Eh, with those colors its most likely better he not have those anyway. O.o
I think his colors are ok
but ok colors don’t protect your balls from not having pants on a makeshift slide
This is why IKEA and fluffies just don’t mix
Of course YOU would like the colors! Look at your avatar!
But yeah… I agree… I like those colors too!
i feel pity for it
but i also laugh at it’s misfortune
Working as intended.
Remember to counter-sink your fasteners. If you can be arsed.
Why spend more when I can make it cheaply AND save myself a vet bill?!
You should draw one where two hungry fluffies have their balls tight together, and there are sketties on each side, they hurt themself by pulling their balls <3
Yeah, just pretend this outcome wasn’t intended
Eff. What percentage of the colts/stallions in your universe have their balls intact??
Colors like this are often “Bestest Babbehs” though, and more likely to develop bad personalities or even Smarty Syndrome. Better they never breed and be given diligent discipline.
Simple yet effective (and especially entertaining).
Imagine something like this or a mandoline slicer being advertised as a “fluffy slide”, for a quick, cheap, and easy way to neuter young male fluffies
by this logic, ANY bright color is a bad color. you need to look at the root of the smarty problem, and it’s always a bad mother, not the color
Agreed, “Bestest Mummahs” are a plague, however they also are drawn to the bright unnatural colors to be “Bestest Babbeh” so the fewer unnatural colors the less likely “Bestest Mummahs”, “Bestest Babbehs”, and “Smarties” will be born.
At least thats the hope that the programed bigotry against natural colors would naturally cause the mental defects to be bred out if the unnatural color population is significantly reduced.
Baby hierarchies are a hellgremlin headcanon, not part of the classic fluffy lore. It wouldn’t make sense for creatures made as cute toys to children to be bigots in the first place, and even less so by design. In addition to some people liking brown fluffies, there being several brown ponies in the show fluffies were based on, potential lawsuits, and the utter insanity of programming a childrens toy to commit violence in the first place, what kind of savings would removing murdered foals from litters provide over just removing whatever seems unsellable for any reason? This is one of the hellgremlin absurdities I already addressed in the hategoat stories.
I haven’t read “Hategoat” o.o And yes I agree its all absolutely absurd given the premise that these are supposed to be toys, however have you not noticed that “Hellgremlin” content far outnumbers most other content produced, to the point that most people new to the community think that the Majority of Fluffs are Smarties and Bestest Mummuhs rather than them being the minority and result of a broken and unfinished product (and more to the point, a justification for writers to abuse the animals and therefore far more common in stories/Art than would be represented by thier actual numbers in the population.)
Ive had to explain many times that the MAJORITY of Fluffs are rarely shown in non-hugbox stories/Art and that they are far more “Rated-G” so to speak.
And I still consider myself a “newby”. I only discovered Fluffs a few days before the Booru went permanent Sorrybox and initially I hated them as it was nothing but Hellgremlins and Gore but eventually I dug into the meta and Lore, as is my want in most things, and found that the Smarties and Abuse, while making up the majority of content, did not represent the majority of the Fluffy Species. Most in the community, especially newwer people, have not dug that deep so only see the bloody, poo smeared surface.
However, that said, and to make a long story longer, I reiterate my original statement. Given that the majority of writers/artist are not Hugboxers, given that the human in your comic panel is building thier “Bestest Babbeh” colored Fluff custom “Toysies” that the Fluff was too impatient to wait to be finished before using, I say again its most likely best this Fluff and those like it are not permitted to spread thier Genetics or Personalities to further Generations.
Also I will go on record that Brown is best color for fluffs. Purple is best color for magical marshmallow ponies. And thus my biases are revealed O.o
i don’t think that brown is THE BEST color for a fluffy. it’s the best color for a FERAL fluffy tho