Explaining The Fluffy-Verse to Busy Fluffies: Part 3 by Chikahiro

((This is not canon, not intended to be canon, and may not be used as canon. Its simply an interpretation of how I view things about Reddit/Fluffy Community regarding canon. Part two is here: Explaining The Fluffy-Verse to Busy Fluffies: Part 2 by Chikahiro))

Fern head shakes green and pink. “T’inkie pwace hab hurtsies. Wan gu sweepies, daddeh.”

I smile. “Go right ahead, sweetie.”

My little micro-Pegasus walks up to my open hand and curls up. Laptop is put to the side for now, and I place her into her terrarium. It’s a nice size, fits in my book-case. There’s a HuggyToy Micro in the middle of it she drags to the little nest in the corner, walks around it a time or two, then lays down.

“Mint, are you ready for bed as well?”

“Yesh pwease, daddeh.”

“What about you, Hot Dog?”

“Can shtay up wiff daddeh some mowe?”

“Sure, that’d be fine. Upsies!” I put Mint in the terrarium. She waddles up to Fern and the HuggyToy, cooing upon joining the little fluff-pile. A quick click turns on a white-noise maker. For reasons that don’t make sense to me they seem to like the sound of falling rain despite the typical aversion to water.

Hot Dog’s eyes dance between me and the laptop, tail wagging. I smile, sit back on the bed, and see where we’re at.

Oh, a message is there. I click on it, opening up a video-chat window.

“Hewwo daddeh.”

“Hello Hipolyta. Hello Napoleon.”

“Oooh, dat daddeh’s fwuffy?”

Hot Dog looks at the screen, and is surprised to see a cartoon talking to her. “Dis no tee-bee.”

“Ooh, daddeh’s fwuffy no dummeh,” Napoleon exclaimed.

“Bu’ is smawteh?” Hipolyta asked.

“Wai caw-toon tawk abowt Howt Dog?”

“Howt Dog? Dat fun namsies. Wike it,” Napoleon thought aloud. “Daddeh gib yu namesies?”

I pick Hot Dog up, putting her on my lap so she can see better. She’s still bewildered at the fact two line-drawings are talking to her. I make the video chat full screen, but instead of making the image larger it just expands things so she can see the white background behind them.

She looks at me. “Howt Dog no unnastan… how caw-toon tawk to Hipowita when teebee caw-toon no can?”

“Cause daddeh make us, dats why.” The little dot that is Napoleon bounces off of Hipolyta’s head. “Napoweon an’ Hipowita no wike odda fwuffy.”

“No am speshul, doh,” Hipolyta said, raising a hoof. “Jus’ not same.”

“I made Napoleon and Hipolyta to tell funny stories. Silly stories. Dummy stories.”

“An dey soooo dummeh!”

“Bewy dumb. Bu’ dats wai fun. Hey, wa’ch dis…” Napoleon hopped closer to Hipolyta.



“Napoweon no am babbeh,” the mare deadpanned lifting up her hoof. “Iz Hipowita’s speshul fwen.”


I hold Hot Dog, kissing her on the head. “Its okay.”

“Oowies…” Napoleon groans. The little dot shakes a bit then hops up again. “Aww bettah.”

“Napoweon an’ Hipowita wike cawtoons. No big deaw.”

Hot Dog, still confused, looks at me. “How cum?”

“Their world is like the cartoons with the fast birdie and silly coyote. The way their world works is like that.”

“So dey no get owwies and huwtsies.”

“Not like us, no.”

I see her eyes go down, looking at where her hind legs were. “Nu faiw.”

Hipolyta is the first to speak up. “Twu, it nu faiw. Sowwy.”

“Daddeh, whea yu fin’ Howt Dog?”

I shift a bit. She was young when I adopted her, and I hadn’t quite planned on talking about it just yet. “I adopted her from a shelter another Creator has. Her original owner was an abuser, and hurt her legs very badly. Unfortunately they couldn’t be saved.”

Hot Dog looks at me, and I can’t quite read her face. She looks back at the screen, and simply says, “Wan go sweepies. Dawk time awweady.”

Hipolyta and Napoleon go silent for a moment, watching as I put Hot Dog into her Pillow-Bed.

“I think I better head to bed myself you two. We’ll talk later?”


“That got awkward quickly.” :stuck_out_tongue: