discrimination of the monochrome [by fwaffynuteww]


This is fucking hilarious. “Ou iz big enfie babee” got me to audible snort.


Very fluffy like behavior.


I wouldn’t want to break the rules and post un-fluffy-like content. :face_with_monocle:


Off course not sir !
But fluffies to me anyway, when left to their own devices are either well meaning well behaved little kids
Or absolute little monsters that follow their impules and are bratty snotty demanding and bullying.

Often times in the same fluffy.


I imagine them as a playground full of gradeschoolers during recess…


Exactly !

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What an interesting concept :heart:
And it makes sense, with fluffy’s being known for zeroing in on what they consider unusual or odd about how other fluffy’s look.

Poor mare though…


I like to see the good in fluffies, but like kids they can be cruel little bastards.
So bullying about unusual colors is totally fluffy like.


Monochrome bigotry. It’s an intriguing idea, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.


Spot on example right there! some are rude shitters, some are polite and happy, some are eating the mulch, some are falling off of the swings.

In fact, you can draw so many similarities, it’s probably a possible reason some of the community dislikes abuse. I know, I know, bioengineered toy, overpopulated, moral loophole, yadda yadda yadda.

… I need to draw a fluffy stuck and entering 12 G with a merry go round now heh heh heh.


I got no issues with abuse, but I like me some good hugbox too.
I just think fluffies can be a lot more complex then they get credit for.

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Yeah, compared to humans, they’re dumb as rocks, but by animal standards, their capacity for learning is lightyears ahead. I mean, the African grey parrot is one of the smartest animals on the planet, and he just repeats back what he hears. Fluffies have an entire sort of pseudo-language.

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And not all of them are angels, but neither are humans.
Fluffies are not all the same they just follow similar behavior.
I’m hoping we can break them out of the mold but stil have them be fluffies.
IE dumb talking rat horsies.

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Most stuff in the booru is very white and black. “Called me a dummeh?” “Off to the incinerator!” Maybe he was just having a rough week. “A dancing foal says he needs huggies!” “i shall adpot him at once!” Could be a wretched smarty playing you up!

My headcanon kinda runs along the lines of knowing a fluffy’s true intentions before you make your move.

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Hey, I completely agree. That’s kind of a major theme of my headcanon.

I never even considered the idea of monochrome fluffies being discriminated against. I’ll have to remember this.

It’s a good idea, and very fluffy like.
Something they’d latch on too.

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Yeah, I don’t think I’ve got a lot of monochrome fluffies. There’s Gemini when he’s using his power, but…

I usually try to mix it up with the color combinations. I try to avoid using the same colors together twice. Fortunately, there’s a lotta colors, so there’s a lot of possible combinations.

I wonder if fluffies would do it to other fluffies that are the same color but in different shades.
Like two shades of blue.
Or is that too nuanced for them.

Eh, Blueberry’s two shades of blue. So is Lavender, but with purple. I got a couple other fluffies like that, I think, most of them do alright.