Eren's Story, Part 14 (ElementAurix)

[So I’ve been struggling to pick up exactly where I left off months ago so I made the decision to switch things up with this chapter. This will be more of an overview as opposed to being in-depth. This will be to facilitate a time jump to set things into motion to a pick where I both want it to be and to give me a semi-fresh start.]

It had been three weeks since Eren had adopted his little fluffy brigade and it had been a journey so far. It had taken a couple separate trips but he got a clean bill of health from Linda for all the young fluffies.

Bucky had fully healed and his fluff had grown back well enough to hide any scarring and the lack of a scrotum wasn’t obvious unless you were looking for one. Blood tests confirmed that his one internal testicle was providing most of his hormonal needs but the protein shakes (and whatever else was added to them) the young colt survived on in the alleyway kicked his growth into overdrive. Supplements were now being added to his diet to keep up with his needs, at least until he reached adulthood. Linda confirmed that the likelihood of Bucky having children of his own were unrealistic without aid from exactration from a lab. His general kindness and consideration for others, especially Lillian, were refreshing to the fluffy vet.

Lillian’s wounds were substantial but were healing without infection. Linda helped sand down the jagged remains of her broken horn, carefully smoothing it out to little more than a prominent bump. Her wounds from having her wings torn out left her back tender and would likely be that way for the rest of her life, otherwise the breaks were clean enough not to cause future issues. Lastly, Lillian’s rear leg stumps were nearly completely healed over, the shelter had done amazing work given the situation. Between her gliding bed, wheeled harass, and Bucky carrying her around helped keep the wound sites from any unnecessary rubbing. Other than those healing injuries Lillian was completely intact and happy and healthy, which also caught Linda off guard. These types of injuries often lead fluffies to deep seeded depression but other than being overly attached to Bucky she was a shy but normal fluffy.

Linda then took a few minutes to ask a few questions, mainly a mix of how they were enjoying their new home and their interactions with Jasper.

Afterwards, with the two of them cleared, Eren awkwardly gave Bucky and Lillian permission to be a couple. Thankfully, Linda was there to help take over the conversation, sparing Eren of further embarrassment. Though he was not spared from future awkwardness the first time he overheard the pair making a distinct “enf” sound just two days later from the playroom and had to make it clear rules of not engaging in it while he was in the room and never in his bed or bedroom.

With the initial pairs’ exam over, Eren dropped them off at home and returned with Slater and Breeze. Looking at the severity of their injuries had Linda momentarily gobsmacked but she quickly collected herself.

Slater quickly took to clinging against Linda’s arm as she began examining him, mistaking it all for a hug. This made the process of getting a closer look at the wounded rump easier. The scar tissue was thick and tender, many unlikely to ever regrowth the fluff on them. After a few x-rays to check for possible unseen damage and to look at the state of the severed tail, Linda gave the unfortunate news that there were several bone fragments splintered at the base of his spine. He would need some minor surgery to help remove them before they caused him any more pain or issues. Other than that and the chubby fluffy needing some more physical activity he was given a clean bill of health.

The little blue pegasus was up next and Breeze’s upbeat nature quickly brought Linda a bit of relief. Combing over the burned skin, she was happy at the rate they were healing, patches of whitish and light gray fluff growing back over those spots. Structurally, the wings were functional and without damage, most of the damage being superficial at this point but, thankfully, the fluff and feathers were beginning to grow back with barely any bald patches. Then came the bad news, once the eye was examined it was confirmed to be dead. It needed to be removed before it started to rot and infect the surrounding tissue.

Once again, Linda began her questions again while the operating room was being set up. This time the primary focus was on Jasper, his smartie-friend training, and being in his herd. Afterwards, they were each rewarded with a tasty sketti-flavored treat and not even five minutes later both were fast asleep. Eren made a request to add an impromptu vasectomy while they are under, willing to pay for the more expensive but reversible alteration. During the operations Eren made his way home to grab the final fluffy, the only one that truly worried Dr. Neustadt.

It took a bit of continuous reassurance to keep Jasper clam during the trip by himself. The worry that he wasn’t doing a good enough job and his new daddy might be getting rid of him was easy to read on the little colt and seemed to be something he couldn’t shake. He was finally eased a bit once arriving at FluffCare and more so when being brought to a room with a sleeping Breeze and Slater.

Linda Neustadt began with a basic exam, asking questions right along as she did. Eren noticed that she repeatedly referred to him as “Smarty’’ when given the chance only to be rebuked casually by Jasper with “Nu am smawtie, am smawtie-fwiend” each time, bringing a soft smile to Eren. After several minutes, Jasper was taken to get a few x-rays taken and some blood drawn. Words of encouragement and a couple treats help keep him calm and his courage up and once finished he asked to be put with his herdmates to give them hugs and to watch over them as they slept.

Linda brought Eren into her office to go over the results of the day. She was pleased with the overall physical and mental health of all five of the fluffies and was happy with the results of the surgeries. After the text conversation she had been rather worried about Jasper showing signs of Smarty Syndrome but after the interviews with each of the fluffies and speaking directly to Jasper she was surprised with what she found. Pleasantly surprised at that, Jasper seemed to actively be resisting the negative progression into the Smarty Syndrome, even when provoked and tempted. He was being relatively humble along with being thoughtful and caring to the others, more so that one would expect in a smarty, and seemed to be shockingly self-aware. She wasn’t completely sure what Eren was going but she encouraged him to continue, with caution of course.

Next came more surprising revelations about Jasper. The x-rays had shown that the lumps on his back were indeed undeveloped wings but thankfully, it didn’t seem to cause him any pain or discomfort. The undeveloped wings and the undersized horn were both signs of something else and the blood work only confirmed it. Jasper was carrying and expressing the runt gene meaning that the fact he was alive was extremely rare. Those with the runt gene often are either stillborn or die shortly after birth from either being too undeveloped to survive, being outright rejected by the mother, or passing from not being able to absorb enough nutrients. Jasper seemed to have two things going in his favor. The first being that his wings didn’t develop meaning that he wasn’t subject to the normal treatment that alicorns receive. The second was the fact to happened to be the bestest baby due to the luck of the draw of his colors, meaning that he was given extra milk which made up for the poor nutrient absorption. He would need extra food and vitamins supplemented into his diet but he would otherwise grow to be healthy at this point, though his horn growth would permanently be stunted.

Next came the talk of intentions. She understood the general reason he took them all in but what was he going to do now, take in any and all wayward fluffies? This was meant as a joke but was always the source of her final surprise of her day when the response was “Well, kinda…I had been looking into options around here and wasn’t happy with the results. I’ve been talking to my account and I think I was to invest my money in a few things, but primarily…a fluffy Sanctuary.”

Linda stared at Eren in disbelief before letting out a chuckle. “So be it, here is what you will need to know…”

The following Monday Eren made good on his intent to visit Mr. Skia Diamon, bringing Jasper along with him. The day was spent letting Jasper pair up with one of Skia’s fluffies that had almost finished his smartie-friend training, a unicorn stallion with a muted yellow coat with a few bright yellow spots on its flank with an orange man and tail and lovely purple eyes.

Jasper actually seemed a bit timid at first, probably from the past experience with Joo, but eventually took to the other smartie-friend and even started mimicking him. While both were friendly with one another there was always an air of awkwardness between the two, each occasionally brushing against one another and Eren had noticed that the smartie-friend would pull out a chew toy from his little vest during the quiet moments away from Jasper.

Eren spent his time split between checking on his fluffy and the other fluffies in the saferoom and discussing training tips with Skia. All the while his head was putting together his various ideas and thoughts, happily smiling as each plan came together.

By the end of the day Jasper was worn out from the happy, happy to have made new friends but was sad to leave them, he was fast asleep not even two minutes after being in the car. About halfway back home Eren could hear Jasper softly crying and quickly asked the young colt what was wrong.

“Jaspeh was habing nice sweepie-pictuwes of new otheh smawtie-fwiend den wakies tu nu see fwuffy hewe. Gib Jaspeh heart-huwties and nu knu wai.” Jasper mewed.

Eren was quick to comfort his small red colt, getting him to the point of sleeping shortly after.

A few moments after confirming Jasper was deep asleep Eren pulled out his phone and made a quick call. “Mr. Skia, Jasper and I were really taken by your fosters today…so much so that I would like to adopt them. Which ones? Well, the smartie-friend for one and any others that would be comfortable with wanting to go with him and that you think would be a good fit…Yes, just text me which others you have in mind. Give me about a week to get things ready for them if you wouldn’t mind dropping them off. Oh, and would you let him know his new daddy has a name for him, Endeavor.”

After hanging up he looked down and pet Jasper gently as he continued the drive home. This would definitely be an endeavor and he hoped Jasper enjoyed his Endeavor, hopefully they could help and learn from one another.

As his mind wandered he remembered to call his brother-in-law, he needed to get to work on a few projects if he was going to see this whole thing through the right way.

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[I think this is a good point to leave off at. The next chapter will also have a small summarized section and then will pick up as being in my normal style. I have a lot planned up ahead and am excited for it.

Wanted to take a few moments to thank some people. Fristly, @eirinym for letting me use Dr. Linda Neustadt from the Fenrir Story. Secondly, @GlitchedDuo for letting me use Skia Diamon and I’m adopting 4 fluffies created by them. Pictures and names included below.]





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I’m so excited to see that you posted! What a great chapter, I can’t wait to see these new fluffies being added in and see how they all interact!


Thanks, I’m really excited to get back into it and have so much planned ahead. :grinning: So many situations and so many new faces. I have collected more fluffies then I should admit for this series :eyes:


Are you taking designs? If so, have any needs/requests?

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Designs for…fluffies for the sanctuary?