Special thanks to @FallenAngel007 to notice this comic apparently got lost in the big reset, so I’m re-uploading it here :3 Thank you so much!
A prequel from last (last) christmas
Special thanks to @FallenAngel007 to notice this comic apparently got lost in the big reset, so I’m re-uploading it here :3 Thank you so much!
A prequel from last (last) christmas
Yey its back
Took me a minute to realize I’ve read this before.
Art’s ok but this type of thing has been posted over and over
Empty galleries need not speak about what content is or isn’t being made
The Fluffies-as-Food genre never gets old.
Cry about it gatekeeper.
Was that supposed to be a ‘gotcha?’ Literally none of what I said is gatekeeping and more close to criticism than your weird “waaaah, no-gallery speak no no thing” comment.
Your shit opinion isn’t worth a minute.
This guy for real unironically being an elitist over retard horse-pigs
Edit: Oh no. I had to enjoy the work of an actual creator in the process of flushing your shitty opinion. You totally got me there, empty gallery.
This one took some time to make because I had to find a proper image in Neku’s expansive gallery to encapsulate this situation.
Note: original post deleted for an error (inb4 that too is used as a weapon)
Do you not see how this is detrimental to your other ‘this took me seconds xD’ comment? Cut your losses and go home. You’re spending this much effort on arguing with a le lowly ‘no-gallery’ (boohoo) over some of the most anti-climatic criticism around.
@Reddit-Word_H83r @KonkeyDong
If you two want to argue, take it to DM’s or Discord. Every comment you make pops up as a notification for NekuChan.
And those who follow the art. “Notification”, check, “Empty vs” battle is going HAM. Don’t make the angy owl Ban Hammar these guys in timeout, pls.
Love the story… Still wonder, if her granddaughter knows its a fluffy, or not… And how will she react? Disgusted, grossed out and vomit?, slap her and haul ass out of there? Lets.wait and find out!
But seriously… Would fluffies after eaten could turn to sharp hazardious materials in the intestines?
Probably not, it would be a lawsuit waiting to happen. The family dog would kill a fluffy, eat it, and then die from sharp hazardious materials in the intestines.
Fluffies would be easy to digest to prevent harm towards any animals who might eat them.
The grand-daughter knows. Can say is like the own rised food families where children grow up with their relatives having at least chickens and knowing they’ll become dinner one day and even know how to put them down and prepare them, so no trauma really.
For the diggestion I also believe they would be hard to digest but it’s not like we eat a lot of stuff that’s 2% close to be actual plastic in some way xd