an idea that gr1m had and i drew, the dung fluffies are fluffies that gather poop of bigger animals or any animals to make a ball, they roll this ball towards their nests, this is later used as food for the fluffies and foals, in some cases the fluffy can put the foals inside the ball to keep them safe from predators as it rolls it back to its nest.
Welcome to the site. When posting, make sure your name is in the title so anyone searching can find your work easily.
Distinct style. Reminds me of some of the greats. Hope to see more of your work!
FINALLY, Hasbio™ has come up with a proper fluffyfix
finally the ideal litterpal
The most logical evolutionary adaptation. Why not put all that shit to use?
Neat idea.
And welcome to the community.
So it puts it’s foals inside the ball of turds? Okay, first of all, good on them for putting the foals right where they belong, but second of all…
I now demand a follow-up comic in which a dung fluffy loses control of it’s turd ball and watches it careen down a hill towards certain death, with it’s spawn trapped inside.
Because fuck these shitful creatures for even daring to try and eke out an existence in our world.
Your idea gave me an idea: The fluffy loses control of the ball, but it rolls out of control near a natural gas vent and catches on fire. Now there is a giant flaming ball of shit containing slow-roasting fluffy foals.
Thanks for the mental image
Always liked the dung beetles due to how under the light they had very nice colors. Then again, imagine the sheer smell from those dung fluffs.
Why is the Medic in a ball of shit?
He’s German
Cute. I love the concept of fluffy subspecies. I can imagine Hasbio developed these Dung Fluffies specifically to clean up after ferals.