy bak.” FV-7410 claps as you sit down beside them and look up at them.

“Wai git odda speshew-fwiend sickies? Stiww wub 'ou.” You ask, still staring up at them until they answer.

“Du it bee-cause nu wike them! They onwy gib 'ou stoopid, ugwy, nu-gud bay-bees! 'Ou nu desewbe that.” They say, pointing at them angrily and stomping their stubby legs on the ground.

“Nuuu… Am gud bay-bees…” You start to cry, still trying to look up at them.

“Am that wha’ dum-mee Ay-Sikstee-Fouw teww 'ou? Nu wisten tu them. 'Ou knyo Eff-vee-seven-fouw-wun-zewo nu wike them. Wook, gib 'ou big dee-sit-ion. It Eff-vee-seven-fouw-wun-zewo ow Ay-Sikstee-Fouw. Gon gib 'ou wittwe bit tu choosie, oh-tay?” They nod at you, expecting you to nod back as they give you a hug.

You don’t want to choose, but you have to! Why are they making you choose? You love them both!


Choose the antibody friend


FV-7410 is a dick, choose A-64.


A64 looks about ready to keel over and die, leaving 0664 a single parent to kids they can’t control or even find it in them to love properly.

I say go back, be miserable in the safety of familiarity. Like the rest of us.