Decisions Ch. 8 (end) (by fluffysomething)

AN: Since choosing A-64 was the most commented, but choosing FV-7410 was the most liked, I’ll go with a 50/50 approach. Enjoy!

You are FV-0446, and you made a big decision today. You’re choosing the special-friend you actually like, which is A-64. You love them so much, and it would be bad not to choose who you want, right? But, where is A-64?

“Owd speshew-fwiend, Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks choosie Ay-Sikstee-Fouw. Wan!” You say to FV-7410, as they look at you and roll their eyes.

“Oh-tay, if ‘ou can find them. They am gu sumwhewe, an’ Eff-vee-seven-fouw-wun-zewo nu knyo.” They respond, getting up and looking around the backyard for A-64.

“Oh, you two are talking about A-64? They got really sick because of one of you, so their daddy doesn’t want them to stay over here anymore. I’m sorry, FV-0446.” Your mommy comes over to the corner of the backyard you were both sitting in, patting your not-head and frowning.

You were heartbroken. You wanted them to live with you and have toys and the best babies, and your mommy and daddy! Why can’t you have a good special-friend who’s not a meanie?

A few hours later, 7:46 PM, inside your safe-room

“Hewwo, owd speshew-fwiend.” FV-7410 waves at you, holding your hand and scooting closer to you as you try to sleep.

“Hewwo… Wan Ay-Sikstee-Fouw bak…” You sob, leaning away from them as they touch your round face.

“It oh-tay, 'ou nu nee them. ‘Ou tuu gud fo’ them! S-su pwetty…” They keep kneading your face, smiling at you, even though you weren’t returning the favor as their voice gets shaky as they do… something you can’t quite see in the darkness of your safe-room.

You get up to turn on your night-light, then you reluctantly sit back down with them.

“Fank 'ou.” You answer quietly, trying to move away from them as they keep touching you.

“Wan be speshew-fwiend 'gain?” They ask, getting even closer to you and rubbing their pointy-thingies while they speak.

You were silent, but they took that as a ‘yes’ and kept touching their ‘pointy-thingies’ until they let out a cry of ‘good feels’.

“Wan pway a game wike the wun Eff-vee-seven-fouw-zewo-wun jus’ did? It am fun, an’ speshew-fwiends who wub each odda du it.” They question, moving their hand to your pointy-thingies and touching them before you could even speak.

You weren’t quite obvious about it, but you cried that night. And, you’re sure the other nights will be the same.


Oh…that’s, um…oh