Easter egg foals [inspired by: Gardel] (by: Beast)

I don’t even know who Gardel is, sorry :sweat_smile:


Is a writer, he is in the site he write mostly bleakbox.


Oof, most certainly not my style, but thanks for the info.

The problem with these foal packs:
What do you do with five fluffies?

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Babbehs in an egg carton! I love the concept and their little faces, got a favourite in the yellow one xD

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One (or more) for each person in the family?..

If have one fluffy per family is expensive imaginé 5.

In my timeline, none of them would end up in the trash!

and you mark yourself as a neutralboxer with that mindset?

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I have plenty of ideas here: The Complete Ask FluffiesAreFood Column Catalog (pinned) - #2 by Fluff_Yu

They end up in the toilet instead. That’s not much of an improvement.


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We all end up either in the toilet or the grave anyway, don’t we?

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I am nothing if not on brand!

If your final destination is the toilet, you have probably made some very bad decisions in your life.

God I love how you draw foals, lil perfect munchkins

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I use neutralbox because I don’t know if hugbox should include fluffies suffering or dying. While it’s far from the crux of my story (ies in the near future), I find using it for character development or showing who the villain is, aswell as background, avoids making it the focus of the story while also giving it a purpose instead of “fluffy ded because human can, hahah fluffy is dumb”, which I personally dislike. It also helps to paint a more realistic view of the story.

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Not necessarily. You could have just had a run-in with the wrong people.

“A sandwich is a sandwich, but a Manwich is a meal.” – J. Dahmer

abuse characters are always the villains. the diferance between hugboxers, abusers and neuturalboxers for me personally, is that hugboxers don’t like the action of abuse characers, abusers enjoy being evil with the abuse character, and neuturalboxers are doing both depanding on the situation and their mood

5 pack? That’s to many for my taste! I’d want the middle front one only tbh

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