Emergency Commissions (InfraredTurbine)

Well, it took me some good days to think about making this topic. Really.
I’m not a big fan of making this kind of stuff for some reasons, I’d say it would say one’s desperate, but I think it would be necessary this month xD

just worried about how the year started crazy as fuck :d

So I decided I’m making a sale (emergency commissions) kek. For linearts


Yep, I’m taking commissions on linearts (no colors) for your fluffies, your ideas and so on, for $12 for linearts for a while
I DO fuc#ing love working on linearts, they’re fast, easy and depending on how much details you put on them :v

Being honest, I wouldn’t be happy to deliver linearts without at least some gray colors (like I added in the picture above) so it adds so much to the drawing.

Dunno if that’s permited, if not I can delete it, but I can also work on OC’s of yours that are not fluffies. I love drawing creatures/robots/monsters, so feel welcome to come and talk :v

That’s it, season is open, thank you xD

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!


Pretty sure it’s fine as long as you send it to them in DMs, as that isn’t posting non-fluffies.
And hope things work out, Turbine.


Thank you for the heads-up Karn
always a pleasure to see you around here after midnight


The one time i cant think of any ideas atm T-T

I need to think of stuff

It says $12 in one place, then $15 in another. Which is it?

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12, I didn’t see it was 15 there
thank you

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