Down But Not Out Ch. 2 [By BFM101]

Herman woke the next morning to find his little makeshift Fluffy family all asleep, Oracle snuggled in tight to Cinnamon’s Fluff. Unfortunately the cute moment was short-lived when Herman noticed that Oracle was shivering, even surrounded on both sides by adult Fluffies in a warm home, she couldn’t stop shaking.

Much more concerning, was that when Herman pressed his fingers to her back to wake her up, he could feel she was burning up.


This wasn’t a good sign, a Fluffy breaking out in a fever was rare but the fact that Oracle’s body was fighting off an infection meant that her injuries were at risk of either getting infected, or getting worse.

Herman softly pushed Hickory out of the way to get a better look at Oracle, he cursed himself when he saw small patches of dried blood on Oracle’s broken legs, as well as tiny spots of black. The legs were dying, potentially already dead, and currently a threat to her life.

Not ready to turn his back on her now, Herman quickly woke Hickory and Cinnamon, the two adult Fluffies confused as to the sudden rude awakening.

Cinnamon looked around in a daze. “Wha… wha am… wai daddeh… babbeh? BABBEH?”

Instantly Cinnamon could tell something was wrong, she pulled Oracle in tighter and held her with everything she had.

“Daddeh, wha wong wiv babbeh?”

“I don’t know, but I think her leggies are giving her inside sickies.”

Hickory gasped, pulling Cinnamon and Oracle closer to him to keep them both safe. “Dat nu gud, weggies am fow wun and pway, nu gibben huwties.”

“I know Hickory, but I think Oracle’s accident has made her leggies bad. I’m going to make her some special milkies and then call someone to help her, until then, you two just make sure she’s safe.”

The two parental figures nodded and gathered Oracle in their arms, keep her safe and secured. Herman rushed through to the kitchen to make up a breakfast milk drink for the little filly with some more Fluffy safe pain-killers mixed in. With the tiny amount involved the actual medical benefits were fairly short with only the belief of the patient pushing the effects forward, and right now Herman didn’t think Oracle had much belief in anything.

As he waited for the milk to heat up, Herman grabbed his mobile and called for help.

“Johnny? It’s Herman. I know it’s early but this is important. I need help.”

Several hours later, and a tired and blood stained Gheorghe walked out of the kitchen, he looked towards Herman and Johnny, took a deep sigh, and nodded.

“She be ok.”

The deep relief that Herman and Johnny let out was palpable, even the Fluffies felt the change in mood.

“Wha happen daddeh, am gud news?” Cinnamon asked, having been on edge all day.”

“It hab be gud news mummah, daddeh John-ee am happies.” Cinnamon’s adoptive son Lazarus shook with excitement, him and his pregnant mate Violet had come with Johnny and Gheorghe to help ease Hickory and Cinnamon. It had worked to extent but the pair were clearly still worried about Oracle.

Gheorghe popped into the toilet nearby to wash his hands before joining the others. “Little one is safe now, bad leggies not hurt her no more. But to do this, I have take her bad leggies.”

Hickory gulped. “Babbeh nu hab weggies?”

Gheorghe shook his head. “She still have front legs, but no back ones, she can move but it difficult, will need lots of help so no hurt herself.”

Cinnamon stepped forward, head held high. “Cin-a-min wook afta babbeh, nu wet babbeh hab anee-mowe huwties.”

“That good to hear, little one needs lots of love and help. Herman, you want see her, need talk to you bout little one.”

Herman nodded. “Yeah, that’s probably for the best, you don’t mind holding the fort Johnny?”

Johnny waved his hand in dismissal. “Not a problem H.A.M., you go see to your new friend, I’ll keep everyone set here.”

Happy that Johnny would keep the Fluffies in check, Herman followed Gheorghe through to the kitchen, while not ideal, it was the best place they could use for Gheorghe to perform the necessary surgeries on Oracle.

Although even then, Herman was not prepared for the amount of blood on his counter-top.

“Christ, it looks like a goddamn slasher movie in here.”

Gheorghe nodded. “She bleed lot, that usual for Fluffy, no need worry about that. She over here, if you want to see.”

Herman looked over to the counter by the sink, finding Oracle sleeping restfully on a soft towel, one front leg wrapped tightly around a soft-toy Gheorghe had brought with him, the other suckling softly in her moth.

Her back legs were now completely gone, replaced with a white bandage wrapped around her smooth waist.

“She live.” Gheorghe answered the unasked question. “But there more problems than her legs.”

“Like what?”

Gheorghe looked down at Oracle, took a sigh then motioned for Herman to follow him out the back door. The two men took in the chilly autumn air for a brief second before Gheorghe lit up a cigarette.

“You want?”

Herman shook his head. “I quit after Pam got her diagnosis. Haven’t touched one in close to 30 years.”

“Good man.”

Gheorghe took a long drag before continuing. “You were right, little one had broken back, can’t feel anything from belly down.”

“Believe it or not, being right about this doesn’t exactly feel good.”

“It get worse. You already say about the shitting, that not going away soon. But there also big damage to organs, her… how you say, guts?”

“Her intestines?”

“Da, they get squashed, blocked up. Little one has chance of constipation, only Fluffy that has problem.”

Gheorghe chuckled but Herman could see there was no joy in his laughter.

Gheorghe took another drag and kept talking. “Because little one cannot feel below belly, cannot know if have blocked poop. Need to be checked, good diet for soft shitting, maybe nappies, so to have less mess.”

“Is that viable? I heard nappies can mess with a Fluffies self-worth.”

“And you think losing legs don’t? You think shitting self don’t mess with Fluffy head too? Little one already have shitty time ahead, there no good choices here.”

“Alright, alright. I hear you. I look into it later.”

“Good, there may be better options later, but need choose what good for now. Later is other problem, with the injuries, it very unlikely little one be mother.”

“Christ Gheorghe, she’s still drinking milk, I’m not thinking of THAT anytime soon.”

“You still need to know, prepare yourself for that conversation. This is going to be shitty time for little one, she need you to be strong.”

Herman nodded, understanding that Gheorghe was only telling him out of courtesy, not expectations.

“I will, and thank you, you’ve done an incredible job.”

“Was vet back in Romania, have done this before. Thought was rusty after leave home, but it like riding bicycle, it come back.”

“Well despite the mess of my kitchen I’m glad you were able to save her.”

“Anytime old man, anytime.”

It wasn’t until the next day that Oracle woke up, still recovering from her illness and her surgery, she blinked herself out of her long, long sleep and looked around the room, seeing Herman, Hickory and Cinnamon watching over her.

“Owacew hab finkie-pwace huwties.”

“That’ll pass, you took a rough turn there for a moment.”


“You had sickies, but we got rid of them for you.”

“Owacew hab sickies. Dat nu gud, Owacew nu wan…”


Oracle, still groggy and numb from the waist down, tried to step forward, only to fall back down when her back half refused to move. She looked down and her eye went wide and the empty spaces where her back legs should be.

“Owacew nu hab weggies?”

Herman grimaced, he’s expected this but he knew it was going to be a hard talk all the same.

“I’m afraid so Oracle, the sickies were in your legs, we had to take them away or else you would’ve gone forever sleepies.”

Oracle turned to Herman, tears welling in her eyes. “Wiww… wiww weggies come bak?”

Herman slowly shook his head. “Sorry, but no. Sick leggies can’t come back.”

Oracle covered herself with her hooves and wailed. “Huuu, wan weggies bak, need weggies tu wun an pway and gib huggies, nu wan be dummeh nu-weggie babbeh.”

Oracle kept howling for several seconds before she was suddenly lifted up and cradled in Cinnamon’s arms.

“Dewe, dewe babbeh. Yu nu am dummeh, yu am stiww pwetty an gud and speciaw. Nu need aww weggies fow dat, Cin-a-min stiww wub babbeh.”

Oracle wiped the tears from her eyes. “Stiww wub babbeh wiv onwy twu weggies?”

Hickory joined in and cuddled Oracle from the other side. “Stiww wub babbeh even if hab nu weggies. Hickowy an speciaw-fwiend wook afta babbeh, gib aww huggies an wub tiww babbeh feew betta.”

Oracle cuddle in closer to the pair. “Owacew wub nyu fwiend, nu hab heawt-huwties aneemowe.”

Herman sat back and watched the love-in, it was going to be a long, difficult journey for all of them, but he was sure they could make it together.

Outside, several miles down the road, an orange mare pushed her way out of the massive cornfield she had been stuck in for two days now, her Fluff was matted and filthy, her face covered in loose debris and stick, and she was starving.

“Dummeh speciaw-fwiend, wose bestesh mummah in dummeh wong-gwassie pwace. Bestesh mummeh need gu find bestesh babbeh, dey need miwkies an huggies. Nu wub speciaw-fwiend nu mowe, dey dummeh wike dummeh nu weggie babbeh. Nu mummah’s fauwt babbeh faww off, babbeh shouwd howd mowe, an babbeh nu shouwd git unda mummah’s hoofies. Nu mummah’s fauwt babbeh am dummeh nyo.”

Tired and hungry, the mare picked a random direction and started walking, hoping to pick up her herd’s scent soon.

“Mummah need git bak, bestesh be so wowwied wivout mummah, mummah nu can wait tu see bestesh gwow big an stwong, an gib wowstesh sowwy-hoofies an foweba sweepies tu dummeh speciaw-fwiend, an dummeh nu-weggie babbehs, an dummeh… wai mummah heaw metaw-munstah?”




Inside the car, Johnny was broke out of his passenger trance by the sudden jolt.

“Christ Gheorghe, what in the fuck was that?”

“It nothing.” Gheorghe replied, watching the popped and bloodied corpse of the Fluffy disappearing in his rear-view mirror.

“It just trash.”

Chapter 3


What actually happened to her mate:


Poor Oracle be strong there girl.

Love the ending of the mare got squash and nothing else :joy:


Agreed. Fuck that mare


Nice, relaxed pace. Good stakes being set up. Really enjoying this, thank you :slight_smile: