Don't hate the player, Ragequit...Part 3 by Karn/Princess Purrpaws

Ragequit character/original art by Mutagen
Kiwi by Princess Purrpaws

Mariana allowed Ragequit to simply enjoy her affections for several minutes, the unicorn having all but forgotten her punishment. This was almost as vital as the punishment itself, as Mariana needed for Ragequit to see her as a loving figure, not a monster. Looking down at the cute and cooing unicorn, she desperately hoped that she wouldn’t have to punish her again while she was here, but history was cruel, and Mariana knew that problem fluffies always took a lot of work to salvage. Still, she smiled, happy at least for now with Ragequit nuzzling her hand.

Once it was seven sharp, Mariana decided it was time for her to meet Kiwi. Her hand still gently stroking her mane, Mariana spoke softly to get the content little unicorn’s attention. “RagequitRagequit sweety? It’s time for you to see the saferoom.” Seeing her eyes sparkle as they grew wider, the unicorn smiled.

“Wagekwit gowna see odah fwuffy nao?”

Her tail wagging rapidly, Mariana had to laugh, finding Ragequit’s enthusiasm infectious. “Yes sweety. It’s time I introduce you to Kiwi.” Walking over to the hallway, Mariana led the unicorn to the saferoom door. Her hand on the knob, she looked down to Ragequit, her voice soft but firm. “Now remember Ragequit, be nice.” Turning the handle, Mariana led the unicorn within.

Turning on the light, Mariana heard Ragequit gasp slightly. Originally it had been a second bedroom, but Mariana had it converted into a fluffy saferoom shortly after leaving hospice care. The walls were a light yellow and the floor was padded with a light blue mat. In the far corner was the toychest, a simple plastic bin that was glued shut and the top cut open, with several toys strewn about the corner of the room. Mariana wasn’t bothered, as she allowed fluffies to keep their playthings out, as long as it was in that corner and never outside the saferoom. After all, she wanted the fluffies that she watched over to consider the saferoom as their own, as Mariana did.

Opposite to the toychest was a large pillow-bed, similar to what one might buy for a dog, but sized and made for a fluffy. In it was Kiwi, the little pegasus slowly stirring from his sleep. His eyes opened slowly as he looked up to Mariana, then noticed Ragequit standing beside her, his tail wagging slightly.

“Gud bwite time nices’ wady Mawe’anna! Nyu fwend?”

Smiling at the pegasus’ enthusiasm, Mariana introduced them. “Why yes she is Kiwi! This is Ragequit, and she’ll be staying with us for two and one days.” Standing up and stretching, the pegasus sluggishly galloped over to greet the unicorn, stopping directly in front of her as he smiled.

“Hewwo Wagekwit! Kee’we am Kee’we! Su gud tu meet yu!”

Directly after introducing himself, Kiwi instantly put both of his hooves tightly around Ragequit, hugging her as she smiled and cooed. This was why Mariana loved fluffies so much. Despite the occasional troublemaker, they were creatures of joy and love, and that always brightened Mariana’s day, even when things weren’t their best. After the lengthy embrace, Kiwi lightly walked a circle around Ragequit, clearly excited.

Wagekwit wan pway?!”

Her mouth agape as her eyes began to widen, Ragequit suddenly released an excited squee, her whole body bouncing up and down.


Watching as the pair ran over to the toychest, Mariana smiled. “Have fun and play nice you two! Breakfast will be in one hour!” Leaving the room with the door open, Mariana left the fluffies to play.

Pulling out the stacking blocks, Kiwi looked to Ragequit, smiling as he pushed several towards her.

Wagekwit wan stak’ee bwoks?”

Grinning devilishly, the unicorn nodded to the pegasus.

“Wagekwit wuv stak’ee bwoks! Wagekwit da’ bestest at stak’ee bwoks!”

While Kiwi patiently put down his first block, then carefully placed another atop it, Ragequit had began to stack her blocks at a fever pace, giggling excitedly as she outpaced Kiwi. Once she had run out of blocks, her tower now eight blocks tall, she looked over to the pegasus with a smug smile, his pile only now reaching three blocks.


Knocking her tower over playfully, Ragequit looked to Kiwi, clearly excited over her supposed victory.

“Wat Wagekwit winnah ob?”

His tail wagging from Ragequit’s clear enthusiasm, Kiwi smiled as he began to slowly place his fourth block atop his tower, the pile of blocks uneven and already wobbling slightly. An incredulous look on her face, Ragequit shook her head.

“Wagekwit beetchu at stak’ee bwoks! Wagekwit am bettah dan Kee’we an’ am winnah!”

Still looking confused, Kiwi smiled to the unicorn. As he tried to place his fifth block, his tower fell, prompting a slight giggle from the pegasus.

“Kee’we nu kno was wace. Buh Wagekwit am gud at stak’ee bwoks.”

As Kiwi began to gather his blocks again, trying to pile them skyward, he was interrupted by Ragequit walking next to his pile, staring impatiently at the pegasus. Taking a few moments to notice her, Kiwi looked up to the unicorn, a puzzled expression across his face.

“Wat am wong Wagekwit?”

“Nu wan pway stak’ee bwoks nu mowe! Wagekwit awweady winnah ob dat! Wan Pway sumtin’ ewse!”

“Buh…buh Kee’we wuv stak’ee bwoks…wan pway stak’ee bwoks wiff nyu fwend Wagekwit.”

Stamping her hoof, Ragequit looked annoyed, even angry as she demanded to play a different game.

“Wan pway odah game! Nao!”

Skittish as he rose from his block pile, Kiwi nodded as he sheepishly pushed his head into the toychest, desperate to find something else for his scary new friend to do. Pulling out a worn children’s book, the pegasus smiled as he put it down in front of Ragequit.

“Hewe Wagekwit! Am pwetty pictuwe book! Wan wook wiff Kee’we?”

Crossing her arms with a humph as she kicked the book away, the unicorn began to puff her cheeks, clearly not pleased.

“Wagekwit nu wan wook at dummeh book! Wan pway game! Nao!”

Gasping as he slightly backed away, Kiwi grew nervous, wanting to please his new friend, to both make her happy and so she’d stop being so frightening. Grabbing an oversized red ball from the chest, he rolled it over to her with his nose.

“Am…am… baww otay?”

Her mood shifting abruptly, Ragequit held the large ball in place as she gave a determined smile to Kiwi.

“Otay! Wagekwit wuv pway baww! Wagekwit am bestest at baww!”

Kneeling over, Ragequit gave the ball a powerful kick with both her hind legs, with an audible grunt of effort as she did so. The ball bounded far, bouncing several times before reaching near the bed on the other side of the room. A satisfied smile on her face, the unicorn pranced towards the ball, using her head to push it back to Kiwi, who was clearly impressed with how far she had managed to kick the ball.

“Dat wus su faw! Wagekwit am gud at baww!”

“Wagekwit kno…nao Kee’we gu.”

Lightly hitting the ball, Kiwi giggled as it moved, slowly starting to chase it as it bounded away, hitting it as he caught up with it, only to start the cycle over and over again. Watching him, Ragequit crossed her arms as she once again puffed up her cheeks.


Halting the ball with her hooves, Ragequit glared at Kiwi, the confused and startled pegasus now cowering away from the unicorn.

“Kee’we…Kee’we nu am dummeh…nices’ wady Mawe’anna nu…nu wike wen fwuffies say dat wowd…Nices’ wady Mawe’anna say am a ba’ wowd…”

""Nu cawe bout’ dat! Wagekwit wan pway baww an DUMMEH FWUFFY NU PWAY WITE!!!

Ragequit?! Bad fluffy!”

Gasping from surprise as she turned, Ragequit saw Mariana standing in the doorway, a stern glance cast right at the unicorn. Eyes wide, she immediately turned to run, only reaching the toy corner before feeling the familiar sensation of the reacher’s clasping jaws grabbing onto her collar. Pulling away and screaming, Ragequit tried to lay down, refusing to move as her tantrum escalated. “You are coming with me young lady. We do not bully or tease fluffies in this house Ragequit!”


Forcing her out of the saferoom and affixing her to a hook in the hallway, Mariana went over to Kiwi, who had begun to cry, the confused pegasus sitting on his rump as he quivered slightly, the whole incident clearly leaving him shaken. “Come over here sweety…” Walking over to his bed, still whimpering, he climbed atop the pillowbed, now within Mariana’s reach, who began to pet and stroke him as she quietly shushed his crying and shaking. “There, there Kiwi. It’s alright. I’m here now.” Giving him a few minutes to calm down, Mariana asked the poor pegasus what had happened. “Can you tell me why Ragequit was yelling at you? And why she called you such awful names?”

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…Kee’we nu know…*sniffle…Wus pwayin’ wiff Wagekwit an’ Wagekwit yeww at Kee’we…*sniffle…say dat Kee’we nu pway wite…an’ am…*sniffle…am dummeh…”

“Well that’s not true Kiwi. You aren’t a dummy and you are great at playing. I promise.” Looking up to Mariana, the pegasus’ eyes began to look hopeful.


“Of course my sweetheart! Now you go ahead and keep playing. I’ll take care of this and then you can have breakfast.”

His spirits clearly lifted, Kiwi wiped his face with his hoof before hugging Mariana’s leg and then running back over to the toy corner.

“Otay nices’ wady Mawe’anna. Tank yu fow hewp wiff heawt huwties. Kee’we wuv yu.”

Smiling as she watched the pegasus begin to stack his blocks, giggling as he tried to keep them from wobbling, Mariana sighed. Her smile faded as her mood began to sour slightly. She had a feeling that Ragequit would act out again, but to be so mean to another fluffy was unacceptable. Mutagen had warned her but clearly it was far worse than Mariana had thought. Still, she had dealt with bullies before and none were beyond saving, not yet at least yet.

Walking into the hallway, Mariana could already hear the unicorn bawling loudly. Slumped against the wall, Ragequit was sobbing as she tugged at the hook on the wall.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…Wet gu! Wet fwuffy gu!”

Not a great sign, thought Mariana. Once again, she refused to use her name. Standing before the weeping unicorn, Mariana lightly stomped her foot, instantly getting Ragequit’s attention. “What do you have to say for yourself?” Her voice was loud and clearly angry, shaking the unicorn from her pitying episode. “Kiwi was crying you know…He was crying because of what you called him! And to tell him he didn’t know how to play right?! Ragequit, it isn’t your place to tell other fluffies how to have fun! Now, explain why you broke the rules! Explain why you hurt Kiwi!”

Shaking slightly, Ragequit looked towards Mariana, her eyes still wet with tears.

“Fwuffy wan…”

Stamping her foot again, the unicorn yelped with surprise as Mariana glared downwards. “I have no patience for liars Ragequit and even less for bullies. Tell me the truth, right now, and I promise your punishment won’t be too severe…” Mariana put great emphasis on the unicorn’s name, hoping it would help make her point. Stumbling over her words, Ragequit tried to explain.

“Wagekwit…Wagekwit jus’ wan pway wiff Kee’we…buh Kee’we nu wan pway wite…nu wike hao Wagekwit wike tu pway…”

“And how is that?”

“Wat Mawe’anna mean?”

“What is the right way to play? Why do you get to decide that Kiwi’s way is wrong?” The question clearly confused Ragequit somewhat, as the unicorn seemed befuddled.

“Pwayin’ nu am fun unwess deww am a winnah an’ a wosew…Wagekwit am tu gud at games an awways winnah…”

It was as Mutagen had warned. Her obsession with winning and games was to blame. Sighing as she looked down to the puzzled unicorn Mariana spoke firmly but far softer than before. “Winning isn’t everything Ragequit. And not every game is a competition. Sometimes, fun is just fun, nothing more.”

“Buh…dat nu am twu…winnin’ am aww dat matah…”

“Well tell that to Kiwi. He was crying his eyes out because of how you treated him. Now, it’s almost time for breakfast. You will be eating alone, in the sorry box for how mean you were to Kiwi. Hopefully that will teach you a lesson.”

Ignoring Ragequit’s protests for the moment, Mariana went to the kitchen and prepared a bowl of food and water, carrying them to her room. It was a simple and modest bedroom, as Mariana was always a woman of simple tastes. Next to her bed was a modified baby’s crib, with a simple latch that could cause the front wall of the crib to fall open. Placing the bowls on her counter for the moment, Mariana pulled the latch with her reacher, the wall falling to the hardwood floor with a soft thud. It was padded on the inside and out, just to be safe. Using her reacher again, she carefully placed the bowls within the crib and then returned to the hallway.

Approaching Ragequit, Mariana unlatched her from her hook and began to walk her to her bedroom, the unicorn yelling and pulling against her the entire way.


Ignoring the protests of the unicorn, unmoved by her hissy fit, Mariana walked her to the crib and then pulled her up the soft carpeted steps, attaching her to a hook within before lifting the wall and re-latching it. She then unhooked Ragequit, the unicorn still screaming as she sobbed violently.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…WAI MAWE’ANNA BEIN’ MEANIE TU FWUFFY?..*huuu…huuu…huuu…FWUFFY AM GUD!”

Looking within the crib, Mariana shook her head. “You are a good fluffy Ragequit, but you did a very, very bad thing! Now, before I leave you to your breakfast and your punishment, can you tell me what you did wrong?” Mariana was hopeful, as when confronted last time, Ragequit had both realized and apologized for her mistake. But this time was clearly different as the unicorn sat on her haunches, crossing her arms as she puffed her cheeks.

“Fwuffy nu du nuthin’ wong! Meanie Mawe’anna am nu nices’ tu gud fwuffy! Meanie Mawe’anna am dummeh! Fwuffy nu wike Meanie Mawe’anna!”

It was far worse than before, thought Mariana. Clearly when it came to games and the like, it would be harder to reason with Ragequit. Still though, Mariana’s heart went out to her. It wasn’t her fault, not really. She had a mindset that had formed at some point early in her development and it hadn’t been nipped in the bud right there. Mutagen was clearly more than competent as an owner but with fluffies, it wasn’t uncommon for them to hide errant and poor behaviors, so it didn’t surprise Mariana that it flew right under his radar. Regardless, she had been here before with ill mannered fluffies and worse ones at that, and Mariana refused to give up on Ragequit.

“Well I think that you’re just upset right now Ragequit, so I’ll leave you to think about what you did. But remember this. Even if you think that you don’t like me, I like you. And I think that you are a good fluffy, even though you need to learn how to behave.” Walking over to the door, Mariana dimmed the lights, just enough to let the unicorn remember that she was being punished. Leaving her room, Mariana went back to the kitchen to prepare Kiwi’s breakfast.

After Kiwi had had his breakfast and went to the backyard to relieve himself, he and Mariana had crawled onto the couch to cuddle for a bit, to cheer the pegasus up after the rough morning he had endured. While she lightly scratched and stroked Kiwi, Mariana was hard at work thinking of a way to deal with Ragequit and her obsession with competition. Clearly she had been thinking too hard as she was stirred from her thoughts by Kiwi’s soft hoof lightly tapping her.

“Nices’ wady Mawe’anna otay? Hab wook wike nu happies…”

Smiling as she gently patted him on the head, Mariana nodded. “I’m ok Kiwi. I was just lost in thought is all. You doing ok?” Still smiling at Mariana, Kiwi looked slightly down, the pegasus clearly still upset.

“Kee’we am otay…nu kno wai Wagekwit am su mad at Kee’we. Kee’we nu wike game wen Wagekwit pway…nu wan pway game…”

Trying to console the sullen little pegasus, Mariana suddenly perked up, her eyes widened as she had an epiphany. Kiwi, sweety…could you say that again…"

“Kee’we say dat Wagekwit get su mad at Kee’we dat Kee’we nu wan pway game…”

Leaning in, Mariana kissed the puzzled pegasus on his forehead, prompting him to coo at the affection. “Kiwi, you’re a genius!”

Mariana only left Ragequit in the sorry box for twenty minutes total. She felt it important for the fluffies being punished to really understand they had done something wrong, but anything longer than twenty minutes felt too cruel. Once she walked in, she could hear the unicorn quietly sobbing. As she flicked the light on, she heard Ragequit gasp with excitement. Now leaning against the wall of the crib, Ragequit looked up to Mariana, her tail slightly wagging as she quietly whimpered, her voice struggling to speak.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…P’wease wet fwuffy ow’t…Fwuffy nu wike sowwy box…Am gud fwuffy…”

Mariana had expected as much. The idea of winning being so important was deep in who Ragequit was as a fluffy, and it would take something big to break her of it. Thankfully, Mariana had an idea. “Now Ragequit, before I let you out, can you tell me why I made you stay in the sorry box?” It was always important to have a punishment end with the fluffy understanding why they were punished, and even if Mariana knew that Ragequit didn’t understand just yet, she went along with it.


Normally an answer like that would mean that Mariana would try to explain what they had done wrong and stand there with the fluffy until they themselves could explain it back to her. Instead, Mariana used her reacher to unlatch the crib, freeing the unicorn. “Well hopefully you’ll understand it later. Now, do you need to go potty?” Nodding as she squirmed slightly, Ragequit trotted up to Mariana.

“Yus. Wagekwit hab tu maek gud poopies…”

Opening the door, Mariana led the unicorn to the pet flap and then followed her outside.

Patting the rock, Ragequit slowly clambered up and turned to face her rear into the fence, a desperate look on her face as she stared towards Mariana.

“Mawe’anna hewp Wagekwit p’wease? Fiks poopie pwace?”

“I will but when I do I need you to squat over the fence, ok?”


True to her word, after Mariana pulled the makeshift plug from Ragequit, the unicorn bent herself over the fence and relieved herself, making far less of a mess compared to last time. After replugging her, which made the pegasus grunt and squirm, Mariana gave her lots of praise.

“Good girl! Very good girl! Now come here Ragequit, I have to clean you off.” Mariana waited patiently as the unicorn trotted to her, clearly learning from her earlier mistake at least. Taking the hose, Mariana warned the unicorn before spraying her. “Ok Ragequit here it comes. It’ll be quick, I promise.” Spraying her hindquarters for just a few seconds on the lowest setting, the unicorn was clean far faster than yesterday. Instructing her just as before, Ragequit climbed the steps to the backporch so that she could be towel dried off.

Working the towel gently over Ragequit’s rump, Mariana decided to incite the beginning of her plan to teach the unicorn a lesson. While she dried her off, Mariana began to talk about the incident that morning again. “So, Kiwi was still pretty upset about how you treated him this morning. I was thinking that maybe you might like to apologize to him after we go back inside. How would you feel about that Ragequit?”

“…Nu am Wagekwit’s faw’t dat Kee’we nu pway games wite…Wagekwit nu sowwy…nu nee’ be sowwy…”

Clearly she didn’t feel like she did anything wrong, and she probably wouldn’t unless she knew what it was like. Continuing with her plan, Mariana went on. “Well that’s too bad Ragequit, because I was going to tell you about a game. One that Kiwi happens to be very good at…”

“…Weawwy…Mawe’anna kno nyu game?”

"I do. And if you promise to apologize and to be very nice to Kiwi for as long as you are here, I’ll tell you how to play. Can you do that? Hesitating for a moment, Ragequit begrudgingly agreed.

“…Otay…fwuffy teww Kee’we sowwy…Mawe’anna teww fwuffy bout’ game nao?”

“I will. It’s a very special game. To play it you have to not think about the game. Understand?”

“…Wat? Wagekwit nu undahstan’…hao pway game?”

Mariana smiled to herself. “Sorry Ragequit, you just lost…” Turning to meet Mariana, the unicorn was clearly confused and upset.

“Buh…buh hao Wagekwit wose? Game nu eben stawt…”

“And you just lost again. You’re not very good at this game, are you Ragequit?” Mariana could tell that the unicorn was growing flustered, which was exactly what she wanted. “Maybe Kiwi can show you how to play it better when we get inside.” Narrowing her eyes, Ragequit started to yell.

“Pway bedah hao? Wagekwit stiww nu kno hao pway game!”

“That’s another loss Ragequit

Mariana led Ragequit back inside, the unicorn still upset and confused about the new game that she’d been taught. Unlike other games, Ragequit wasn’t very good at this one. She had lost track of how many times she had lost while Mariana was drying her off. As they walked through the hallway to the living room, she looked back to Mariana, still unclear on why she kept losing.

“Mawe’anna…can Mawe’anna spwain hao Wagekwit wose game gen?”

Without even looking downward or halting her gait, Mariana answered. “You lose again, Ragequit. It’s like you’re not even trying…”

Frowning as they reached the living room, Mariana and Ragequit both saw Kiwi lying down on the floor, his tail wagging as he waited for them. Mariana hadn’t told him her plan, only that he should ask to play with with the unicorn and to be extra nice to Ragequit, no matter what. Once he saw them, he playfully rose up and greeted them both.

“Hewwo gen nices’ wady Mawe’anna. Hewwo Wagekwit. Wan pway?”

Before the unicorn could get a word out, Mariana looked down to Ragequit. “Before she plays with you, I think that Ragequit has something to say. Go on Ragequit.” Looking away from Kiwi as she crossed her arms, Ragequit gave a half-hearted apology.

“…Fwuffy sowwy…otay?”

Normally Mariana would never let such a feeble apology fly, but this was the rare occasion where the only cure for Ragequit’s poor behavior was a taste of her own medicine. Feigning enthusiasm, Mariana looked down to the unicorn, a smile on her face. “Very good Ragequit. Now go ahead and play you two.” Mariana slowly worked her way onto the couch, eager to see her plan unfurl.

Trotting closer to Kiwi, Ragequit sat down in front of him, clearly frustrated. She didn’t understand how she could lose so many times. Winning was what she was best at! But as she sat in front of Kiwi, it dawned on her. Maybe the game was really hard! That had to be it! Smiling as she realized why she couldn’t win, she thought about how if she had lost so many times, she could only imagine how bad Kiwi must be at it. Wanting to show Mariana that the pegasus was even worse at the difficult game, Ragequit asked Kiwi about the game.

“Du Kee’we wan pway hawd game dat Mawe’anna teww Wagekwit bout’?” Looking happy but slightly confused, Kiwi tilted his head as he looked at Ragequit.

“Wat game?”

Looking to the pair, Mariana smiled. " Ragequit, that’s another loss for you. And see, I told you Kiwi was really good at it. Now that you two are playing against each other, we’ll keep score. Don’t worry Ragequit, we won’t count all those times you lost before. Right now the score is Kiwi: 1 and Ragequit: 0. You need to play better Ragequit."

Clearly flabbergasted, the pegasus started to yell, with Kiwi stepping backwards and creeping closer to the couch. While he didn’t know about her plan, Mariana had told him that if he felt scared while Ragequit was here, that he could come closer to her and she’d keep him safe, no matter what. And with Ragequit clearly beginning a tantrum, Mariana let the pegasus get up on the couch with her.

“Dat nu am faiw! Hao am Kee’we winnin’? Hao am Kee’we gud at game?”

“Ouch Ragequit, that’s another win for Kiwi and another loss for you! The score is Kiwi: 2 and Ragequit: 0! I told you he was good!” Petting and scratching Kiwi, Mariana made sure that she was vague about what was going on in front of the pegasus, not outright telling him about this game that he was winning. Poor Ragequit, thought Mariana. Under most circumstances, being a smarter and clever fluffy would help her win games. But it was because Kiwi was closer to an average fluffy in intelligence that he didn’t understand what was happening, and that was essential for the plan to work. For now, she planned to lavish Kiwi with praise every time he won .

Sitting on her rump, her arms crossed, Ragequit puffed her cheeks as she stared at Mariana and Kiwi. Clearly she wasn’t amused by losing.

“Dis game am nu faiw! Wagekwit nu pway nu mowe!”

“That’s another win for Kiwi! You’re such a good fluffy!” Mariana made a great show of petting the pegasus, including scratching his belly as he laid his back against her lap, the dim-witted fluffy clearly in heaven. “And you lose again Ragequit! That’s Kiwi winning with a score of three now and Ragequit still at zero wins! I thought you said you were good at games Ragequit…”

It had gone that way for the rest of the afternoon, with Ragequit losing over and over and not understanding why. While it clearly bothered her, she was far angrier at how Kiwi kept winning. His score was so high, that the unicorn couldn’t even count that many. And it made her seethe every time that Mariana remined her that for every win that Kiwi had, it was a loss for her. It was now near dinnertime and Mariana was cooking. She had promised that whoever had won the most by the time she was done cooking would get special prize. And based on what the unicorn could smell, she could guess what the prize was. Spaghetti! Laying down and watching Kiwi, Ragequit tried to come up with a way to somehow win.


Another part, neat!


Really enjoying this. I used to play fighting games with folks in the tournament scene (I was an utter scrub who was there to hang out and eat chips & salsa), so I can sort of understand the need to win.


Not gonna lie I really like Mariana as a character
She might become a regular of mine. like a Nega-Seth


Man she is using a big brain move here. Sounds so realistically simple!


I like how Mariana deals with fluffies but this game plan seems like she’s playing with fire. Ragequit seems like the kind of hypercompetitive type that will take a rival out of a game to avoid loseing.


Her ideology is that all fluffies are good and that bratty and bad behavior can be corrected. But she’s no fool. She’ll of course be keeping a close watch on Kiwi.


Dunno how foolproof plan this maybe be but it is definitely an extremely clever one. I still worry for Kiwi but I hope Mariana could reign Ragequit in before anything particularly bad happens.

Mariana is a wonderfully written character. Definitely would love to see more of her beyond this story.


This story is more Hugbox than anything. The plan she has come up with wouldn’t work 100% of the time in any fluffy universe, but it’s pretty sound in this one.


Kiwi wins by doing absolutly nothing lmao! He is so cute tho <3 Hope Ragequit stops being so harsh with him.


Tricking a fluffy with a paradox. That’s mean.

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Did i just lose the Game on a fucking fluffy story? Kudos.

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I was worried more people would get pissed about that.
I think you are actually the first who said anything about losing the game.

Must be an old school thing now.

Kiwi is best fluffy.

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