Draaks ( by: FallenAngel )


First appeared in the story Dawky Time HERE

The Draaks, shadow beings that has been existing time immemorial. They are the cause of the legend and lore of vampires, shadow people, ghost and spirit. And yet supernatural exists as well seperated from them.

They are dimensional being who slip into the real world. But lost their form, now they only hid in the shadows. And due to the abnormality effect on them they share the same issue with vampires, they can’t enter a house or any residential building without being permitted by the people. That even a box with fluffies in it they cant grab them without been authorized.

Shape shifters they can create additional limbs, extending for grabbing their prey. They can travel shadows to shadow. With the recent appearance of fluffies Draaks began to enjoy the taste of their meat and hunts them mostly ferals ones.

They have human level intelligent and can speak.

They try to avoid human confrontation, but can be summon and strike a deal with.

They can possess recently fresh dead beings to take its form, with it they are protected from the harsh power of the light. If they manage to maintian their human or even a creature’s form for a hundred years, they will become that being.

They are weaken by light. But direct sunlight kills them.

Regular weapons can hurt them but if they are within a shadow they can slight phase to avoid injury. Old times spear usually used to kill them, the use of silver was used out of theory as they put them with the other supernatural beings.


Neat. Could use more arms though…

Sorry. Missed the shape shifty part. More arms as needed.

Also they don’t care for the taste of poop.


They avoid that part unless they squeese it out or just ate the hind legs :sweat_smile:


Do these demons and jellys have anything in common?

Uuu i got an idea!

What if, if they take a fluffys form, and stay in it a hundred years, they don’t become fluffys, but become jellys! Maybe because fluffys are so innocent that they cant handle it, and the form transforms int a jelly!


i know those were created without Bozdo in mind, but
what if?


Not sure but they see fluffies as food mostly.


Oh yeah!
Bozdo was a thing!

What if he did em?

Transformed unfortunate fluffies onto demon jellys?


i don’t know, they just look like distant relatives


This is gonna be gross to bring up, but my mom’s cat specifically hunts rabbits, and he likes to eat 'em. Pretty much the only thing that’s left behind is a smear of blood, some fuzz, and a blob of guts.
I mention it because if a cat can easily and purposefully avoid the parts of the body that contains fecal matter, a Draak that is a dang supernatural being who can make limbs and stuff can definitely avoid fluffy poop.


Would hiding under a blanket also fall under the safe-box rule?


Yes or some would just absorb all of it some are just blob like form and gobble up anything fluffy. Its usually depends to each, some would actually cook them to eat, they have human level intelligent too


Funny but yes anything as a safe box even a cabinet as long as its closed and with an opening. But do note even if they cant, they can do anything to make you come out of the safebox.


The scary-situation potential is everywhere.
I’d hate to get in a standoff with one of 'em.
Just one slip-up for them to find something to exploit, and things would go from bad to screwed.
dude let me in


Yup that’s why sometimes in the alley of fluffies a day after the place went deserted only blood and scattered trash everywhere, most blame on abusers or just some punks, but some would whisper bout things that bump in the night.


Y’know, when I was a kid, I really wasn’t scared of monsters in my room so much as I had a fear that somenight I would find eyes looking through my window. Or, that I’d look out and see something walking around, only to have it turn and make eye contact with me, and then it’s like ah shit it knows I exist now and where I live. Home is safe, but who knows what’s out there. I also have a fear of forests at night. Big spoops. All my nope.


I know what u mean till now i have a bad sense of heavy imagination and that gets me when going to sleep especially u watched a horror movie you cant stop looking at the window or just cover yourself with your blangket.:sweat_smile:


Out of curiosity, how dangerous would one be to a human?


Hmm, if they possess a body for a hundred years, they become that person? Would they still have their multiple limbs and their ability to travel from shadow to shadow?


Depends they can be as dangerous as a killer or as normal as everyday human. but mostly would lay low act human and would secretly hunt for fluffies. They do eat other food , fluffy is just special in their taste

Some arent evil just want to survive but some are ambitious but thats cause its downfall.


Yes but a bit limited, travelling is the same it also helps heal their injury. but if their body is destroyed they will force to look for another and start the cycle again. Unless they are killed as well.

They really become human,its loosely base on asian supernatural lore any mystical being like kitsune, spider being would meditate or consume human by a thousand or more years they would become human.

Once it becomes human it will start aging like humans do and soon die, most in bliss and comfort.