Fluffies are beyond overjoyed when they find themselves pregnant, but even with them being modified for easy breeding there is always a chance for complications. This can lead to great sorrow.
This is genuinely one of my biggest fears, losing your loved one in childbirth is like the cruelist faustian deal. A beautiful life lost for another.
Got me right in the feels.
The fact that there’s only one foal suggests this was a rough birth.
Poor kid is too young to understand why mum isn’t there
Poor things, well done
Childbirth deaths are incredibly common because of the large skulls of infants. This generally isnt the case for animals and most owners wouldnt be prepared to deal with it medically.
Really moving image though. It would be hard for a fluffy to mentally process it.
Blame the babbeh
“Nu wuwwee babbeh, ou mummah stiww wub ou. Eben wife foweba sweepies. Ou nu see mummah cus wen foweba sweepies, ou go sweepies tu maek pwetty fwowahs n gwassies. Ou mummah n bwuddahs n sissies nao maek ou pwetties tu membah dem wif.”
“B-buh wai dey go sweepies, d-daddeh? Wai mummah n bwuddahs n sissies nu wan pway o wub wif babbeh?”
“Babbehs got wost in mummah tummeh n cont come out, babbeh. Udda babbehs got stuckies n dat gib mummah tummeh n da babbehs wowstest huwties ub all. Tu many huwties maek fwuffehs gu foweba sweepies. Ou was only babbeh dat find way out mummahs tummeh.”
“Huuuuu…sobs…wish babbeh help bwuddahs n sissies nu get wost. Wish babbeh maek mummahs tummeh huwties gu wai…sniffs”
“sniffs…babbeh nu cou hewp mummah n babbehs, onwy widdle babbeh…Buh mummah n babbehs nu hab huwties no mowe. Nao babbeh hab daddeh tu pway wif n wub. N hab hoomin mummah wif housie n nummies n wub. Nu be saddies cus mummah n babbehs oways wub ou tu. Nao wets go hab som kibble.”
Sure, let’s dig her up and have a look.
There were some cultures where infant mortality was so high, they didn’t bother naming a child until their first birthday.
From personal experience, that’s virtually a lifetime in emotional and mental terms to not invest in a child because you’re not sure it’s going to live long enough to be worthwhile.
I have a big respect for when you color your art man
It adds a singular touch to it
poor thing, at least one babbeh survived!
What a concept for abuse and gaslighting.
Why you gotta do this to me, man?
lmao packwatch ripbozo and died only having 1 too LOL
If this were a person, I’d be all weepy and snotty and gross. But it’s a fluffy, and fluffies deserve suffering, agony, and death, no exceptions.
Good ol’ nature caused sadbox is what got me in this beautiful HIFL in the first place
So its the foal’s fault. Got it
Best kind of sadbox is the kind that would be fucking devastating if it was applied to humans. Same goes for abuse.
It is hard to lose someone you love, and yes as a fluffy these guys use “WUV” a lot, but there are times when they truly express it
See where uncontrolled breeding GETS YOU