Enfeeh pheromone - Part 2 (Commissioned for RandomAirPeople) (InfraredTurbine)

Three strike rule?

Not like she has options. If its a Hugbox shelter there’s mo incinerator, and if it wasn’t there’s a good chance the victim would be burned instead to just solve the problem quicker.
Also not unlike the public school system.


Mmm, yes suffer more please!

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If it were me I’d just take him home until he could be adopted out or find another option. It’s only one of them.


That’s likely her only recourse when it proves systemic.

Or euthanasia. Given its abuse comics that’s possible as an outcome.

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this is so true


Pillow them. Clearly those fluffies cannot be trusted with legs.


Or adoption but an equally clueless person. Or acquisition researcher/staff doctor. It’s an interesting issue in that there’s no easy hugbox way out of it. Which I think is a good thing.

Let’s say I talked to IRT and RAP to adopt this little one. I do it. So far I’ve not cheated on my fluffies fiction aside from size changes. So, to be true to character I have to understand that this fluffy will be unlikely to have any other fluffies in it’s life.

Also, I don’t know how one ESB will react to another. Just like you generally don’t smell yourself but do smell others? Will they mutually reject each other? Will one or both attempt to fight instinct realizing this one has been hurt too? Make it three. Then four. Then five. How will that unfold? (Now I’m wondering about the foster care system)

No easy, realistic answers. I could borrow Muffin’s magic wand (SURELY she has one) and fix everything but then I’d also be missing the point of the whole exercise regarding blaming the victim. Willfully missing the point.

And while I can be guilty of wanting to save every bebbeh and fluff, I try not to be guilty of that. It’s why I read Stwumpos stories and try to figure out what’s really being said. Same here. Otherwise I’m just like the lady there.


Its interesting in the second panel that the bullies assumed she would hurt them for their actions.

Pheromone or not, they are aware what they are doing is wrong and deserves punishment.

This contradiction in programming is what I’m seeking to explore in Simple Creatures.


Wrong? Maybe. Or they know it’s something humans don’t like and will punish for BUT HUUMAN NO UNNASTAN.

Edit: I see fear of pain, not remorse or acknowledgment of wrong doing.


RAAAAGE for the Foal!

( I want to either help him or start a band with the name “Rage for the Foal”)


They’re instantly aware that they deserve it from the human perspective

But they likely don’t feel its justified from the Fluffy side.

Contradiction. Like a Mummah killing an Alicorn and trying to hide the body. Its right but its wrong, as you said.

That does lend credence to the idea it can be reversed. With proper carrot/stick discipline, they’ll disregard all but the human perspective. Perhaps not fully happily, and its questionable if it can be achieved with fully Hugbox training since sometimes that means no sticking or boxing. But still possible.

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I still think it’s the old parental quote: “you’re not sorry you did it, you’re sorry you got caught.”


Samael nu wike how babbeh dis tweeted samael giv foweva sweepies to bad babbehs and dummie human


It turned out great once again Turbine, can’t wait for the next few parts.

So a couple things about this commission since there seem to be some questions regarding the behaviors and situations. In the case of the shelter worker, she most likely is doing the best she can with the allotted resources at her disposal. Many shelters IRL rely upon donations and volunteer work, and given the sheer amount of feral fluffies room is probably tight. It is also unknown if she knows he is a baby with EBS, or if it has crossed her mind. Many fluffies in the shelter are lost, scared, stressed, and confused; so incidents like these are not unheard of (foals not getting along).

So lets see where the story ends up for this unfortunate soul.


Just feel sad for the poor thing due to that abnormal pheromones get bullied and like kids they still bullied him cant do much cause of the nice lady gonna have their sorry shit again :cry:

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Enfied again?


Oh sorry it seems it was a trauma backflash I mistaken the green one gonna do something.

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Oh yeah, the violent beating was bringing a flashback on of when the incident happened. Trauma and what not is tricky business.


Imagine being such a loser sack of shit, that you litterally reject and discriminate someone that has been raped. They deserve the worst.


This Fluffy has gone thru hell and I honest I would adopt it

God Damn This is harsh af