Eren's Story, Part 12 (ElementAurix)

The morning light reached through the curtains to awake Eren. Sliding out from the sleeping pair on the bed, he rose to his feet. Carefully, he carried each of them to the waiting bed in the saferoom. They groggily adjusted and were quickly back to sleep, Bucky cuddled around behind Lillian.

Eren took this time to get some chores done that he had been neglecting. He also used this time to set up a collapsible pen out in the backyard, making sure to pick up any items on the ground around it.

Once back inside, he started placing various supplies he thought he might need for the day’s event by the back door. All the while, his mind wandered, trying to build up the nerve to reach out to a few people he had been meaning too.

Eren shot his brother-in-law a text first, sending general pleasantries. Afterwards, he did the same to an old acquaintance of his and childhood friend of his wife. Thinking to himself, “I hope she hasn’t changed her number.”

Surprisingly, he got a text back from Linda rather quickly.

Text Conversation


Hey Linda, this is Eren. How have you been?



Eren, wow. It’s been a while, I don’t think I’ve seen you since the funeral. I’m so sorry about what happened. It’s good to hear from you



Thanks, I appreciate that. It’s been rough but I’ve been managing. Better recently since I adopted some fluffies. Are you still doing work with them?



Fluffies? You? I wouldn’t have thought you’d have some. After the kids, I heard you weren’t doing well. Of course, I’m still a doctor. I’m even doing a veterinary practice at a fluffy hospital, FluffCare.



Oh wow, sounds like you’ve been doing well for yourself. Congratulations. And yeah, it was a recommendation from my therapist. Though I may have gone overboard and adopted five, the shelter must have seen me coming from a mile away.



Eren, that’s quite a lot to take on at once. You should probably come by, get them checked out. There’s a lot to consider with pets and with fluffies they can be tricky. Wouldn’t want to see you become worse mentally from stress



I definitely need to get them checked out soon. I know it may have been a mistake, but if I didn’t take them a known abuser would have taken whoever was left. Don’t exactly need anymore guilt weighing me down. Besides, they have really given me something to focus on in my free time, especially since one might be a smartie.



Smarties are really difficult, Eren. If it’s around other fluffies it could be a danger to them. You really should separate it from the rest. At any rate, I’d bring it in. Neutering a smarty can also be a good idea if it’s male, especially if it’s a foal. Males can have aggressive behavior and assault your other fluffies, even other stallions.



Well, he is a colt at this point but it seems this is a relatively new development. Because of that and him being young I’ve been directed to look into smartie-friend training. I know it isn’t a guarantee but he is surprisingly self aware so I want to give it a shot. He still has his sweet moments.



I can’t keep you from trying, I know that. But it won’t be easy. I’ll still want to get a look at all of them. Especially your potential smarty.



You said FluffCare, right? I’ll give them a call and see what is available. Thank you for being concerned and helping, maybe after meeting them you can give me your honest opinion. I might need that.



Yes, and of course, I’d do anything for Kali. You’re the one she cared more about than anything. And besides, it’s my livelihood. Also, I’ll never pull punches, you’ll always get it straight up. That might even be things you don’t want to hear. But if you’ve got a lot of fluffies, the whole is more than the sum of its parts.



Thanks Linda, I’ll see you soon. Take care.


“Well, that’s fortunate. Glad to see things have gone well for her.” Eren says to himself.

Sighing heavily, he looks at the time and thinks, “Well, let’s get breakfast out of the way. Noon will be here soon.”

Eren quickly got breakfast for Bucky and Lillian ready and kibble ready for the three outside, all up and awake to some degree. Jasper was looking a bit haggard, obviously having not slept well.

Watching from inside, sipping his morning tea at the window, Eren sees Jasper sullenly talk to Breeze and Slater. From their reaction afterwards, hugs and chipper attitudes, Jasper must have come to terms with his mistake and apologized.

“Good, he is going to need the support soon, I’m sure.” he thought while looking up the number to FluffCare and hitting dial.

Aston muttered loudly to himself after being buzzed in through the security gate, driving down the driveway with all his windows down and radio turned back up to max volume. “I’m not getting paid enough for this shit.”

The source of his annoyance coming from the back of his van, whatever sedatives were used had obviously worn off. Now this medium-sized box was leaking shit and piss from the corners and, while it sounded like a fluffy, it cursed, swore, and demanded like nothing he had ever expected. Thankfully, the music drowned out most of it.

As Aston pulled up he saw Eren coming out of his house. He quickly hopped out of the driver’s seat and threw open the back doors. He was thankful he secured the box well, preventing a bigger mess, though he wished he had given the thing inside a rougher ride.

Plopping the cardboard box on the ground right behind the van, Aston slams the doors shut again and hops back into the driver’s seat. Before Eren had even stepped off the final step of the porch Aston was driving off, leaning out the window hollering at Eren while flipping him off, “There you go you sick fuck. I hope you and that thing burn in hell together.”

As Aston reached the end of the driveway he felt relieved and finally turned down the music, thinking to himself “Who would possibly want something like that?”

Eren stood there in disbelief as he watched the van drive away, dumbfounded at the interaction.

As Eren approached the box he could hear the small hooves beating against the sides of it, all the while trails of brown and yellow liquids oozed from it. From inside he could hear a shrill voice, “Wet smawtie Joo oud dummehs! Gonna num aww yu fingies off yu nu-hooves!”

Eren grabs the sides of the box and carries it over to a collapsible metal dog kennel he set up at the side of the house. “Probably had a rough trip, huh.”

“Fuk yu! Dummeh hoomin! Joo put yu in sowwie shit bawks and gib sowwie-poopies on yu!” Joo screeched as Eren tore open the top of the box.

“Come on now, calm down and I’ll get you cleaned up.” Eren suggested as he reached in to scoop up the crap-covered, purple smartie.

Surprised by the sudden lunge, Eren wasn’t able to react in time as Joo hopped up and bit into the meaty part of his hand between his index finger and thumb. “What the…Oww!”

Joo quickly took the opportunity to latch her front hooves around Eren’s wrist to get leverage as she used her back hooves to rake down his forearm, the nicks and damage on her hooves causing several scrapes and scratches.

Eren panicked from the sudden pain as Joo ground her teeth, some jagged, into his hand and was thrown off balance as he swung his arm wide, shaking it, as hot liquid shit ran down the fresh wounds on his arm.

Joo finally released her hold as Eren slipped and fell on some of the freshly dropped crap. Instead of running, the hellgremlin charged at the prone man and beat its hooves on his side yelling, “Gib smawtie bestest sketties. Fugwy kunt! Gib wickie-cweanies tu poopie place nao ow Joo kiww dummeh!”

Gathering his wits as the assault turned much milder, Eren quickly snatched Joo up by her scruff causing her to hell, “Bad upsie!”

“Get in the fucking cage you repugnant terror.” Eren said, losing his cool. He quickly tosses Joo into the cage and latches the door shut.

“Wet Joo oud nao! Asshowe!” the hellgremlin grimaced out as she beat against the cage door.

Snapping at Joo, “No, chill the hell out. Eat something. I need to get these cuts cleaned.”

With the bowl of kibble pointed out to her, Joo dove headlong into it. After several hearty bite she kicks the bowl over and shouts, “Dis poopie kibbwe, gib sketti nao!”

Annoyed, Eren tosses a treat into the cage, “Here, eat that. It should taste like ‘sketti’.”

The poop-matted fluffy quickly gobbles down the treat before glancing back up, “Dummeh gib mowe tu smartie!”

“Sure, I’ll go grab you some more. I’ll be right back with them.” Eren says as he rolls his eyes, back turned to Joo as he walks away.

Thinking to himself, “Hope that kicks in soon, that thing is a nightmare to deal with…should I still do this?”

Twenty minutes later, Eren was back outside with a clean set of clothes, freshly showered, and wounds cleaned and dressed. Joo was soundly snoring, face pressed against the cage wall.

Carefully, he takes Joo out of the kennel and quickly gets to work cleaning her up. Pulling her from the wash tub, he uses the hose to rinse her a final time.

Eren looks Joo over as he dries her off, appreciating the multi-colored mane and surprisingly fluffy pink tail now that they were clean, “Shame, I’m sure some would really be interested in her if she wasn’t a complete nightmare. Probably the only reason she is still alive.”

With the purple, fire-maned fluffy tucked under his arm, Eren carries her to the backyard and places her in the pen. The three colts rush over from playing huggie tag as Eren covers the enclosure with a dark sheet.

Jasper asks as he gets close, “Daddeh, wat am dat?”

Standing next to Jasper, Breeze sniffs and adds, “Smeww wike fwuffy mawe?”

Nodding in agreement, before focusing in on Jasper, “That’s right, but more importantly she is a full blown smartie, a pretty severe case. Jasper, I want you to see what I’m worried about you becoming. It will be a part of your lesson today.”

Looking between Slater and Breeze, Eren continues, “I want you two to see it as well.”

Addressing the group again, “Alright, go play some more for now until Joo wakes up. Maybe you can get through to her.”, Eren did his best to hide a nervous grin.

Eren moved to make his way back inside, feeling the need to let Bucky and Lillian know what is going on as well. He wanted to open up the window in the saferoom so they could see and hear it.

A little over an hour had passed before Eren heard any stirring coming from the pen. He had posted up in a chair to read on the patio next to the window for the saferoom. He could hear Lillian singing to Bucky as they played and the three colts napping in the grass.

It started as some faint, groggy muttering and noisy eating of some cheap canned spaghetti, but it didn’t take long to start yelling loud enough to rouse the trio from their nap. Eren made his move over to the pen and pulled the dark sheet, inciting a loud “Eep”.

Joo quickly recovered, puffing her sauce-covered cheeks, “Why dummeh hoomin maek tu bwite!”

Eren just ignored the fluffy and made his way back to his chair, Breeze quickly running up to the side, “Hewwo nyu fwiend! Wan pway?”

Joo adjusted her attention to the dark blue fluffy, taking his appearance in, “Dummeh wingie, nu-see pwace wan pway? Pway wit sowwie-hooves!”

The purple hellgremlin launches herself at the pen’s side, getting her legs through the fencing enough to land a hit on one of Breeze’s mostly healed burn wounds, “Ass fuk! Ugwy fwuffy need ged huwties!”

Breeze lets out a surprised squeak as he lets out a squirt of poop behind himself before stumbling back into it and falling on his side, leaving the colt sobbing as he tries to get back up, “Huu. Why fwuffy meanie and gib hurties?”

Jasper quickly moved to position himself between the pen wall and Breeze, puffing his cheeks at Joo, “Why mawe am bein’ meanie tu bwutheh?”

Joo flashes a quick grin and says, “Dummeh wan pway su smartie pway.”

Jasper replying, “Jaspeh nu wet yu huwt hewd. Nu mowe pway wike dat.”

The hellgremlin responds back, assessing the red colt as she does, “Hewd? Dis nu am hewd. Dis am smawtie Joo wand nao.”

Seeing Jasper was out of reach to grab, Joo moves to present herself to Jasper by pressing her rear against the wall, looking to lure him closer, “Gib enfies dummeh, Joo ged gud feews and maek nu-dummeh hewd.”

Plopping down on his rump, Jasper says, “Dis am daddeh’s wand and smartie-fwiend Jaspeh’s hewd. Nu wan gib meanie mawe speciaw huggies.”

“Nu cawe bout speciaw huggies, Joo take enfies when Joo wan enfies. Yu nu am smartie, yu am enfieboi. Nu knu hao gib gud feews tu Joo? Dummeh, need sowwie-hooves tu wearn?” Joo demanded.

Wincing at the words, Jasper hops back into his hooves as he puffs his cheeks in defiance. As he stands he flips his mane to expose his horn in as threatening a manner as he could manage, “Nu! Yu nu ged enfies! Yu am bad fwuffy and wowstest, dummeh smawtie!”

Looking back at Jasper, Joo loudly lets out a cackle, “Wat am dat? Yu take a pointie fwom wittwe babbeh?”. Joo lets out a mocking gasp, “Dat why yu nu wan enfies, yu am jus a wittwe babbeh. Yu am a jus enfie babbeh, ged sowwie poopies, gib smartie wickie-cweanies.”

All the while, Lillian and Bucky were huddled together, watching in disbelief. Slater had moved over to Breeze, hugging him to try and comfort the tears away. Eren sat back in his chair, fighting the urge to stay quiet and intervene.

Joo starts hopping around the pen, poorly, yet loudly, singing her taunts, “Enfie babbeh, dummeh am wittwe enfie babbeh, wittwe tinie pointie, nu knu hao tu enfies…”

Tightening his brows, he retorts, “Nu am babbeh, am big cowt. Fwuffies am jus wan pway an wuv an huggies. Why Joo nu wisten? Why nu twy be gud?..Jaspeh…Jaspeh hatechu!”

Pausing her prancing, “Hate Joo? NU, JOO HATECHU!”

With the sudden shift, Joo went back to bashing against the pen wall repeatedly, shouting “FUK, SHIT, KOK, ASS, TITTIES, BONEH, BISH, MUFF, PUSSY, KOK, BUTTHOWE, BAHBWA STWEISAN!”

Eren blinks stoically, confused by the outburst, while all the fluffies wince at each word shouted.

Turning her rear back at Jasper “Joo wiww kiww dummeh, ged sowwie-poOPIES!”

At this display Eren was on his feet trying to rush over as her tail lifted but he didn’t even make it halfway as a torrent of liquid shit showered the wide-eyed unicorn. Unfortunately, Breeze and Slater weren’t out of the splash zone but only received a smaller amount.

Thinking enough had been done, Eren stepped back to grab the sheet and used it to cover the pen as Joo continued to shout and rant. He grabbed the sobbing Jasper off the ground, holding him at a distance, telling the other two to follow him around to the washtubs.

There were plenty of tears to be had during the bathing, but surprising little was from the water. Jasper repeatedly apologized to Eren and both of the colts. “Huu… Nu wanna be bad smawtie. Huu.”

Once cleaned, Breeze and Slater were quick to console the defeated fluffy. Wrapping them up together in a clean towel, Eren carried them back to their little house, placing them inside to calm down and sleep.

He went to console the pair inside next, choosing to ignore the screaming terror for the time being.

It was mid-afternoon by the time Eren heard back from the person adopting Joo. He wondered what kind of person would want to deal with this thing long term and why. What kind of future was Joo in store for? He didn’t want to think too deeply on it, she probably deserved whatever it was but it was still unsettling. If faced with something this severe again he would rather just make it a quick end and be done with it.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Eren headed back onto the patio and grabbed what he would need to get her out of his hair.

Lifting one side of the dark sheet, Eren saw Joo move over to him.

Unsurprisingly, Joo elected to continue her verbal assault, “Wet Joo out bish wimp-dik!”

Having little patience left, Eren grabbed her by the scruff as he continued, “Suk my diwty dik swut! Wet Joo gu!”

After pausing a moment to consider, he says to Joo, “You don’t even know what you’re saying do you? You are basically just a shit-spewing parrot, aren’t you?”

Angrily flailing, “Joo nu am dummeh! Yu am shit-spooing dummeh hoomin! Wiww swit yu thwoat yu fukin’ whowe!”

Eren let out an exhausted chuckle. When Joo went to respond, he shoved another sedative treat into her mouth. He held her mouth shut until she swallowed it, kicking and fighting the whole time, releasing piss and shit all over him again.

Once satisfied that the treat was swallowed he quickly shoved her into a carrier and latched the door. Ignoring anything more that she said, he carried her out front to the driveway. After placing it down, he covered the carrier.

Talking over the hellgremlin, Eren stated, “Goodbye, Joo. You won’t be missed.”

Eren turned to his porch, lamenting having to shower yet again and questioning if this today was even worth it in the end. He knew one thing for sure, he didn’t want to tell anyone about this, especially Linda.

Eren was waiting on the porch after buzzing the person through the gate to his driveway. It had been about thirty minutes since Joo was given the sedative and could be heard snoring from where the carrier was left next to the driveway.

As the old red pickup truck pulled closer, his brother-in-law was calling his cell, “Hey Jay, good to hear from you.”

“Hey, bro. You holding up okay?” Jay said.

Since the sun was going down the truck’s headlights were shining in his direction, making it difficult to see the driver but he still waved his bandaged hand to greet them. “I’ve actually been feeling a lot better lately.”

“Glad to hear it, I know it’s been hell for you the past few months.”

As the driver slips out of the driver’s seat, Eren calls out, “She is there in that carrier next to you under the cover, the sedation should only last a little bit longer. Be warned, she is a complete nightmare.”

From what Eren could tell, the person was relatively short. Their grey-hued silhouette seems to have two long ears and gleams of red and blue shone from their eyes. Thinking to himself, “Must be one of those hoodies with animal ears teenagers wear.”

As they place the carrier in the back of the truck, they excitedly say, “Thanks.”, before hopping back in and quickly taking off back down the driveway.

Turning his attention back to his phone call, “Sorry about that, Jay. Had someone swing by to pick up some unwanted trash for me. But anyways, I was hoping to have you come by and hang out soon, maybe talk about starting up the projects around the property again.”

Jay cheerfully says, “Yeah, I should be freed up within the next week or two. Would be great to see you again.”

“Alright Jay, just text me when you want to swing by. Love you.” Eren says.

“Will do, love you too, dude.” Jay says before hanging up the call.

Tucking his phone in his back pocket, Eren went back inside. The boys would be up soon and he needed to see how today impacted them and figure out what to do next.

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(Joo is a character created by @angry19 and was adopted by @Eded_ted who then put her up for adoption as well. Joo took a quick stop with me before going to @Thatmotherfluffer who has adopted them. Thank you for everyone involved.)


Well Joo is quite a character. Seems like she picked up a lot of swearing from humans and likes using it to be mean. Probably was directed at her or around her.

I think Jasper’s got a rude awakening now, that turning out like her certainly wouldn’t be good for other members of the herd, not to mention the impression that she doesn’t seem happy at all.

I hope I get to see more of the rest of the fluffies’ reactions to Joo next chapter. Leaving me hanging here. But also interested to see how Eren’s texting friend comes into the story. :wink:


Lord knows the worst slur ever is “Barbara Streisand.”


The next part will focus heavily on the thoughts and reactions of the fluffies at the start.

And yes, Jasper got an awakening. But will he use it to continue his path of improvement or use it as an example to become the world’s most terrifying hellgremlin!



The real question is what is it a reference to?

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No! Not the hellgremlin path. That would be most unfortunate. :hooboy: