Fluffy Cholera (by fluffysomething)

[A/N: I loved the idea of @Kininin’s Dung Fluffies, and I’ve mixed it with an idea of my own! Enjoy :slight_smile: ]

Fluffy is a fluffy!

Fluffy rolls poopies and gives them to babies and special-friend – bestest nummies!

But, these tiny fluffies with pointy things are on the poopies… Yucky, but they don’t really do anything!

You roll your ball of poopies to your nest.

“Speshuw-fwend, hab nummies! Num so tummeh-babbehs be big an’ stwong!”

Special-friend eats the poopies and the little pointy-fluffies on them. You though you were seeing things at first, but no, those are fluffies. They’re talking about ‘sickies’ and ‘make worstest bad-poopies’. Silly tiny fluffies!

You are a poopie fluffy!

Not the fluffies with icky colors, but an actual poopie fluffy. You make babies in big fluffies’ tummies and give them bad poopies.

You can’t live very long without a big fluffy’s tummy, and you have splittie-babies coming!

“Hngh, Poopie maek babbehs…”

Oh! Baby plopped right off of you! The babies simply chirp and drink tummy-juices from the big fluffy.

You make more babies with your other poopie fluffy friends! Soon, the big fluffy’s tummy is full of your babies!

Big fluffy’s tummy is starting to make funny noises. Icky, but that means they’ll let you out of their tummy soon.

Fluffy’s special-friend is complaining of tummy-hurties. Babies aren’t ready to come yet, so it can’t be that…

“Huuhuu, tummeh wowstesh huwties…”

Special-friend made poopies! Poopies that look like water, with boo-boo juice in them!

“Speshuw-fwend otay? Fwuffy gib wickie-cweanies, nu smeww pwetty, buh wub speshuw-fwend…”

“Huuhuuhuu, wowstesh tummeh huwties!”

Special-friend is making more poopies than you can lick clean. Very yucky.

“Fwuffy nee’ wawa, huuhuu…”

Water is bad for fluffies! Very bad!

“Wawa bad fo’ fwuffies! Speshuw-fwend nu wawa!”

Special-friend goes to take a nap, and you both make a fluffpile as they sob.

Poopie fluffy is out of the big fluffy’s tummy! More poopie-fluffies made it to the other big fluffy because it gave that one lickie-cleanies! You simply look in the other big fluffy’s tummy.

More food for babies and poopie-fluffies!

Fluffy feels tummy-hurties, and special-friend is forever-sleepies. You think it’s because special-friend was talking about water, which obviously killed them.

“Huuhuu, Fwuffy maek bad poopies…”

Very bad tummy-hurties. You can’t even see how this could have happened. You were just rolling poopies like normal!

“Huu… Tummeh wowstesh huwties…”

You curl up and make sickie-water from your mouth. It smells like boo-boo juice.

Nestie smells like poopies.

Poopie fluffy doesn’t get it. Within a whole bright-time and a half, it and its friends’ two big fluffy homes are gone! You simply nestle your babies in your slimy fibers and walk into the floor-poopies.


New big fluffy home!

[Based off this thing, which fluffies definitely have due to being mostly shit by volume. Yay.]


Talk about Love in the Time of Cholera.


Lol, revamped sicky friends


I’d suggest adding the weirdbox tag to this.

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This is so grossly, weirdly cute. Love the chirpy tone. :black_heart:

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I see you’ve absolutely jumped at the opportunity to bring your COVID fluffies back… :woman_facepalming:

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