HEY new chapter. sorry it’s not that good looking but i hope you all can enjoy it.
I just read the other 14 parts earlier today. Happy to see it still going.
I love this series so much!
Seeing that bestest babbeh getting his teeth ripped out is so cathartic!
This is brutal, and I love it. Jhuly is a bitch and a half in one bitch body. Sebastian no doubt came out her ass.
Considering he ruined his brothers eye, this is well-deserved
Dental torture is always horrific; lots of blood, lots of nerve endings, but it’s unlikely to cause death.
Not sure about that. When i had a wisdom tooth removed the resulting wound got infected i was out of commission for a week. What renders a human in good overall health bedridden for seven days seems likely to kill the average fluffy, you know “weak and broken by all” and all that stuff.
Now I desperately want to see a fluffy with dry sockets.
I remember reading a story where a fluffy had its teeth removed and replaced with nails. That was the one time I remember physically wincing from fluffy stuff due to how painful it looked
Do you know who wrote it? Because I need to read that.
I found it, it’s Millie by wolfram_sparks, the fluffy with the nail teeth is a secondary character and doesn’t appear much, but imagining getting nails hammered in the gums made me wince. It’s a great story tho.
Sweeeeeeeeet, THANK YOU!
That sounds to me like overhandling.
Nice love it ,game me joker to robin vibes when he asked which crowbar strike hurt more
Hey just to let you know, the smart-fluffy tag is for fluffies who are actually smart, not for smarties.
I wish mummah would have to eat him piece by piece through her mangled maw and then get told she’ll have to eat the next babbeh she tries to turn into a smarty.
Please dont kill the mummah, make her suffer with a broken jaw.
You don’t have to break it. Just dislocate it. The pain is unspeakable, and it makes eating a Sisyphean task.
Yeah, why are they so fragile?