History of the Fandom by:Foxhoarder

The fluffy fandom started in the pony threads at /co/, when people started drawing drawing ponies with parodically fluffy coats. This is when the term fluffy pony first emerged, but the dumb, fluffy ponies still lived in Equestria among regular fim ponies.

After the story My Little Dashie, people started writing similar stories about fluffy ponies as pets in the human world. The fandom was mainly hugbox and weirdbox, with most of the stories being about humans trying to keep their ridiculously fragile fluffy ponies from dying in all sorts of silly ways. The meme “fluffy pony drowns” was born, with fluffies potentially drowning from just thinking about water.

Eventually, intentional abuse started rising its head. Fluffies in tragic accidents had always been half of the content, and the early intentional abuse stories treated fluffies ending up in the hands of psychopaths as just another kind of accident. The stories made it clear that the abusers were mentally deranged individuals, but many still thought this was straying from funny accidents into plain gore for its own sake. The terms hugbox and hugboxer were born as insults used by the new fans who wanted for nothing but abuse.

Still, this was known as the Golden Age of fluffies. Some artists were disgusted by the intentional abuse, but it was easy enough to avoid thanks to tags and the abusers wanting to make sure their stories would be immediately recognizable as such.

After a few years, the birth of justified abuse created the next big controversy in the fandom. The lawn invasion trope was created as a means of getting smarties and their herds into conflicts with humans, leading to ordinary people punishing fluffies out of necessity. The smarty syndrome was invented as a bizarre mental condition where a fluffy starts getting more and more belligerent, leading to owners reading up about it and having to break the fluffy out of it through abuse, or just kill it if it turns out to be incurable. Many old artists left, as fluffies picking fights and causing confrontations was going against the spirit of them being the innocent victims of circumstances. I’m ashamed to admit that at the time I found justified abuse just as good as any other fluffy content, but I didn’t yet have any idea what it would lead to.

The fandom was at its strongest, but there was one guy who was absolutely convinced that the fandom couldn’t survive without spreading into /b/. And he happened to be a huge fan of the new and controversial justified abuse trope. There weren’t many images of it yet, but he kept making threads with the same set of pictures every single day, sometimes several times a day. As expected, only the people who also liked justified abuse got interested, while anyone who could have liked the main part of the fandom never learned such a thing even existed. Thinking that fluffy abuse was all about hatred, the /b/ fandom started coming up with more ideas and headcanons to make them even easier to hate. Fluffies tendency to praise babies as “bestest babbehs” turned into fluffies having a bestest baby, followed by a whole hierarchy down to the poopy baby they abused just for fun. Smarties went from well-intentioned but often incompetent leaders to full on sadists with baby-raping enforcers at their command. Sorry poopies originally existed only in a one-off story about a smarty sprayed by skunk learning to rule its herd with an iron colon, but were now praised as an universal thing that all fluffies did whenever they didn’t like something. Anyone asking what fluffies are was quickly taught that they were all the worst parts of humanity combined, while any pictures showing them in positive light were derided as fluffies either merely pretending to be good, or only behaving well as long as they had everything they needed.

Eventually, the new fandom that had spawned in the /b/ threads moved to the booru and everything went to hell. With their vigor of just having discovered the fandom, the posts depicting fluffies as heinous monsters vastly outnumbered the regular posts. Old artists were insulted and despised for showing fluffies in a sympathetic light, driving the vast majority of them to abandon what the fandom had become. Around this time the term hellgremlin was born to set the new fandom apart from the original fandom, but the hellgremlinists hated it. Not because it was derisive, but because they demanded that their fandom was the one and only fandom and what the fluffies had always been about.

The hellgremlins subversion of fluffies was complete. Most newcomers thought smarty was simply what all male fluffies were called. Some suggested that fluffies should enjoy wallowing in shit, with others suggesting that they should set traps for humans so they could shit right in their faces. There were discussions about whether it would be possible for a mare to have consensual sex. Nearly all new content was about fluffies abusing each other, and the rest about fluffies destroying things and shitting on humans. Ironically, the hellgremlinists still claimed that the fandom was all about justice even when virtually none of the pictures showed evil fluffies getting what they deserved, and there were actually less pictures of fluffies getting punished than even in the early hugbox days of the fandom!

I stuck with the fandom longer than most, trying to create good content until I was literally referred to as “the last ember of a once great flame.” But I had to give up - there was no way anyone was going to sift through pages of seething hatred just to find a nice picture once in a while.

For the next two years, I checked the booru every few months to see how it was going. After fluffies were banned from /b/ there were no more new hellgremlinists to replace the ones leaving out of boredom, leading to a sharp decline in their numbers. Many even said they wished the fandom to die so they could be free from it, and over the next two years the trickle of new content waned down to nothing.

With the hellgremlins gone, an user called Renaissance started the old fandom’s revival in the booru, leading to old artists slowly returning and new fans discovering the fandom, surprised that it wasn’t all hellgremlins after all. This age lasted several months, but as the fandom grew stronger the old hellgremlinists were equally pleased to hear that fluffies were back again. They were less numerous, but they wore Renaissance down and forced him to quit, leading the fandom to go down the exact same path that had destroyed it years ago. This time even I didn’t stick around, knowing that good content would only slow down the inevitable collapse.

Just as expected, one and half years later the booru was once again a ghost town. The last discussions had been about how the fandom had run its course and there was nothing new left to do with fluffies, and the booru moderators were seriously discussing pulling the plug to let the site out of its misery. Someone made a fluffy thread on /trash/, and this time I started posting about the rebirth of the classic fandom and how the booru was ours again. It was a miracle how many of the old artists returned once again, and in a few months the fandom that was on its deathbed was once again as active as it had been at the peak of its Renaissance period.

This is now the third age of fluffies, and I wish from the bottom of my heart that we won’t repeat the same mistakes ever again. If the hellgremlin fandom hadn’t been set apart from the original, everything we now enjoy would have been dragged to hell with it. The line had to be drawn somewhere. Hateable fluffies inevitably lead to an unlikable fandom, so for the fandom’s sake keep your fluffies likable!


This was very educational, I didn’t imagine the fandom to have this much history. The more I hear of the hellgremlinists, the worse they sound. In a way, allowing them to run amok was good because it exhausted them and allowed better people to replace them. Although there must’ve been great artists who were driven out by them.

As someone who has been enjoying fluffies I want to thank you for helping the fandom stay alive


As long as we stick together, create content and have such great mods, the fluffy fandom shall rise <3


Great post!

Well its really not possible to stop “off-cannon” art and stories.

Like the Sonic fandom has been filled with fetish and edgy art forever to most of the fandom’s dismay. Eventually they just learned to live with it, and continued making art that they liked while others made the art that they liked.

Just make the sort of art and tell the sort of stories you want to tell and ignore what others do. Making art should be more for the artist themselves than for others.


The big difference between fluffies and Sonic fandom is that Sonic has undeniable canon of what he is and what he does. Even if someone draws Sonic raping a baby while yelling racial slurs, they can’t claim that it’s the canon about Sonic and anything Sega says is lies. Fluffy fandom doesn’t have a single authority to point at like that, which is why ideas completely opposite of all accepted hivecanon could get so much supporters.

Like I said, before the first death of the fandom I did try making good content to counter the bad. I put outright unhealthy amounts of effort into it but it did absolutely nothing. Hellgremlinists can easily ignore a good fluffy picture, because even if they didn’t like it, they wouldn’t hate it either. Hellgremlin content however is specifically made to make you angry, so telling someone to just ignore it is like telling someone to ignore getting yelled in the face. Imagine browsing porn videos on a site where majority of the women turned out to have horrifying genital infections - because at one point that was exactly what browsing Fluffybooru felt like.

Even if we can’t weed out the hellgremlin headcanons altogether, I hope reading this will encourage artists and authors to be careful about them. Bad fluffies being the exception was how it started the first time too, so if you like the fandom and care about its survival you should keep fluffies nice.


I’m curious, what do you think about the current state of the fandom? Do you think we’re heading in a good direction, are we repeating the mistakes of the past, what problems do you think there currently are?


Right now, I think things are going great. Good fluffies are the norm with only two or three cases of obviously heinous fluffies as far as I remember. And there’s plenty of hugbox, which is the most important cornerstone of the fandom. The site is bound to attract more people as the word spreads, so things are really looking up right now. As long as we keep the hellgremlins from taking root the fandom is bound to stay fun and growing for now.


This is part of why I tried to select a team of moderators that aren’t all about

We may not all be hugboxers (well, one is) but all of us generally want to create, see, or read about lovable fluffies.


Wow this is a really good topic to talk about
Foxhoarder I really admire you, at first just for your drawing and good headcanons about fluffys and now for what you did for this fandom, I didn’t know that the fandom pass for things like that and I hope that we could keep doing the things right.
By my part I’m just a person who discovered this like 5 months ago and now I want to give my drawings to the community, because I really miss fluffybooru.


It’s really interesting seeing the history of the community as a thirth generation fan of the community


I was originally going to write something else but, and having reread Foxhoarder’s post, I think she covered most of what I was going to say. The only thing I’d add is my own opinion that an over-emphasis of abuse is what led to the fandom’s many problems. Hellgremlins and ugly design was born out of a need to “justify” abuse, and the harassment of other artists was done more so by abusers to hugboxers, aka posting abuse comments on hugbox images, or demanding artists to draw an abuse follow-up. And thats not counting the history of shit-edits and hate art the booru (a reason why art-anon and mixxermike both distanced themselves away from the fandom at the start)

On a tangential note, I decided to do a write-up related to how MLP had an influence on the original fluffy pony fandom: Reddit - Dive into anything

EDIT: I decided to post it to the site as well: From MLP to Fluffy Pony or How Fluffy ponies came to be on 4chan's /co/ and /mlp/


Right then. I suppose the next best alternative is unjustified industrial abuse. That should do the trick!


I prefer the abuse posts but that’s not to say I dont enjoy a well written hugbox story.


I like abuse better when its isn’t justified at all.


So…a Shirt Story Up ahead. I learned about the fluffy Community about 2 or 3 years ago and i think it was when the hellgremlins where at their Peak. I found myself drawn to their Art Like people to a Car accident, but also saw myself Always of being more of a hugboxer. I rediscovered the Community for myself earlier this year. (The booru was still around then) and have to say that i saw myself aß a Person eho enjoyed hugbox content as Well as abuse content (but Like…Not the gory and rapey stuff…especially Not enfie babbehs)

So my question Just is, really…Just Out of curiosity (i dont want to offend people) is it Bad to enjoy both hugbox and abuse content, or should i try gettin away from the latter to Help improving the Community?


I don’t think its bad to enjoy both the hugbox and abuse content. If that is what you like, thats just how it is, and I myself like some neutralbox stories that have abusive elements.

That said, and speaking as someone with a hugboxer bias, I do think that hugbox is a way of improving the community. But when I say that, my approach to hugbox is not only about liking fluffies, but also liking people, especially the people who like fluffies. I have a big admiration for people like Carpdime and Waggytail, as well as people who did collaborations in the booru’s past. During the “hellgremlin” phases, there was a cynical attitude that was prone to dramas and fights, and there were not as many collabs or tributes. I think one reason why artists started leaving the fandom during those phases was because the vitriol started to drive people away, both hugboxer and abuser alike.


I mean…Event hough i enjoy abuse content i really Like the cute little fluffers and IT was Always nice to See something Made by, for an example the two you mentioned (aß for foxhoarder, i really like their content to, but only discovered them on the Last days of the booru, so i am seeing Here more of their Work that i saw there) but in the Other hand i liked Work by artists Like gr1m, which where already almost at the Point where it was too hard for me to read. I never really dared to Dip deeper into the Community Düring booru Times because…damn i was afraid of people tearing me Up.


There’s nothing wrong with liking hugbox and abuse. I like both equally much - although hugbox is more important for keeping the fandom healthy. Besides, there will always be hugbox cute enough to melt even die-hard abuser’s heart, as well as abuse funny enough to make hugboxers laugh. :blush:


To be honest, I’m finding most abuse incredibly unfunny. A lot of fluffy pony abuse lacks the approach Happy Tree Friends has, despite the comparison. Like, at least in Happy Tree Friends, or in classic cartoons, you know the fluffies will come back. I don’t really see that in a 99% of fluffy abuse.

Like, the only fluffy “abuse” that comes close to making me laugh is Pumpiikin’s William, but the fact that he is an immortal character who will never die and keeps stalking Sourpuss like Pepe Lepew is the point of his character.


Step 1 - Fall in love with a Wolfram Sparks thread on 4chan
Step 2 - Find the booru
Step 3 - Buy a draw pad and learn to draw
Step 4 - Start posting fluffy stuff
Step 5 - Get in dramatic fights in the comments section of fluffybooru after the things I spent hours or days on are meticulously torn apart (even worse when it was by other users who couldn’t draw a straight line with a ruler and their art postings would have them repeat art class in elementary school) ((second PS: damn some of those ppl in those days had REALLY REALLY REALLY bad art skills))
Step 6 - Create new account on Booru, promise to only focus on making fun sadbox, hugbox, and abuse box
Step 7 - Repeat Step 5
Step 8 - Delete everything and give up on the fandom
Step 9 - See an image limit fluffy thread on /b 4 years later earlier tonight.
Step 10 - See fluffybooru has been dead for over a year
Step 11 - Do a search for my name on this new site.
Step 12 - See myself being viewed as an important part of Fluffy History.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm feels good.