Grey or Black might actually be better for a city dwelling Feral, Browns and Greens are certainly preferred for Ferals living in more rural environments.
Any Earth Shades are good
If it looks like it came out of a cotton candy machine though it belongs in a fish tank. Leave the bright colors for the Micro Fluffs, Birds, and Tropical Fish
Indeed, hellgremlins are a cancer that needs to be stopped from spreading or they’ll kill the fandom a third time. It’s hard to introduce the fandom as being about cute and loving creatures in a cold harsh world if there are pics depicting them as disgusting psychopaths littered among them, which is why we really should create a separate category for the hellgremlin content asap. Otherwise people who’d like the original fluffies will see the fandom as something they’d hate, and the snowball effect of death would destroy the fandom like it has done twice already.
If you’d like to help inform more newcomers about the difference between fluffies and hellgremlins, here’s a handy infograph I made: What's a Hellgremlin? by:Foxhoarder
And if you’re interested in the history of the fandom and why the hellgremlins are such a severe threat for it, here’s a more detailed post about it too: History of the Fandom by:Foxhoarder
Yo! @Foxhoarder and I are starting a revolution. No mo’ hellgremlins! This is gonna be a fluffy site. Represent!
Though I doubt we agree on everything. I think some artist have done hellgremlins well, particularly those artists who have never depicted fluffies in a positive light (like Shaferaraks, all of his fluffies are despicable and hated), artists whose headcanons are so over-the-top absurd that hellgremlin behavior is fun (CD and Micron) or fluffies are shown as sentient but not sapient (Artist-Kun, those fluffs may be able to speak, but they are REALLY stupid compared to the average fluffy. Even dumber than most undomesticated animals. Much more animal than intelligent toy IMO).
But I think this site has a lot of potential to get rid of the hellgremlin curse that has plagued the fandom. A lot of the creators here seem to focus on fluffies more than hellgremlins, and that makes me really happy.
Most of them - I just enjoy stories about the ones that lose theirs the most.
Fluffies are still unlucky and accident-prone though, so I don’t think any stallion gets through life without hurting their dangly-bits at least occasionally.